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Mar 24 · 74
Take Care
You know what
to do with yourself
after all these years
paving hour upon
laborious hour
onto your delicate life
ignoring the person
behind the insurmountable
barricades to yourself
Now is here
Present for you
you get to decide
if you are curious enough
to discover who you
truly are
even after the obligations
after the excuses
You get to find you
in all your
luminescent glory
Mar 24 · 59
Birds and Bees
They will leave.
for we were not the
keepers of the Earth.
with our uncouth ways.
We were at best very
bad neighbors. or
thieves really.
war mongers. perhaps
greedy nonetheless
We were just too ****
obnoxious to hear them purling
their songs.
to catch them.
to mend their welted wings.
too **** arrogant
for this Earth.
for kindness.
for compassion.
or empathy.
They have left.
For we were too deeply
engrossed in our
selves to see their songs.
written on the sky.
Mar 6 · 114
I am
I've bled
not because
I am a
broken sinner

I've bled
because I
am woman
harbinger of
new moons
and unspoken

I've bled
life into the impermanent
landscape of the soul
like gravity
holding you down
in spite of the spinning

I am the fierce
traversing the

In this
black moment
I am forever
I carry
this womb
with the honor of
mothers before me

Now I am woman as crone
ushering in the new world
of infinite love and magic
Revised old poem
Jan 9 · 87
What Happened to Us
We were intelligent once.
Nothing was artificial about us.
The stars reigned over
our astrology.
we were content.
We read the sky. like
prophets undying.
We listened to the soft
voices of the rain and plants.
We obeyed our station in the world.
to the rhythm of everything.

What happened to us.


and we'll begin again.
releasing what
has to be shed.
keeping the core
of our souls intact
like trees

we will be still
like the wisdom
of trees.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36
Jan 9 · 86
Always with You ❤
You will
always be the
light.  for me.
you are. Life.
I see you.
the long distance
between us
does not blind me
from your heart.
Where God lives.
And She has a way
of showing up
out of no where
out from the depths
of bleakness. Stopping.
Your suffering.
It travels from across
the globe again and again.
We see you.
Our collective hearts breaking.
Open. Unseen.
Gifts flowing from the seat of God.
There sitting with you.
without suffering.
Like you
are Majestic. Eternal.
Love sending you love.
Always. And again.
Jun 2023 · 142
Bare Green Earth
Tanisha Jackland Jun 2023
I will put
these aging
feet on the bare
green Earth

I will close my eyes
and feel the verdant energy
traverse thru my legs
up to the column of my spine

the fractures
in my soul.

Born organic
I belong to the Earth.

the pure intelligence
within my body
in order to
find its way
Rinse and Repeat.
Jun 2023 · 103
The Moon is Ours
Tanisha Jackland Jun 2023
She is ours
All of us
The soft opening to
the woman
Inside you
Like the tides
Moving dark and
Clutching your veins
To make you bleed
When she is heavy and bright
the laughter will come to
break you
madness swelling
You will never know
Her completely
The wait for Her in wonder
If you are lucky
You will meet Her
Liberating you
Doused as lit
Dressed in your dreams
Jun 2023 · 111
No One Wants to Die Anymore
Tanisha Jackland Jun 2023
Nearly immortal
I have died more than
a thousand breathtaking deaths
in this body
Creaking only when
I want to prove something
Physical like movement
My flawed flesh with
Its incurable wrinkles
Has carried me thru the
Uncertainty of dis-ease
I still look for rainbows
as a sign for hope
while the rain waters
my dreams and bones
The Sun will always be my co-creator
I make good food
but still envy the
longevity of trees
Apr 2023 · 173
Tanisha Jackland Apr 2023
This new music
comes to the
masses stomping
a soldier girl
on a mission
changing this
into pure
Apr 2023 · 197
Skinfolk: An Ode to Zora
Tanisha Jackland Apr 2023
She reminds me
Soul has no color
it emanates from the sum
of life
as a vibrant symphony
of you

Those sole regrets
and moments revealing
themselves as
the bone truth

We are organized
of sound
and gravity

pulling us closer to
the source of divinity
we sometimes
Apr 2023 · 162
Little Black Matchstik Girl
Tanisha Jackland Apr 2023
No locks of gold she would have worn
Nor fair in skin she would adorn

Every time she rose to speak
No ears to listen how they sleep

No one cared for the girl with naps
How she read you like a map

She had issues with her self
All of them on a dusty shelf

For everyone to judge and see
Her human flaws plauging thee

With no one there to help her plight
Her body began to dim in light

when she died in dark and cold
No one knew her depth in soul

Who was a fire that warmed the old
A golden angel you would behold
Tanisha Jackland Feb 2023
We are not an absolute
one day to be fodder
for the Earth
She will consume us
after we have had enough
for we are cyclical beings
waning always waning
fading into frequencies
of rearranging patterns

I'd like to think
we have an eternity
to come back again
if necessary
to try on new flesh
to eat again
at the bounty of Earth
Feb 2023 · 196
Tanisha Jackland Feb 2023
Price tags
are for fools
laughing nonchalantly
at the dead air
the sky has fallen
for free
as if
gravity will cease
anchor you
to the Earth.

