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  Jul 2015 LostNotFound
Riley Ayres
She is evil,
her manipulative ways have warped my mind,
she is evil,
she has caused me to commit an unforgivable regicide,
she is evil,
her heart is stone, and it calls me to be executed,
She is evil,
her lies have made me lost, my sanity to be disputed.

I am evil,
this story has twisted me into a monster,
i am evil,
my body taken over by a ruthless imposter,
I am evil,
corrupted by my blood thirsty hands,
I am evil,
in my wildest dreams - these werent my best laid plans.

He is evil,
my best friend, who fears i have played foully,
he is evil,
isn’t what i’m doing sick and cowardly?
he is evil,
the father who brought out my fatal flaw,
he is evil,
silence! he speaks no more!
  Jul 2015 LostNotFound
Carmen Reed
Body clad in golden armor,
Auburn hair in tumbling waves,
Silver boots in perfect position,
Bow and arrow poised and ready.

Brave and strong,
Filled with courage,
Full determination,
Pure perseverance.

She is a warrior princess,
Filled with fire,
Blessed with beauty and
  Jul 2015 LostNotFound
Nena Twedell
Fearless Warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless warrior dawn your armor
Be prepared for all things-Good and bad
Fearless Warrior hold your head up high
Don't get discouraged
This battle will only be for a little while
Fearless warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless Warrior dawn your armor
Hold true to your heart's desires
Fearless Warrior
Don't forget to look around you
Don't forget you have backup
Fearless Warrior stand your ground
Prepare for battle
Fearless Warrior remember
you don't always have to be fearless
  Jul 2015 LostNotFound
Zoe Woods
she sits in front of this glass echo
feeling perverse by its reverse
as she traces the line of silver tears
on this stranger's face

she wonders whether years of stillness
will yield sings of aging
as she wastes away watching
for a better person to take her place
I line up my pins
Stand back
Admire them
Just to knock them down
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