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Aug 2017 · 104
Laura Duran Aug 2017
Promises kept
Promises broken
Silence so loud
Words left unspoken

Bed feels so empty
Your absence feels wrong
Nights spent alone
Longing so strong

Everything's over
Before it's begun
Why am I lonely
If you were the one

You said goodbye
With the look in your eyes
Yet the words that you spoke
Were nothing but lies

Told tales of forever
Happy endings to be
But your words were illusions
Fairy tales and fantasy

Misery, my company
My world dressed in gray
Steady rain of sorrow
The sun has gone away

Drowning in the sadness
Yet my heart still beats
Suffocating madness
I feel incomplete

Silence so loud
Words left unspoken
No promises kept
My heart is just broken
Aug 2017 · 519
Is It Okay To Love You?
Laura Duran Aug 2017
Is it okay that I still love you?
Even knowing what you did?
I knew nothing at the time
Hell, I was just a kid

I sometimes got the feeling
That maybe you were mean
But I'd push it from my mind
Like some forgotten dream

You used to tell me stories
Before I'd go to sleep
You shared with me imagination
But kept your secrets hidden deep

As I grew into a woman
You gave me great advice
You taught me to be honest
For to lie you pay a price

You told me I was beautiful
And you loved to hear me sing
I never felt you judge me
I could tell you any thing

By then my sister and brother
Had left to escape your fury
You made us think they alone were guilty
A swift exile by judge and jury

I believed they were to blame
Yes, I believed your lies
Even though Dad's heart was broken
Even when I heard his cries

As the years progressed
You shared a little of your tale
About your ******* of a father
And how he put you all through hell

Your last years were full of pain
You suffered much before your death
You begged them for forgiveness
Then you took your final breath

But the damage was too great
And we would not recover
We remained estranged
From our sister and our brother

Since your death I've learned the truth
What you did, and what was done to you
My hearts breaks for the abuse you gave
And the hell that you went through

Now my heart is so confused
I don't know how to feel
Is it okay to love you?
Is the woman I knew even real?

I can't explain it any better
And I don't know what to do
I wish some one would just tell me
Is it okay to love you?
A poem I wrote about my mother many years after her death, when I learned the truth about what she had kept hidden from her children.  So much more than could fit in any poem.  I remain confused about a lot of things, but I love her.  I am me, in part at least, because of her.  What ever wrongs she committed, she is my mom and I'll always love her.
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
Goodbye Reality
Laura Duran Jul 2017
my mind is playing tricks on me
I thought I saw your face
next second gone, just like that
not the slightest trace

I must be going crazy
I thought I heard you call my name
but only silence greeted me
is my mind really playing games?

I thought I felt your tender touch
when I turned, you were not there
although goose bumps broke out on my skin
couldn't find you anywhere

you left me, oh so long ago
yet still you're on my mind
you'd think that I'd be over you
living life and doing fine

why then, am I seeing you
feeling your familiar touch?
why then are you haunting me?
why do I miss you this **** much?

I wish I could just let it go
banish thoughts of you away
I wish I could erase it all
or make it so you stayed

but I don't have that power
so here I am alone
hour after hour
trying to make it on my own

my mind is playing tricks on me
for here you are again
like I'm dreaming while awake
when will this madness end?

always the same, you show yourself
when void of company
when no one's here to witness
the way you come to me

perhaps I am going crazy!
it could be worse for me
at least one thing is certain
I won't ever again be lonely

I'll finally have you back again
and life won't be so sad
living in my crazy world
might  not be so bad

I may have lost touch with reality
I may be lost in wonderland
but I've made up my mind, I'm staying
reality will just have to understand
Jun 2017 · 753
You'll Be With Me
Laura Duran Jun 2017
Whether I'm by your side or miles and miles away
Even when we inevitably go our separate ways
You'll be with me

I choke up at the thought of not seeing your face
But even if, I must suffer this fate
You'll be with me

When there isn't a road left to take, or mistakes left to make
When we run out of words and there's nothing left to say
You'll be with me

When I've lived out my life and find the end of my days
Until my sins are all counted and my debts have been paid
You'll be with me

You'll be in a memory, in my heart, tucked away
And my sister, I wouldn't have it any other way
You'll be with me

Until God makes me whole once again
And I'm finally back with my very best friend
You'll be with me