What we value most
No one can afford
you can only
know it thru a
divine spark
and touch it from
the marrow of
your bones

Perhaps if you're lucky
and true
the Sun
will reveal itself
as God.
Nov 2022 · 165
Untitled #19
Tanisha Jackland Nov 2022
Breathe fire
but do not get burnt

She waits to see you
consumed by that

for you will be the ash
and not the wind
blowing away
embers of bigotry

She devours those unjust

Will meet them
by the stake of their
own hatred

separating divinity
from the bone with
gavels of fire

particles in the Sun
Dust hanging in the air
Nov 2022 · 131
Tanisha Jackland Nov 2022
Whenever you are
with me

my hair
dances on
my skin

on surface

I glide over you
the shock electric

you fill me
with ghosts

you fit in

You are the true
element in me

Keeping me
Aug 2022 · 138
Remember Me
Tanisha Jackland Aug 2022
Inside I am a
raging inferno

no one sees it

I fool them with
My undercover

I could be satiated by
this raining madness

Remember me

the woman who
speaks in
fragments of
the moon

showing mercy
with the tongue of
ancient reeds

Water meeting fire
in my throat
Aug 2022 · 169
Brick House
Tanisha Jackland Aug 2022
I feel my age these days
bones creaking
the need to be well-oiled
like some kind of
tin woman
all rusted
on metal parts
I need refurbishing
then I could swag
with a new body
without dying
Be all bionic
built like
a brickhouse
May 2022 · 196
Blessed are the Women
Tanisha Jackland May 2022
They'd rather we hide
our magic
underneath the stones
thrown at us
to keep us quiet and
away from our power

But we are

In the fire you burnt us
to be reborn again
from the soot

In the air you suffocated us
to wax and wane again
with the breath of the moon
within us

In the water you drowned us
to birth bolder
lungs to cradle us again
with her blood

In the earth you buried us to
grow again like seeds from its
precious womb
Mar 2022 · 122
Gain the World
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2022
We have been guilty
when the mind takes over

heed the human debris

but let the ego    go

it does not need
to be taken hostage


Smacked in the face

lend a soulful ear, instead

don't test the waters just yet

see it
for the ego wants to
be seen

then proceed
with extreme caution

until you feel the
depths of your being
anchor you

let go

move in the heart


every action
will be exactly what
is needed

let the cleansing of
time wash over you
and move in peace
Mar 2022 · 141
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2022
And you

No love, for us?

Stabbed in the

back for "becky with

the good hair."

never-ending smirk

wielded to that

bombast head

My feet

not kissed

These parts

You missed

betrayal is as ancient

as a sacred

***** mistress
Mar 2022 · 793
The Charm of Medusa
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2022
I carry her with me
a silver sun
Her shade cool
like praise
for pretty girls

Mad and
hair full of venom
she leaves their
mouths agape
flesh to stone  

she is awe-ful
the curse of hideous
she fears nothing
but the forgotten
empty of the black void...
Mar 2022 · 235
The Art of "Taxidermy"
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2022
He is double-sided
and speaks with a second tongue
There are legions of him
sneaking out from under stones
casting spells
to win you over
would-be plasticized trophy

He will bamboozle you
with the nectar from his lips
He's no sir lancelot but
a shapeshifting
boogie man waiting to
kidnap you and
hang you on his wall
Feb 2022 · 280
Catching Snowflakes
Tanisha Jackland Feb 2022
It is good to have
open ears
how else would you
hear the sound of God
thru all things

live gently and
walk as if your
feet have
Jan 2022 · 508
Heathland Escapism
Tanisha Jackland Jan 2022
I am city no doubt
love the safe haven
of instability
and fast-moving cars
no room for death
There was a time
I was connected to the bracken
to the brooks and the wide open
fields filled with flowers
from the pages of yore
Nature spoke to me
the forest whisperer
I was in an enchanted land
created by me
I took refuge there
youth shielding me
from apathetic eyes
at the lonely black
girl talking to the sky.
Jan 2022 · 389
Cello Moon
Tanisha Jackland Jan 2022
After it all
I’ll be sitting by
The cello moon
Under a sprinkle
Of stars
I’ll be steady waxing the tides
And waning your cries
Licking ambrosian tears of
Salt and honey
from your cheeks
We could be
gravity in the living flesh
you and me
the sun a bitter remedy
We are all mending
taking turns being gods
Tanisha Jackland Dec 2021
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold." Bob Marley

