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Feb 2013 · 520
Katie Young Feb 2013
The truth is seeping out of the walls,
like a sponge at capacity.
Do I squeeze them, or let them be?
Katie Young Feb 2013
I'm gonna feel broken when I have you,
I keep thinking.
You're gonna break my spirit, crush it
in your chubby hands.
I won't ever love you because I can
hardly love anything.
I don't think that just because you grew
in me I will love you more.
I'm gonna be bad for you. You won't
have any fun because I will mold you
after me.
And then I'll hate you.
Because I hate me.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
Prince of the Night
Katie Young Feb 2013
My creature of the night,
you frighten me.
Dark and sultry,
you ****** my curiosities.
They all say they know you,
they only know your name.

But they don't even know that.
No one does.
So we'll just call you Batman.
Feb 2013 · 354
Let Me Know You
Katie Young Feb 2013
Let me know you like I know my weaknesses, thoroughly and
totally picking apart every minute detail.

Be like my insecurities, omnipresent and always waiting to take
me at the end of the day.

Be as large as my thighs, my ***, my belly, enveloping who I
really am in favor of comfort.

Be my hope. Take me away from all I hate about myself. It is too
big a task, maybe. But I've charged you with it all the same.
Feb 2013 · 379
This Room
Katie Young Feb 2013
burrowed under sheets
your toes touch my toes

out of this room
it matters not at all

we built this kingdom
out of soft touches
Feb 2013 · 495
I Pity the Trees
Katie Young Feb 2013
I pity the trees
at the mercy of
an unsettled sky.
Upwards they grow
to comfort her,
catching her tears
readily, like a tissue.
She will ignore their
kindness and rain
again, but trees
live for the moments
that she runs dry
to allow a fleeting glimpse
of the sun.
Feb 2013 · 370
Three Billion Beats
Katie Young Feb 2013
I only get three billion beats.
I think I'll die young;
You make my heart race.
I read this article about how your life span is determined by how fast you use up your three billion beats. Hummingbirds only live a few years and whales live for a hundred for that reason, so it said. It was just a concept that stood out to me.
Feb 2013 · 981
In Keeping With Tradition
Katie Young Feb 2013
In keeping with tradition, stranger,
we will walk past one another and
not say a word.

I’ll glance nervously at converse on the
weedy walk; you’ll distract yourself
a nearby bird.

I’ll never know how you’ll cry alone
between linens tonight because you
realized you feel nothing.

You’ll never know how I pacify myself
with myths and lies just to keep
my composition.

We’ll both be lonely and never know
why. We both will always ache for
something we can’t name.
Feb 2013 · 736
Two Rams Are We
Katie Young Feb 2013
Two rams are we, you and me.
My hooves were fresh, horns just new.
I sat on your hill, you taught me
everything, your disciple,
your Rip Van Winkle.

Your mouth was wide but
your legs were thin. You said
“I’ll leap across gorges”.
Dad, I believed you,
So sound asleep.  

I watched, as you fell into
all the holes, horns chipped, denting.
Hoofs scratched, bending.
Tried, you did, to bound over me,
you broke my back; I even ducked.

Still asleep, barely.
What sort of ram are you?
Gorges don’t come small
enough for a mouth like that.
Found my own hill then, did I.

My broken back is healing now.
I am my own disciple now.
I haven't tried to leap over a gorge
yet, I'm training for the day.
Wide awake.
Feb 2013 · 5.5k
Red Lipstick
Katie Young Feb 2013
I never thought
I could wear
Red Lipstick
Until I wore
Red Lipstick
Katie Young Feb 2013
I will look with unglazed eyes
onto this nebulous existence
and I won’t hesitate to cut it
       with a knife, unsympathetic to those
who would hinder or impede me.
They are not my life, I am my life.
I cannot imagine not turning over

every last effulgent piece of
this Earth, and so I will
not leave one drink undrunk,
one feeling unfelt, one sigh
unsighed. I will take what this world has
by force; I am here but once, so do not
     stop me, block me, weather me in,

  it will fail. I am an intransigent
  being, uncompromising in my need,
   unforgiving in my ways, strident in
  my demands. Like a preservative,
   feral mother I won’t let the one
     I love become victim to famishment,
            and I am my child today.

— The End —