I promise....I and forever
You'll always be with me
For my sister on her birthday, with all my love
Jun 2017 · 661
Happy Father's Day
Laura Duran Jun 2017
Just a quick post to say Happy Father's Day to all the dads of HP.
Hope your day was filled with happiness and love.  
May you be blessed.
Jun 2017 · 539
That's Life
Laura Duran Jun 2017
Who can say that they've never known pain?
Who can say they've no regrets?
If there is one among you, you're either lucky or lying

Pain and I are old friends
He keeps me company on those long lonely nights
Regret, she too is my constant companion

"That's life"  they say
I can't argue....that's my life
I suppose it's true for many

I keep moving forward
I treat people as I would want to be treated
People don't always offer me the same courtesy

"That's life" they say
I can't change it....I've tried
I suppose it's true for many

Time marches on, things change
People get older, things stay the same
That's life....or so I've heard
Jun 2017 · 360
I Could
Laura Duran Jun 2017
I could let the past rest in the past
I could find faith that this time will last
I could be yours once more
I could....but what for?

I could be your perfect lover
I could believe there won't be another
I could believe you're different from before
I could...but what for?

It would just be deja vu
It would end up me with out you
It would send me back to hell
It would...if I fell

It would be a big mistake
It would be so hard to take
It would end in your farewell
It would...if I fell

I could let go of these delusions
I could see through all your illusions
I could realize you're just in it for the thrill
I could.....and I will

I'll leave the past in the past
I'll find faith in me at last
I'll be stronger than before
I'll do this and so much more

I could smile and stand alone
I could make it on my own
I could live a life well lived
I could....and I did
Jun 2017 · 5.4k
She Was Like The Sea
Laura Duran Jun 2017
She was like the sea
Beautiful in serenity
Mysterious and deep
Legions of secrets to keep

She was like the sea
Wild in its intensity
Vicious in her treachery
Savage as the waves can be

She was like the sea
dangerously captivating
Peaceful, strong, and comforting
Cold and yet alluring

She was like the sea
She will always be a part of me
She was like the sea
A poem about my mother.  So much about her, I found out after her death, was not what I thought.  So many much I'll never know about her.
Jun 2017 · 711
In That Second
Laura Duran Jun 2017
You kissed her
A peck on the lips
It broke my heart
It seemed so natural
So comfortable
I knew then
There was no us
There never would be
In that second
I let you go
May 2017 · 486
Never ending
Laura Duran May 2017
I was thinking today
about circles
How beautiful they
can be
Never ending; continuous
Dependable and safe

Take my circle for instance
My circle of friends
Well mostly family
My closest people
The ones I love most
Beautifully diverse

Loving and kind
Not afraid to tell the truth
Hopeful and strong
Always there to help
Expecting nothing in return
Just my love and thanks

How lucky I am to have them circle, my guiding light
We may not always agree on things
We may sometimes argue
But we are always there for each other
Always will be

After all circles are never ending
I was surrounded by family today and very happy about it.
May 2017 · 1.8k
One Of The Best
Laura Duran May 2017
How easy it is to say "Happy Mother's Day!"
But to wish you a day full of goodness is not enough.
I want your every day to be filled with happiness.
I want you to feel how much I love you every minute
of every day....for always.

A mother should always be there for you.
A mother should always have your back.
She should be strong, yet kind.
She should teach by example, the kind of person
we should aspire to be....and you do.

You are a shining example of what a mother should be.
Not only for your beautiful daughters, but to me as well.
Thank you for being such a great mother.
Thank you for being my sister.
I love you.
A Mother's Day poem for my favorite person.  I don't know what I'd do without her.
Apr 2017 · 2.6k
Loving Hands
Laura Duran Apr 2017
So soft and loving,
Your hands on my face
I felt special and warm
I knew you cared

So deft and strong
The way you kneaded dough
I learned at your hands
To feed those I love

With your hand in mine
I always felt brave
I could conquer any thing
A little squeeze was all it took

My hands on your face
Gentle and loving
I hope you felt special and warm
I hope you felt how much I cared

Your trembling hands
Would spill your food
So I fed you with the same
Hands that prepared your meal

Your hand in mine, I was still afraid
You couldn't give me that little squeeze
So trembling, I held tightly
Til my hands had to set you free
For my mother, whose hands I'll always remember
Mar 2017 · 914
Just As You Are
Laura Duran Mar 2017
You are not the wind in the trees
Nor the sweet summer breeze
You are not the stars that light the night
Or the sun shining bright

You're the reason I take notice of it all

You are not kisses in the rain
Make-out time on lovers lane
You're not dancing in the streets
Or dancing in the sheets

You're the reason I desire to

You're not the reason my heart beats
You're the reason for the speed
You're not the reason I survive
You're why I'm glad to be alive

Just as you are....I love you
Mar 2017 · 631
I Am
Laura Duran Mar 2017
I am....pretty.
I am....kind.
I am....funny too,
but.....I'm not...her.