Who made you believe
In idleness
At the expense
Of another
At the cost of people with
Unfortunate skin
in gradient hues
of warmth and Sun
Breathing in small
Who told you to
Reap from their sweat
So you could betray
Them with ease not
Getting *****
to watch
The prosperity of your
paper bag profits
You have murdered them
In cold blood while
Farting on your futon
The American Dream
Has left you bloated
crashing like a burning zeppelin
to the unforgiving ground
Nov 2021 · 153
Wake the Children Sleeping
Tanisha Jackland Nov 2021
We are the one s
Who have slept
eyes open
Sleep walking
In daydreams
‘It’s too sad’
We weep
‘too noisy’
we wail
To be without
The bliss
Of not knowing
To exist in the
Reality of a harsh world
but the Earth needs
you awake while you’re here
to tread
gently upon the Earth
To give yourself
Time to unfurl
from the brutality of this
modern world
to stop Her destruction
by being mindful
of everything you do
You have arrived
At your destiny
Awake child
Oct 2021 · 153
Lessons from Nature 101:
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2021
Be a raging storm when you must.
Just don't get carried away.
Oct 2021 · 154
No Thank You
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2021
I'd rather be me
than you
in this skin
there are no apologies
just small anxieties
that come with
a purpose
to move me into
the center of my being
to be happy in these bones
and free to be me
Oct 2021 · 439
Earth Child
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2021
I am my own medicine
the poison is me
but I am not bound
by my word
for the sky is me
as well as the scent
from a wild flower
when you see me
I am also the mountain
you cannot move
to know my strength
is happiness
in the elements of earth
to know I am the still
water flowing
is peace
I am calm
Sep 2021 · 138
Full Moon w/Elderberries
Tanisha Jackland Sep 2021
Pick them
While the moon is ripe
harvest your intentions
amongst the elderberries
For it is the time
of the night sky
everything dark
has its own reflection
cast your spells this evening
like the black goddess
cloaked in silvery madness
Don't be shy and
afraid of your truth
Be like the moon
hiding Her face in
the protection of clouds
Sep 2021 · 137
Tanisha Jackland Sep 2021
You will
always be
life becoming
itself without fail
repeating the original
pattern over and over
you splintered into
perfections of each other
the beginning
an anomaly flowing
the light within
the fire
the eye looking
back at you
is you
the source
of all things
and undeniably
Aug 2021 · 137
Critical Race Theory
Tanisha Jackland Aug 2021
When given an opportunity
to set things right
you run in the opposite
direction towards the further
demise of your fellow man
You cannot blame it on the water
You cannot blame it on the moon
For it is not the fault
from the revolt
of the slaves you hand picked
It is you
held accountable for nothing
eating the cake too
but something will not sit right
in your soul until you with
a blink of an eye
give of yourself
completely to what is true
To delve into whats left of
your heart and restart
what was bought and sold in you
It is time.
Aug 2021 · 107
Incantation for a New Breed
Tanisha Jackland Aug 2021
they will bring out
the bad in everything
corporate men in power
they must apply the pain
and suffering
it is  no good for you or me
But it will be women
who conquer with love
armed with kindness
creating new breeds
of men that will
bring in
strength with compassion
for harsh words
will trigger
a loaded gun
the spirit of man shall
renew itself
act by soulful act
to bring deep healing
and integrity
throughout the world
May 2021 · 260
Believed to be Seen
Tanisha Jackland May 2021
I saw them
working as
old schlepps
like you or me
postering as
flawed and human
but I know
they walk perfect
upon the earth  
ordained in shrouds
of shimmer
upon them
and when you are
not looking
they sing of
the moments
while blessing your
face with God
May 2021 · 181
Tanisha Jackland May 2021
Cameras 📷 make
us vain
make us flat
2D imitations
of ourselves
Not too deep
one liners
hogging the awkward stage
finding the right
angle to show and tell
glutton for your eyes
we binge on selfies
like eating a never
ending cake
we post like
we are not in hell
our faces but
Mar 2021 · 202
Incantation for a New Breed
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
they will bring out
the bad in everything
corporate men in power
they must apply the pain
and suffering
it is  no good for you or me
But it will be women
who conquer with love
armed with kindness
creating new breeds
of humans that will
bring in
strength with compassion 
 for harsh words
will trigger
a loaded gun
the spirit of man shall
renew itself
act by soulful act
to bring deep healing
and integrity
throughout the world
Mar 2021 · 860
Black Pearl
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
On cold evenings
Like this
the moon is
a black pearl
teasing me
to divine under
her that I will know
her ancient secrets
Mar 2021 · 350
The unmade bed
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
I am awake love
watching you
dream between
the soft moments
you are deity
to me
my naked shrine of glory
I have sent you
a dozen kisses on
your way to
the moon
so dream sweet
my love
until I return to
greet you in
the dearest
Mar 2021 · 388
Even the Clouds
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
These days are dark days
filled with the empty
promise of light
somewhere the Sun
is unemcumbered
and it is clear as crystal sheets
but over here the Sun
dodges in and out
of the clouds even
the sky worries
will these slick movements
rest or will they
get the best of us
Mar 2021 · 104
Where I am
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
Where I am
Living in this body
takes courage
more than gusto
or gumption
to some
I appear to be unreal
as if I don't exist
and for others I'm
all fangs waiting to
devour them as
I feel them
slowly disintegrate
into the bile of my
but I am just me plain
and quiet with big
storms inside
the living thunder
raging underneath like
the big bang...
Mar 2021 · 267
Tanisha Jackland Mar 2021
I am in question
while the tarot cards
plummet to
the floor
these inquiries
are hidden within
I am not a queen of
but a jester in silly clothing
beckoning you
with empty
blood-ridden hands
I made a promise
to the one God
and broke it shamefully
I fell hard
paying for it
broken body
heart stung
with little glee
Jan 2021 · 141
She Whispers
Tanisha Jackland Jan 2021
She is fire-breathing
and does not get burnt
by Her own breath

