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 Dec 2016 Lotus
I caught my man panhandling I handed him my last thread of common sense, he only wanted the dollar
That's all I had left, reds an ugly number
Sensitivity is rarer than ever when you can barely feed you're kids on those old vendettas
I bought a bottom level house when the promise of higher living was brighter than sun setters
Told my girl we'd be living better
Now her head wrap, look like Erykah and I stole the fabric from the thrift shop, the irony did not register
Ain't no love in the struggle
Even less in hip hop
But I'll keep ******* around with **** until my ******* mix tape pops
 Dec 2016 Lotus
So introverted no one heard it
I got existential
My man said *******'re thoughts
Ignorance and jealousy gets perverted
So let it go, it's useless
Besides, the medicine is already rolled
Anyways I walk with a crew too thin to get deep
Wise men walk in threes
Protection is needed to get home
I walk with a chip and a heavy heart
Makes it ever harder to breathe
My man said get you're head right, the words formed
Poetry evolved though I never did intend to
He said he didn't understand me
I said better yet
You need to see to believe
Hard to imagine knowing what we've been through
Poor circumstances breed survival that's a fact you can see in the winters cold
Today's fresh start is part of yesterday's mural painted as the gallery closed
So I wake with a fresh water splash I can feel the revitalization from the soul to my toes
I could admit to the doubts
But the patron to the fam, should never let it be known
I came in the door wearing the humidity of another wage week
Weekends are the oasis to the poor
Drink the collected flavors
Roll up under umbrellas
While I share with you my latest brainstorm
 Dec 2016 Lotus
Daniel James
 Dec 2016 Lotus
Daniel James
She bought wine glasses especially –
Smoked salmon and prosecci -
We woke late and clung inside the covers
To the moment like long lost lovers
With nothing but the need for oxygen.
Then we watched films till late at night
Fell dreaming in each other’s eyes
And took that glorious day turned night
To be together nowhere.
Nowhere else at all.
 Dec 2016 Lotus
Wilful Wisps
 Dec 2016 Lotus
We converse without words...
Just shudders and crests of bated breaths.
Tingles that resonate between echoing beats.

We speak without voice...
Just deep gazes that peer endless into bottomless eyes.
Subtle blinks that freeze the ticks of relentless hands.

We talk without sounds...
Just slight quivers between parted lips.
Holding the other captive in a gentle clasp.

We part with no farewell...
Just two wilful wisps darting on separate courses.
Knowing that paths that meander may someday converge.

 Nov 2016 Lotus
Ahmad Cox
At all times
We are loved
At all times
We are looking
Inside trying to
find the truth
At all times
We doubt
We wonder
Why we are here
At all times
We question
We wonder
Why things
Are the way
They are
At all times
We must
We are whole
We are loved
To make it
Through the day
You must
At all times
My friend so
You can make
It through the day
Never forget the
Lessons from your past
At all times
Never let go
Of who you are inside.
Something to remember.
 Nov 2016 Lotus
Krusty Aranda
 Nov 2016 Lotus
Krusty Aranda
I was so eager to know you
that I forgot to meet you first.
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