I am your friend.
I help you in all things.
I put you first.
I make you laugh too,
but....I'm not...her.

I will never be what you want.
I will always be lacking.
I will always be your friend.
Wasting my life waiting for your love. will never come.

I am strong....
I am worthy...
I am enough...
I'm happy too...
and....I am me.
Feb 2017 · 613
Laura Duran Feb 2017
It was....yet it shall never be.
How is that possible?
It is when you have an imagination like mine.
Days full of adventure.
Nights full of passion.
In the arms of the perfect lover.

The way you look at me,
A look of pure love.
The way you touch me,
So soft it makes me shiver.
I've never felt this way before.
My soul mate.

I can be in your arms,
any time I wish it.
Just close my eyes and there we are,
Entwined....lips touching lips.
Warm breath on my neck.
My own perfect world.

Reality, a thief that steals my dreams.
Reminding me that I'm alone.
Whispering that your heart is hers.
Your eyes, full of love, see only her face.
Her smile is only for you.

Doesn't matter.  
I'll just find a quiet moment.
I'll close my eyes.
There we'll be....laughing, loving.
It is, though it shall never be.
You're mine...for as long as I want it.
Jan 2017 · 1.3k
I Couldn't March Today
Laura Duran Jan 2017
I couldn't march today
but I was with you
I thank you my sisters and brothers
for standing up for what is right

I couldn't march today
but I was with you
In my heart I stood with you all
Fighting for equality

Equality for all
Every man, woman, and child
Black, white, brown....every shade of beautiful
Every religion, or none at all

I couldn't march today
but I was with you
All my nasty women
All men of quality who marched for equality

I couldn't march today
but I was with you
Every child that raised their voice
and marched for their future

I heard you!  
I will not forget the sound of your cry!
I will remember forever the sight
of my sisters and brothers marching....united!

This is only the beginning
That much is true
Let those that oppose us know it!
You let them know today!

I am so thankful for each and every one of you!
For every sign, every battle cry, every step!
For fighting for your rights as well as mine.
I couldn't march today....but you did and I thank you.

From the bottom of my heart
For myself and all who couldn't be there
in body, but stood with you in spirit....
Thank you so much.
Laura Duran Jan 2017
fingertips tentative on blushing cheeks•gentle warmth for blossoming kisses•a sigh escapes as our lips tenderly touch•shivers dance on my naked skin•eyes closed, the moon trembles•stars explode as tongues entwine•lost in the touch of your caresses•sensations of nervous anticipation•fingertips paint glistening skin•heated blood rushing, bodies blushing•deep moaning breaths as hands explore•modesty replaced by uninhibited desires•lips brushing the soft ivory neck•teeth detecting a hot rushing pulse•taken by surprise at my eagerness•an unashamed longing to please•her back arching with aching yearning•giving herself up, surrender so beautiful•sweet blinding tension quickly intensifies•with ****** cries, i unconsciously call your name•my mind explodes into bright oblivion•in echoes of her shuddering fulfillment•thunder recedes into candle lit night•in quivering gasps, i breathe you in•your now familiar skin so close and warm•collapsing in deep honeyed afterglow•untangling each other to gentle caress•with knowing glances, we'll sleep-in tomorrow
Jan 2017 · 354
I Want This
Laura Duran Jan 2017
With a tenderness that surprises me
you take me in your arms

Slowly you kiss my cheek
and whisper in my ear "Your call"

It's up to
Your fingers trace my jaw....lightly

I know how this will end....but...
I want this

I kiss your
Too late, There's no turning back

Tomorrow will come with it maybe regret
but....I want this

The look in your eyes is intense
You say "I'm gonna take my time with you"

I shiver with anticipation of
what's to come

For a moment...a brief moment
I am fear and nerves...then you kiss me

All fear is gone, in its place....desire
I want this

I close my eyes and I finally say it
"I want this"

No turning back now
tomorrow be ******

I want this
Jan 2017 · 864
The Opposite Game
Laura Duran Jan 2017

Full heart.........empty shell
Heavens bliss....lonely hell
Future plans......hopes fade
Loves light.....eternal shade

Living a nightmare....Another day dawns
A deafening silence....learn a new song
Anger, self blame.................I finally see
Threw me away..............I'm finally free!
Jan 2017 · 379
You Never Looked
Laura Duran Jan 2017
I wasn't looking for it
still....I found love
Like a sweet dream
that I couldn't quite reach

I tried to let it go
still....I hung on
Like a simple fool
I waited for you to see me

You never even looked.