She waits to see you
consumed by that
for you will be the ash
and She will be the
wind to blow you away
to the merciless end
of you and your bigotry

She will devour them
who are unjust
She will meet them
by the stake of their hate
separating divinity
from the Gods
fragments of fire
particles in the Sun
dust in the air
Jan 2021 · 411
Man of Diamonds
Tanisha Jackland Jan 2021
Do not dig me out
for the seedling cannot
sustain itself
under the weight
of your pressure
it needs sustenance
for growth and
bread from the moon

i watch you lick
your ashen lips
I am as thirsty
and have seen
the clear waters
but drink me

i keep a tiger's
eye below my breast
just in case I lose the nerve
to enter you
my beautiful labyrinth
your glance
speaks hard
like diamond jewels

come and dazzle
the way
Nov 2020 · 133
Happy Birthday to Me
Tanisha Jackland Nov 2020
I am 50
No longer strangled by
the child of naivete
with a smudge
of silly
embracing the white
in every crevice
I am a glacier
receding into
the extinction of Me
Now that I am closer
to the fervent void
I will savor
the child less air
a crone and a mystery
to thee
Oct 2020 · 204
The Mind is an Engine
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2020
We play with minds
but the mind plays us

don't use it enough
only when convenient

or when it's too late
when we've been suckered

bamboozled into thinking
too much about nothing

The only reason you are here
is to be composted

Recycled into something
that will in all hopes last forever...
Oct 2020 · 128
Of Salt and Bitter Ways
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2020
"I'm building a cult around Your Figure" -Charles Michael Parks, jr.

Go ahead
You are perfect.
For I am edible enough
to break you with
my tongue.
I will
stain you with
to color your face
with my stink.
For I am as wanton
as an open sky.
Bring me
your sun-lit kisses
between this
black berry bush
deliver me
and make me endless...
Oct 2020 · 78
So Busy These Days
Tanisha Jackland Oct 2020
You are
always flying away
And there you go again
rendezvous with the wind
I try to anchor you
with my kisses
but they are not heavy enough
to weigh you down
flighty fool
those golden shiny
things won't
bring you peace of mind
but convene with me
then you shall know
what your precious
time is really
meant for...
Sep 2020 · 75
Tin Woman
Tanisha Jackland Sep 2020
I feel my age these days
bones creaking
the need to be well-oiled
like some kind of
tin woman
all rusted
my metal parts
need refurbishing
then I could
have a new body
without dying
Be all bionic
and built like
a brickhouse
Sep 2020 · 132
Retail Therapy
Tanisha Jackland Sep 2020
Blessed are those
who spend money
on things
we have been dipped
into the holy cash
of money worship
like fallen gods from glory
love disguised in the
sanctimony of commerce
And never buy mediocrity
from middle men
or those claiming they are
the masters of your soul
who will just
empty your pockets
avoid them as if
they are frauds
of the spirit
who may send
you to hell
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