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Katie Conner Oct 2010
It’s the time we don’t get back.  Its like trying to get something you lost in the inky black of night.  The time you’ll not forget, matter how it was spent.  It’s the spark you have, but no flame cause its missing the flint.

You wish this was a dream.  Cause nothing is what it once seemed.  The time you want but you can’t have.  Your time has stopped still, while your real life is moving by so fast.  You cant rewind cause its already in the past, getting to the next day and forgetting the last.

Lost time is what was taken from me, that was mine!  Now it’s gone!  Here, think on this, what did you miss when you just blinked, now imagine that missing moment forever and on going, and that is what it feels like to me, a forever missing eternity.
Katie Conner Oct 2010
I think you give cause to raise my head

I see how we can erase all this dread

I hear your words of soft encouragement

It makes me think that this was destined.

I think of days now as rare sweet gifts.

The excitement in your eyes like butterfly mist.

I think that you are my soul’s own cure.

I think my heart has found it’s pure.

I see with you an improved place

I think that with you all evil will be erased

For in this world upon which we alight,

Every soul seeks to own its right

I long to feel your heart near mine

Beating closer to a harmonious time

I like your eyes looking sincerely unto me

But really can’t comprehend what it is you see

If somehow by the force of our worlds,

I lost you to forever,

I’d search for an eternity

Longing for my soul mate.
Katie Conner Oct 2010
I remember all the times we spent together
Now we don’t even see each other

You were my best friend my soul mate and all

Until we tried something new

We decided to give one more step a chance

Thought it was unbreakable and was made to last

You said we will always be friends but yes, you had lied

My head is aching, my hear is breaking, what did we do?

Thanks for making me realize my life is just one big lie

Thanks for teaching me the biggest lesson of all

You taught me that you can’t trust anyone but yourself

You stole my heart and you broke it in two

Thanks for turning your back on me
Thanks for not telling the truth
Thanks for not being real

On my heart you’ve left a scar

Thanks for letting me think you actually cared

And that you would always be there

Who ever said that it’s best to be friends first

When something goes wrong it’s never the same

If only I could turn back time

I miss the touch of your friendship

I long to see that smile, and hear you laugh

I really miss that connection that I felt with you

Can we mend this rift or has it gone too far???
Katie Conner Oct 2010
I try to find the words
To express the feelings in my heart
I try to show you that I care
But I am not sure where to start

I guess I'll start right here
And I guess I'll start right now
I'll tell you I love you
And I'll tell you why, and how

You are the one I want to lay next too
When my time has passed
You are the one I've given myself too
And you will be the last
You are the one I want for life
Until the day I die
You are the one God sent for me
To be with and that that is no lie,

You are the one who brightens my day
With your smile bright and glowing
You are the one whom I wake up for
Each and Every single day.
Katie Conner Oct 2010
I sit here and look at the walls in my cell....

I look at the puddle of tears on the ground from my eyes that have fell,....

I’d give anything for the touch of freedom, the sun on my face, even a smell....

It seems like a dream, it’s getting darker and my skin looks pale,....

I know there is a heaven but this place I know as Hell.....

Every night I wake up from bad dreams that I scream, cry and yell!!....

I look for someone to say I love you, its ok....

But it’s just an empty cell, ....

So one more step down lower I have fell....

I know there are people who love me....

Through the glass I see their faces and I can tell,....

We say I love you, and then they walk away,....

I go back to my cell and I break down, fall to my knees and cry,....

One more step I have fallen....

Some times I have hard time seeing in the mirror, ....

Cause it’s hard to see a reflection in it when your eyes are full of tears,....

I think about my life, and all the painful years, ....

But if I go anywhere, its ok, God is with me and no evil will I fear,....

It feels like my life has been cut short....

That my life and my freedom exist of thee days of court....

Again I feel hopeless and take steps down, not one, not two, or three, but four....

Then its darker and darker than before....

That I wonder if ....Ill.... be outside once more....

From all the crying my eyes are sore....

My hear feels like its been torn, forgotten about and buried in the thorns, ....

So I find myself at the bottom of this stair case,....

Wondering if ....Ill.... ever be rescued from this desolate place....

That now when I look in the mirror I can hardly recognize my face ....

I wake up and ask the Lord why have I been misplaced?....

That all I can taste is the tears from my face....

I’d take one more step down, but as it is I fall lower than solid ground....

It feels like an escalator or a marry go round, you go up and round and round ....

But then you return to go back down, there is the reason why my smile is now a frown....

And I return to the downward spiral that goes around and round and eventually goes down!!....
Katie Conner Oct 2010
I sit here, out my window and peak....

Tears fill my eyes cause my heart is weak....

I long for a hug, or a kiss on the cheek,....

I find myself digging out of this hole....

But it seems so deep. That I stop to take a breath....

Only enough to weep....

Then I pick myself up and wipe the tears from my cheeks....

I find myself happy and unrepressed....

Maybe once or twice a week....

Feels like rocks and dirt gave out, so a lil falls back in the hole I sink....

Think of not holding on, but of letting go....

Sinking into the deep....

I start back on my up an up....

That my heart and mind wont’ let me give “up”....

Life is full of troubles and heartache and loss....

That some people say that’s what makes us “us”....

That’s why we are mad, and sad, and we know its wrong but sometimes we “cuss”....

Then we find ourselves climbing out of the hole inch by inch....

We will break down and sink a bit, ....

Find ourselves frustrated and questioned,....

But its OK, we’ll find ourselves out of here....

In a lil bit, we will get out of this pit....

Cause there is light at the end of the tunnel....

This pit of depression we will pummel....

Will reach the top and end this heartache....

Cause this tunnel we all get caught....

Will go through swings of mad, sad, happy, broke down and glad....

But God is there with his hand to help you out and back on top.....
Katie Conner Oct 2010
Our love was like a precious flower
Which you took upon yourself
Crushing it till nothing was left
Leaving the beautiful petals in your wake

You left a shattered heart
That is forced to heal
My happiness has come to an end
Hate has conquered all

The heart break you have caused
Is deeper than you can know
You have no notion of what love is
You took my heart and crippled it

Love is not just intimate moments
Love is not simply ***
Love is not something you can take
Only when its convenient

I am all cried out
My pain has been taken over by regret
I have no love left to lend
Now is my time to heal.

This love was just a figment of my imagination
Sadness is growing, Love is shrinking
When love has come, but soon is gone
It begs the question was it ever there

Sadness will soon come to an end,
happiness will conquered hate.
Love to sprout again sadness to shrink
hope has come again.
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