I was only ever a friend
still....I cherished our moments
Like a faithful side kick
I waited for your attention

I watched as you fell for another
still....I thought you'd come to your senses
Like in the movies, we'd find forever
You'd finally see me

You never even looked.
Jan 2017 · 583
Three years
Laura Duran Jan 2017
It's been three years to the day
I remember it was very cold
I was surrounded by family
Still, I've never felt so alone

It's been three years to the day
Sometimes it still feels unreal
I still expect to see you
Will I ever truly heal?

It's been three years to the day
That I kissed you goodbye
Three years and I'm still hurting
I still feel lost and I still cry

It's been three years to the day
Three years and it feels like forever
We keep going, one day at a time
Hoping some day we'll again be together

God give us the strength to face our lives without our dad.
May we see him again in heaven.   Amen.
Dec 2016 · 748
When I See You
Laura Duran Dec 2016
When I see you
When I don't
I could tell you
but I won't
When I see you
I could cry
Still I'm laughing
Don't know why
When I see you
Do you see me?
God I miss you
Can it be?
When I see you
I'll confess
I can't see you
What a mess
When I see you
but I don't
Best forget you
but I won't
Laura Duran Dec 2016
I am....ordinary....I cannot boast about any particular talent.
I can sing alright....babies fall asleep when I sing to them.
I can write a little....but if I'm being honest, there's room for improvement.
I'm a pretty good cook....still not the best in the family, but I'm willing to put in the work and learn from the best so jury still out on this one.

I'm not jokes are on the corny side, but I still get a few laughs.
I grew up poor....hell....still am.
Poorly educated....but still a bit articulate....I read a lot.
I'm just a girl from the "wrong side of the tracks"....but I lack the toughness to live up to that title.

I don't want to bore you, so I'll leave it here for now.
Before I take my leave, I should say that I'm okay.
I'm not hating on myself, I'm just saying...this is me.

I'm the chubby friend....okay okay fat friend....always have been.
I'm the girl most guys banish to the friend zone....not sure why I look just like Jennifer Lopez....if you squint your eyes and turn your back on me.  (I told you....corny jokes)
Any way, I digress....I was kinda like me.
A little something I wrote so you can get to know me a little better.
Dec 2016 · 468
I Wait
Laura Duran Dec 2016
I wait....for the moment when I see your face again
I wait....for the healing that will come with the sound of your voice
I breathe again

I long....for the feel of your hand on my face
I long....for the warmth of your embrace
I feel whole again

I find a smile every day
I find a reason....not to cry myself to sleep every night
I find a believe in miracles

I hope....that I am worthy of your love when at last we meet
I hope....that I make you proud
I know how much I love you

I know....I will see you again
I hold that thought

I have to......
If I don't....I will break

I can't fall apart
I am depended wait.
Nov 2016 · 398
A Brand New Day
Laura Duran Nov 2016
I bow my head in prayer Dear Lord
and I lay at your feet
Those that suffer, those in pain,
Your children that are in need.

Your people that are preyed upon
are crying out in fear
Heed their prayers, protect them,
and all that they hold dear.

Touch the hearts of those in power
for they can end their pain.
With your guidance the sun will shine
and chase away the rain.

Help us to find our courage
to keep fighting the good fight.
May we choose the righteous path,
put aside differences and finally unite.

I have faith in you my God
I know you are the way.
Love can conquer hate this night
and make way for a brand new day.

Nov 2016 · 371
For Just A Little Longer
Laura Duran Nov 2016
It won't be long now
It will happen soon
I'll be getting over you any day now
I can feel it

That loathsome ache will soon be gone
This feeling of suffocation will subside
I'll breathe again
I'll finally feel at peace

I won't feel that gripping
all consuming fear
The panic that has been my companion
ever since you left

No...I'll be letting all that go
Any moment now
I'll be free....
It's coming

The last bit of you
will soon be gone
No more pain....but..
I wonder....if maybe...

