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Katie Lew Mar 2014
you have been my friend for years
when we started to hang out more it was because you were dating my other friend,
   the one who moved away
you moved away to
unlike my other friends, we stay in touch
you know all my problems and you have helped me with many
i thought things would never change
man was i wrong
i have had my share of trouble with love
and so have you
we both have had someone leave us for some one else
i always hoped things wouldn't change
but now i am changing my hope
i hope things will change
i hope that you will stay my friend
and i hope for so much more
Katie Lew Mar 2014
I know I wasn't the first one.
I know I won't be the last.
Why is it that when it happens to me,
     no on cares?
But when it happens to you,
     it's everything to everyone.
Katie Lew Mar 2014
People with sorrow in their hearts
Struggle with sleep during night.
They will only awake at sunrise well slept
Once they find their joy.
Katie Lew Mar 2014
Gone before I could remember her.
Katie Lew Mar 2014
You listen when they talk
You show that you care
You give advice that will help them
You are there when they need you.
They act like they listen
They pretend that they care
They give you advice that will still help them
They are there when they need you
   but not when you need them.
Katie Lew Mar 2014
You told me you loved me.
You said i was your everything.
Then, on New Years Eve,
    you drove away.
You left me in the cold.
You never looked back.
Katie Lew Mar 2014
Me, my thoughts, and I. Yikes
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