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Our empty graveyards full of quiet death,
With hardened earth, a darkened road,
Unseen names and lives untold,
Restricts our chests, discontinuing breath.

Found a flame to illuminate the depth.
But can we trust enough to hold
A light that only shall unfold
Our empty graveyard full of quiet death?
We repent and cry out to a distant God
Then recite apologies to all that hear
Knowing that our regrets are but a façade

Our footsteps are heard throughout the metal rod
Longing and fearing a punishment severe
We repent and cry out to a distant God

Ringing and singing, our voices sounding odd
Fumbling through early laws, trying to adhere
Knowing that our regrets are but a façade

Feeling around, we find the dark firing squad
The purpose of it shall be ever unclear
We repent and cry out to a distant God

Panicking through the grainy darkness we clawed
Seeing nothing but what is in our own sphere
Knowing that our regrets are but a façade

The reality is that we are all flawed
Is our final repentance not insincere?
We hope for our stone hearts to become unthawed
Knowing that our regrets are but a façade
A veil of darkness, swirling as a hurricane
Decimating my armor and removing my crown,
Dark and silent, yet full of crashing debris,
Choking my heart, piercing my spirit,
Left my broken mind and mangled body
Desperately reaching for thy comforting arm.
Oh, how I lamented my miserable state.

Yet thy glory is a sword to cut through the veil, and arrows are but slivers of dust in thy presence.
The mighty hand that parted the waters
Has power sufficient to silence all great storms.
I shall turn my heart to thee
And thou shalt dash to pieces the chains that bind it.
Through thy unyielding love, my mind and body shall be made perfect at that bright and glorious day.
.                             In////Out
Forward               In////Out
drawroF               Robotic
Again again
                               Same Answer
Balloon                 Always Moving
Expanding           Rock-A-Bye
Energy of
Vessel               ­    Conscripted growth
Desiccated           Passive breathing
Air shifting
Over lesions
Make it                 The comfort
Stop!!!!                  Of wanted breath
                               Against the
Ending                  Affected placenta
Beginning             Of the inner ear
Right now to be frank
Well never mind
I don’t know I can’t tell

Two thawed tingling tongues
Trudging through teddy-bear tantrums

The white space is calling
Clawing through air
Retching up a thin stream of nothingness
In distress, I cried for help
But became engulfed in deep waters

From the midst of the dead I called for you
And was hurled into the wild currents

I looked toward your Holy Temple
Yet was banished from your sight

I sank into mountain crevices
And felt ignored

          From those depths I listened to your cries
          I brought you life from the realm of the dead
          I allowed all of these experiences and that has created you
It is funny how arrows go in so smoothly
But to take them out causes so much damage
As the broad back of the arrow head
Tears the flesh on its way out
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