Will I miss you?
When I finally let it all go?
Will I miss it?
Should I just...keep it a little longer?

Perhaps I should still think of you
Only every once in a while....
Just for as bit.
For just a little longer...
Oct 2016 · 331
Laura Duran Oct 2016
Really thought I'd found true love

Evil entered the picture

Prison was my life with you

Ugly soul as black as sin

Loving you my greatest regret

Staying away my greatest   accomplishment

I am free from you

Villain of my story

Oct 2016 · 323
The Bitter Truth
Laura Duran Oct 2016
I hate you
You're ugly and weak
I hate the way you talk
Acting humble when it's praise you seek

You talk a big game
Never do what you say
Give every one advice
But don't live your life that way

Quick to judge another
You have some nerve
When your own faults are piled so high
It really is absurd

Every one thinks you're so perfect
When deep down you know you're fake
You act like you have all the answers
When really you're full of mistakes

No need to get mad
I only speak the truth
It's for your own good
I don't mean to be uncouth

It's better that it comes from me
Than from anothers inspection
Who else than the girl in the mirror?
You can't argue with your own reflection.
Oct 2016 · 641
Today I Let You Go
Laura Duran Oct 2016
Today I had to let you go
Though it broke my heart to do it
I loved you then and will forever
I hope to God you knew it

The look in your eyes as we said goodbye
Said just how much you loved me
Still the moment you left won't go away
It will forever haunt me

I know it was right to let you go
There was no other way
I held you close and softly cried
Still wishing  you could have stayed

I know that there will come a day
When we're once again together
We will never part again
This time it will be forever
In memory of my dog Brody.  We had to let her go and my heart is in pieces.  She leaves such a hole in our family.  I hope it's true that all dogs go to heaven.....hope I see her there some day.
Oct 2016 · 279
Vicious Circles
Laura Duran Oct 2016
I want to be better.
I even know how I can be.
Why don't I take that step?
It's like I'm stuck on re-peat.

I wish I was stronger.
I always thought I was.
With what I do, I show such weakness.
Will I ever be enough?

Why can't I break these walls,
that I've built up all around me?
I long to knock them down,
and finally live freely.

Why am I so lost,
If I know the way?
Will I ever find the courage
to finally seize the day?

Procrastination is my enemy.
Yet I hold him like a friend.
Walking in circles, there's no beginning,
so then how can it ever end?

I want to be better.
I even know how I can be.
Why don't I take that step?
It's like I'm stuck on re-peat......
Oct 2016 · 696
The Car Ride Home
Laura Duran Oct 2016
I roll down the window in the back seat.
The wind feels so cool on my skin.
I sing softly so no one else can hear me.
I try to hide the mood that I am in.

I stare blankly out the window from the back seat.
Scenery blurs as the tears fill my eyes.
I cry softly so no one else can hear me.
I hide my sadness and my laughter feels like lies.

The wind through the window in the back seat,
it helps me quickly dry my tears.
I whisper softly so no one else can hear me.
Give me strength Lord and always keep me near.

I roll up the window in the back seat.
We're home the day is finally done.
My sister whispers no one hears except me.
I missed him too, you weren't the only one.
This was written last year on my birthday.  I spent the day missing my dad so much and trying not to show it.  As the poem states, I wasn't the only one that missed him.
Oct 2016 · 416
Laura Duran Oct 2016
Late at night and I'm still awake
afraid to close my eyes.
We tried to fix us, too little too late
Now I'm dreading the sunrise.

I know in my heart, you've made up your mind
Come morning, you're gonna leave.
I'll stay here broken...left behind
but I'll grant you your reprieve.

Perhaps someday you'll come back to me
but really, I think you won't.
I guess that's how it's supposed to be
We must move on so we can grow.

but I'm so gonna miss you.....

I'm counting every breath you take
as I pretend to sleep.
I know you're laying there awake
Why won't you talk to me?

I wonder just what I should say
when the sun lights up the sky.
Should I ask for one more day
or should I just say goodbye?

I guess you want me to go,
guess it must be too late.
Better that I find my own road
before your love turns to hate

but I don't want to leave you.....
Oct 2016 · 682
Girly Stories
Laura Duran Oct 2016
That dress was on sale.
Oh he's just a friend.
I don't care if you're poor,
I'm with you til the end.

