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 Mar 2015 Leslie Zhang
JR Weiss
it's been
a slow morning.
the wind started early
sweeping away the small stretches of clouds
and leaving dusty blue
for miles and miles
i watch my neighbors
take out the trash
kiss the wife
leave for work.

the old woman to the left
invites me over for coffee
and we talk about
all those years ago
when she was something.
she tells me her stories
of her trips to india
and her cats chasing the rats
that call our houses homes.

she has things to do
and i understand
lying, i say
so do i.

back at home
i wonder
in those years
when i'm old
and i look back
what will i see?

i'm no one special
never really have been.
never been on a trip
never had a great love.
the only stories i have to tell
are of hearbreak
and hard times.
but i guess
someone has to tell
those kinds of stories
all i have now
is ten toes in the sand
and the sun on my
chest, face and shoulders
i'm completely contaminated by
this bottle in my left hand,
the first drink i've had in days.

last night i spent
two hours knuckle-deep
in your fishnets, our tongues
were playing twister while
your daughter slept upstairs.

she was dreaming
of a car on fire
and a house exploding with
magnificent light,
downstairs you were wetter
than the deepest ocean
and i had the warmth of
your whisper in my ear.
I aimed the old car
south and
ran as many red
lights as my luck
would allow.

Kept my sunglasses
on as I
listened to Frusciante
nothing but the
truth all through
the magic of
my radio.

Left the madness of
the city and
entered the
land where
atomic  bombs
and peoples sanity
have both
been tested.

Desert roads
with desert lies,
like oasis and
promises made
in Vegas.

I took a toot
off the side of
my hand like
I seen them do in
the movies.

Wasted the better
part of my stash
on this foolish

This ride I'm
taking is real.

On my way
I'll be looking for a
wild young girl
to roll my joints
and laugh at my
jokes,give my eyes
a place to rest in.

I'm looking for
a lovely from the
low side of town.
Whose  spirit has
yet to be broken
and whose mind
isn't already
filled with their

Watched as the
California landscape
turned from
beaches and tropical
palms to
cactus taller than
most men
and dry forgotten
land that
most come to
die in.

From congested
freeways that hold
the drivers hostage.
To wide open
desert highways
where its safe to
drink straight from
the bottle without
that pestering public
servant there to
ruin your ride.

If I make it out of
this dam
desert alive
with my wallet
and my sanity still
I'll look back
at it all
as just another
And try
not to give
in to
ever going
 Mar 2015 Leslie Zhang
Frank Key
Well, we could tell ghost stories.
Or we could tell the really scary ones.
What makes you?
What broke you and made you?
Can I hold you and feel the scars?
 Oct 2014 Leslie Zhang
Am and me poestry

fuckedy uppy


I go on and on and...

per    man    ently
one or two
can't stop

wrought rusty

i ron

beer smelly

big bellied
I drin k to
 Aug 2014 Leslie Zhang
I don't know whether it was a veil of one a.m. or the double vision induced by ***, the strong grasp of gravity or the coursing wave alcohol.
Probably all of the above.

I found myself strayed from the group, walking along the edge of the river. The rocks were not friendly to my fawn-like knees. It was the first week of September, the fall just dipping its toes into the normal 90 degree routine.

My cousin, Cameron, had decided to throw a party for the end of summer, before everyone went their separate ways for school. I was about to start my freshman year at Arkansas. It was a new place, new school, new people. No one else from my high school had decided to go there and in the beginning, the school sounded perfect. Away from everyone, starting anew. But to be honest, I was scared.

The bonfire was no one to be seen and I had come to the conclusion that I was, in fact, lost.  All I knew was that my temporary vertigo was about to get the best of me. I fell onto my knees, the *** previously consumed expelled out of my body. There was so much ***.

Once the vomiting ceased, I rolled over onto my back.

I remember that it hurt. Everything hurt. And with no control, I burst into tears. Curled into the fetal position, I cried, chest aching, stomach churning.

I let myself feel so alone. And I was alone, I always have been. I just never let myself acknowledge it because then that would be all I would ever think about.

No matter how many people promise friendship and loyalty, I will always find myself crying alone in the middle of the night. I have learned that I cannot force love out of someone incapable of emotion. That sometimes circumstance tears those away from you. And then there are those that have been with you for what has seemed like forever that just decide they no longer want you.

I was crying because I couldn't do anything about it. I can't make them stay. I only have myself.

And I do not make good company.
"The best memories are like overplayed mixtapes: they lose clarity and detail over time, yet they seem to sound better the older they get."*

We listen to the fourth round of Trois Gymnopedies
on our break from the second round of *******

Our limbs entwined, in part because we like it
partly because we're stuck together by sweat and--

The air is thick with scents foul and fragrant
as furniture music fills the gaps in between

Every breath stalls to anticipate the notes
fingers twitch slightly on the downbeat

Ten minutes ago, we made our own music
Ten minutes ago, we were in perfect harmony

She stares at the ceiling as I stare on her lips
I watch her mumble the lyrics Satie never wrote:

A pack of cigarettes,
a pack of cigarettes
Could you please buy from the store?*

We're taken over by uncontrollable laughter
as uncontrollable as the trembling when we came

She shifts to her side, and my arms are freed
I stand and pick my jeans from the floor

I take my time buttoning up my shirt,
soaking in the view before I run the errand

She lies naked still, as I put a jacket on
I leave on the fifth round of the Gymnopedie
It seems
that the moon is

Mars must have
whispered something
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