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  Jan 2016 Lex Marie
John michalski
We laid under the
crepuscular light,
That shined like the moon.
Entwined together like a knitted sweater,
Her heart is my home.
With sapphire eyes,
She stared into galaxies far
beyond mine.
To cascade through her evocative thoughts would take me centuries to understand her,
And the way she looks at me.
I get lost for words,
And tend to overlook the feelings that may change like capricious weather.
We bloom like naked flowers that never got the chance to grow,
Or share our beauty with the world.
We drink too much,
But never enough to see our
future spin like ballerinas.
We watch the sun come up
over the horizon.
The dawn of a new age,
Where we bathe in suicidal waves
that spill like blood onto distant shores.
How we pretend to be in love,
When love is never enough
to say I do.
Lex Marie Dec 2015
He was always risky
Trembling legs my eyes grow misty
Loving him felt like being tipsy,
Only because he is just like whiskey.

He burns my throat when I utter his name
Blistering my core with a seemingly eternal flame.
My love, I don't know what he became
For loving him has been my out most shame.

He makes me sick, but I love this pain
That only he and whiskey can make me feel again, and again.
the hurt is sweet, like sugarcane,
Consuming me. From it - I will never be able to abstain.

— The End —