It's really...
I swear I'm not mad.
You're by far the best lover
that I've ever had.

I'm not into looks,
I want a sensitive lover.
Not tonight I have a headache.
I do like your mother!

We have to break-up,
but it's not you it's me.
That dent in the car?
That was there already!

I had a great time.
Hope to see you again.
Babe, you're way better
looking than your best friend.

Size doesn't matter,
it's not that big a deal.
A toupee? You're kidding!
I thought it was real!

McDonald's  is fine
I'm not into money.
Oh at first I didn't get it,
but that joke was funny!

This old thing?  What ever!
This dress ain't new.
It's just a night out with the girls!
Come on, I trust you!

These are lies that are told by bad women.
Silly "****** chicks" playing dumb games.
You would never hear those pass the lips of...
Us intelligent, sweet, classy dames!
Another older poem that's here to make you smile :)
Oct 2016 · 679
Lies that Boys Tell
Laura Duran Oct 2016
You're a ******?  Hey me too!
I've waited all my life for you.
Looks don't matter, not to me
I'm looking for inner beauty.

I have a car, it's in the shop.
I won't call you a tease if you say stop.
I live with my mom cause she gets lonely.
Who's cheating? Not me, you're my one and only.

It was before I met you, it didn't mean a thing.
Hey, the diamond was real when I bought the ring!
I'm hung like a horse, I can *** all night.
She came on to me!  I put up a fight!

I'm not drunk...I'm not high...shoot I'm barely buzzin.
That chick you saw me with?  Man, that girl's my cousin!
I'll call you tomorrow.  I had a great time.
I know for a fact that baby ain't mine!

These are some of the lies that are told by some guys,
but no need to give up if you're looking for love.
No need to freak out!
That's not all that's about.

I know some of them lie and I don't know just why,
but, just sit yourself down take a deep breath and then....
Since guys cheat and lie and make us all cry....
Just go out and look for REAL MEN!
A light comical write with just touch of truth!  A bit of an older poem of mine.  Thought I'd share it here!
Oct 2016 · 280
At Last
Laura Duran Oct 2016
Let go, surrender
We'll go, together
Not fast, but slow
I'll show you forever

Your words, not mine
Believed, time after time
Now I've opened my eyes
I see through your lies

No more wasting my time
live your life, I'll live mine
My broken heart still beats
I continue to breathe

I get stronger each day
As the pain fades away
Every moment of pain
Was not suffered in vain

For I will not break
From my past mistakes
I let go of my past....
Find my self worth at last!
Oct 2016 · 649
Time To Say Goodbye
Laura Duran Oct 2016
You thought that you could break me
You thought that I would fall
You thought that I'd be lonely
but it's not that way at all

Yes, you broke my heart
It's in pieces I'll admit
but I'll put it back together
bit by tiny bit

It's true that I loved you
It's true that my heart aches
but you'll get nothing more from me
There's nothing left to take

I did every thing I could
to show you how I felt
You did nothing but to show me
the losing hand that I was dealt

Such twisted lies you told
No real reason why
I'm putting you behind me
Time to say goodbye
Oct 2016 · 461
As I Walked Away
Laura Duran Oct 2016
I looked up and there you stood
A sparkle in your eyes
A smirk on your lips
You were as beautiful as I remembered

I looked a mess
Hair in a bun, no make-up
A dumbfounded look on my face
I didn't quite know what to say

You asked how I've been
Said you'd been thinking of me
You missed us
You never asked if I was with some one

I said I've been fine
I wasn't even lying
I hadn't thought of you in years
Still didn't quite know what to say

You asked for my phone number
Said you'd "hit me up"
We should get dinner some time
or maybe I could cook for you

That's when it all came rushing back
The way you used to look at me
when you wanted something
How hard it was to say no

You smiled at me
You actually leaned in
What were you thinking?
That I would allow it probably

I did not allow it
I knew how it would end
Didn't need to relive that episode
I finally knew exactly what to say

"No thanks, I'm good"
"Nice seeing you though"
And just like that...
Your beauty faded

You said "Just thought I'd be nice"
"but what ever, your loss!"
You showed your true self
and it was ugly

I just stood there and smiled
You couldn't hurt me
Not this time
This time I walked away

A skip in my step
A smile on my lips
Dignity intact
As I walked away
Oct 2016 · 885
Without an Umbrella
Laura Duran Oct 2016
Life is on pause
A part of me missing
Half alive
Going through the motions
Sadness is in charge

Everything is as you left it
Awaiting your return
You left me half way
on the road to forever

I remember your smile
I remember your words
Full of love
I believed every single one

I no longer have illusions
You'll not return
Still I don't move on
I wait for the impossible

A steady rain is falling
No sunshine in sight
A flood of empty promises
and me without an umbrella
Aug 2016 · 788
The End If Our Story
Laura Duran Aug 2016
I asked for truth
You gave more lies
Asked for your company
You ignored my cries

All I wanted was dignity
You mocked me again
All I needed was love
Couldn't even call you friend

I granted your request
When you asked for a second chance
Yet you broke my heart again
With out one backward glance

I've clawed my way back
From heart ache and pain
Now I'm stronger than before
My efforts were not in vain

So today when I saw you
You were truly surprised
A new woman stood before you
Confident and wise

You're no longer my whole story
I've moved on from your deception
I don't need you any more
I am my own protection

You asked if you could call me
And I could've lost my calm
I could've "put you in your place"
But that would have been so wrong

I am who I am today
In part because of you
I am strong, I know my worth
Thanks to all that we went through

You knew the answer before I gave it
Knew it wasn't meant to be
It was the ending of our chapter
Story over, I am free!
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
One Last Kiss
Laura Duran Aug 2016
I have given my all
It just wasn't enough
It was a long road
So much of it rough

You've seen the best I have to give
But that's not what you need
It's time that we move on
Before you see the worst of me

Better we part friends
Than to leave broken and bitter
Better that it ends
Than to watch our love wither

No more Journeys left to take
No regrets as I take my leave
I'll not call us a mistake
Nor will it take us long to grieve

You'll find your way
And I'll find mine
Nothing left to say
One last kiss....we'll both be fine
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Laura Duran Aug 2016
Suppose I let you in
and forgot about the past
Let's say we start again
Would we some how make it last?

Suppose that I surrender
Simply follow my heart
Would it be like I remember?
Would it all just fall apart?

Suppose I walk away
Would regret be the end game?
Supposing that I stay
Would the ending be the same?

I suppose I could forgive you
Let go of past mistakes
I suppose "trust" is the issue
That's a promise I can't make

Suppose you walk away
and the moment passes by
Suppose....Let's just say....
It's better as goodbye
Aug 2016 · 619
How Can It Be?
Laura Duran Aug 2016
Dawn still breaks
Waves still crash upon the shore
Time moves on
Life continues just as before

How can it be?
When you're not here!

The sun still sets
A blazing painting in the sky
The moon and stars shine brightly
Breath taking beauty I can't deny

How can it be?
When you're not here!

The world just keeps on turning
The birds still sing their songs
I hear laughter from those around me
They play music and sing along

How can this be?
When you're not here!

Even I betray you
My heart still beats
I miss you more every day
Still, I'm able to breathe

How can this be?
When you're not here!

I don't know the answers
I only know it's true
I suppose that's how it goes
I have to learn to live without you

It's still so hard for me,
Cause you're not here.
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
What's Said Is Said
Laura Duran Jul 2016
Say what you mean
Mean what you say
Once you speak
Your words won't go away

Beware how it's received
Take care how you phrase it
Once you scream in anger
You cannot reclaim it

Argue the point
Don't shoot to ****
Apologies may keep the peace
But the pain remains still

Words may not be bullets
They may not shoot you dead
But they can **** a trusting heart
So be careful....what's said is said
Jun 2016 · 580
Sorrow On Father's Day
Laura Duran Jun 2016
She was already there
I think she was waiting for us
She started saying she still loved us
Then the story unfolds
She needed us....again

When my sister spoke
She was quick to anger
Just as fast she would recover
her calm
She needed us....again

"I was held at gun point!"
"I just didn't believe you loved me!"
"Your mother made me this way!"
"I loved dad! You just don't know what I've been through!"

So many sad tales
She always plays the victim
Living in a world full of villains
She cut ties with us but....
She needed us....again

This time I didn't pull my punches
This time we told her how we felt
This time the dam just broke
This time nothing was held back
This time....we had nothing to lose

"Where were you when dad needed you?!
"Why did you tell him all those lies?"
"You hurt him more than you'll ever know!"
"Why did you cut ties, what did we ever do to you?"

Finally the veil came down
Her act melted away
Venom was in her eyes
Hatred etched on her face
She walked away flipping us off as things didn't go her way.

We stayed and tried to calm down
We tidied things up around us
Finally sister watered the grass
It all needed to be said
Just sorry it was at your grave...and that it was on Father's Day.
Jun 2016 · 362
This Moment With You
Laura Duran Jun 2016
If I could, I would
slow down time
so that I could stay
in this moment
for as long as possible.

If I could, I would
take as many years
as possible to
let this moment unfold.

This moment with you.

I would take my time
and memorize every
line of your face.
I would run every
silky strand of your
hair through my fingers.

I would take my time
and linger over every kiss.
I would savor the sweet
smell of your skin.
Revel in the sound
of your deep throaty

In this moment with you....

I would show you
just how much I love you.
I would say it over and
over again.
I would marvel at just
how perfectly I fit in
your arms.

I would, If I could....

Instead....I'll hug you
and ask you how
you've been.
I'll talk with you
about times past,
then smile through
my tears as you walk away.
Jun 2016 · 446
To Quietly Love You
Laura Duran Jun 2016
There's no need for you to try so hard
You don't need to break a sweat
No need to lie to me
Every thing is pretty much set

I don't need to hear your insults
You don't have to hurt me so
No real need for such betrayal
For your real feelings to show

Others have already been there
Yes, I've seen it all before
My heart is in so many pieces
You don't have to break it any more

Please, just leave now
You're free to live the way you choose
Live your loud and happy life
I'll live mine quietly loving you
Jun 2016 · 468
Advice For A Fool
Laura Duran Jun 2016
I mirrored your movements
Now my pain is the same
There are no winners
In this foolish game

I followed the leader
Should've gone my own way
When I asked for your help
You had nothing to say

I believed all your lies
Learned the examples you set
At the end of our journey
All I find is regret

So full of excuses
For the life that you've lived
You're  sorry for nothing
Yet ask me to forgive

You don't need my mercy
You need a new way to be
Take a new road
Find a way to break free

These are my last words
They're for you from my heart
The strength is inside you
Go and find your new start
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
You Don't Belong To Me
Laura Duran Jun 2016
Stop, I can't do this any more.
I'm walking away, I'm closing the door.
Now, before it gets more out of hand,
Please, try to understand.
I shouldn't know the feel of your kiss.
While she waits for you in ignorant bliss.
I've made up my mind, that's how it should be....
you don't belong to me.

I can no longer stand the guilt that's inside.
I want a love that I don't have to hide.
One day I hope I can love again.
Though my heart is breaking, our love has to end.
I've made the decision, you don't have to agree....
You don't belong to me.

Let's end the charade.
Our dance is over, let's take off our disguise.
You knew from the beginning,
it should come as no surprise.
Don't say she'll never know, in my mind there is no doubt.
No one is that smart, and luck always runs out.
It doesn't matter what you say, the truth is plain to see.
I'll hear no more don't belong to me.
May 2016 · 1.9k
First Love
Laura Duran May 2016
Tender, sweet
he kisses me
Lips touch
shivers much
We're no longer friends

Gasp, sigh
Feeling high
Heart pounds
Love abounds
May it never end

Bare skin
let's begin
Hands explore
wanting more
Point of no return

Rapid breathing
Mind is reeling
Waves of pleasure
beyond measure
Our bodies seem to burn

Pulse slows
Gently doze
We embrace
I feel so safe and warm

Hold tight
through the night
Time flies
Sun rise....
and I wake in true love's arms
May 2016 · 1.0k
I Knew It
Laura Duran May 2016
I knew it from the moment you kissed me.
From the second our lips touched.
The look in your eyes just before you leaned in
told me every thing I needed to know.

The tender sigh that escaped in a breath.
Your arms, so strong that enveloped me.
Even the way you held me was your betrayer.
The urgency to hold me close.

Yes my sweet love, I knew it....
I knew that this incredible kiss would be our last.
I knew the time had come to stop our lovely game of pretend.
I was not your forever girl....and it was time to go.

So....we parted ways.
I went my way, you followed your road.
Where its led you, I haven't a clue.
I was only to know where you'd been.

I'll keep the memories shared.
I'll cherish that last lovely kiss.
I won't however dwell on what could've been.
That's not my style.

Any way....hope you're well.
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