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902 · Dec 2014
Who's On The Inside
Who's On The Inside

A slave to surface beauty
never more I'll be,
allured by it's spell
of uncertainty.
Attraction lies in the eyes
of the beholder,
changing rapidly
every year we grow older.
Vanity once had
a hold on me,
now older and wiser
it's plain to see.
What's on the outside
is simply a shell,
it's who's on the inside that's
meant to excel!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/27/2014
890 · Dec 2014
Write On
Write On

Mr Twain my hat's off to you
for reminding us what it's like to be young,
experiencing life through your eyes
and your words,
showing us how it's done.
Sometimes your phrases I couldn't
understand but I read on anyways,
escaping from my world of uncertainty
through your written adventures
I found happier days.
You taught the world a lesson
the message still standing strong,
your words will echo through
time encouraging us all to write on!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/07/2014
885 · Dec 2014
God's In Contrrol
God's In Control

The violet blue sky
caresses the sun,
dawn glitters with glory
a new day's begun.
Dew drops of silver
dance with delight,
a welcome call
gone is the night.
Leaves of green waltz
with the breeze,
scarlet red cardinals
whistle in the trees.
A rainbow of colors
awaken my soul,
reminding my spirit
that God's in control.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/26/2014
All Rights Reserved
875 · Nov 2014
If Tomorrow Never Comes
If Tomorrow Never Comes

If tomorrow never comes
and we only have today,
don't waist one precious moment
rejoice and celebrate.
Watch the morning sunrise
treasure skies of blue,
count the stars and make a wish
believing dreams come true.
If tomorrow never comes
and today is all we own,
why not make the best
of this life giving thanks
we're never alone.
I believe in angels to each we are assigned,
I hope my mom is one of them
guiding this life of mine.
If tomorrow never comes
I'm grateful for today,
I know someone is watching me
every step of the way.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
May 25, 2014
813 · Nov 2014
Truth Will Reveal
Truth Will Reveal

Cheat cheat you won't beat,
victory you'll never behold,
honesty will always win
for every lie there's a truth to be told.
Is your conscience clear tonight
have you nothing to conceal,
wake up my friend and realize
the wrong you hide
truth will reveal.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/14/2014
803 · Dec 2014
Everything Changes
Everything Changes

Summer turns to fall
winter nights
soon follow,
days are shorter, but spring
comforting warmth paving tomorrow.
Everything changes my friend
if you think about it
it's true ,
nothing is ever promised
the road ahead may be
rough or smooth.
Remember your first love
the dreams and promises made,
stepping stones and broken hearts
lighting tomorrow's way.
Teaching us heavenly lessons
giving us direction and light,
curves in the road may bend
there's wrong and there is right.
It's true everything changes
at times,
but if you remember those
examples you've learned,
your future will always shine bright
yesterday's failures
are tomorrow's victories earned.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 28, 2014
All Rights Reserved
802 · Dec 2014
Ocean Of Secretes
Ocean Of Secretes

The heart holds an ocean of secrets
ones of triumph and defeat,
together with the soul
intertwined with every beat.
Defining who we are
and who we may become,
every song is different
but when all is said and done.
To dance, to dream, to live
is worth more than words can say,
The heart holds an ocean of secrets
but what matters is today.

Yesterday's gone
tomorrow's a gift
make the best of today

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 09/14/2014
797 · Nov 2014
You'll Never Fail
You'll Never Fail

Be the captain of your voyage,
forever try your best,
focus looking forward
north south east and to the west.
Never waver in your thinking,
nor balance on the wall,
fight for what you believe in,
when you win you'll win it all.
Battle for truth, fight for freedom
let honesty be your goal,
Hang your flag, make your choice
prepared to pay the toll.
Voice the words that must be said,
not to soft nor too flat,
white is white as truth is shared,
black will always be just that.
You're the captain of your conscience
may your light forever prevail,
as you reach your destination
follow God's path and you'll never fail.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/11/2014
All Rights Reserved
777 · Nov 2014
Pet Port A Potty
Pet Port A *****

I took a walk in the city today
to try to pass the time away.
Saw lots of people walking too
stepped right in a pile of doggy doo.
I thought for a moment just what could be done
to clean up the streets of doggie dung.
Maybe I'll invent something really super
even finer than a pooper scooper.
A port a ***** for our four legged friends
on every street corner where every road bends.
Then I'll become famous for this awesome invention
at the monthly town meetings my name will be mentioned.
They'll throw a big party and dance in the streets
because never again will there be **** on our feet!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
773 · Dec 2014
It Goes So Fast
It Goes So Fast

It goes so fast this life we're given,
quickly the years scurry by,
blink just once snap your fingers
watch how fast time flies.
Remember when you were a child
what mattered most of all,
the simplest of things
is what I do recall.
Then came teenage years
carefree and full of surprise,
opening our hearts to love and loss
honesty and lies.
Defining who we are and who
we've come to be,
gone like the wind in an instant
those tender years of our twenties.
Thirties came with debt and fear
trying the best we knew
to give our families a little more
than the blessings that were
given to you.
Forties march right in kids grown
and start to fly,
Fifties give you grand babies
my how fast time passes by.
The silver years are here
the golden yet to come,
I'm so happy I was given this life,
it goes so fast
but I'm still having fun!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 09/27/2014

Counting Blessings Today!
771 · Dec 2014
A Better Life
A Better Life

In a small Texas town down a
country road,
stood little old shack
my mom called home.
Where dinners were served
by a lantern's light,
and hand made quilts
kept her warm at night.
A place where most
could never fore see
was my mother's home
her history.
Floors made of dirt, yet still
she was proud,
of her humble beginnings
she spoke about.
Sometimes I'd laugh and
couldn't believe,
but as I've grown older
I've come to see.
Through hard work
and devotion
faith and trust,
she created a
better life for us.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/30/2014
This is a true story. My mother came from the most humble beginnings. She created a better life for me through her hard hard and devotion. Her legacy lives on in me because I too worked hard to create an even better life for my children and praise God grand children as well.
770 · Nov 2014

It comes when you least expect it
blanketing your mind with fear,
a word you dread like the plague
and hoped you'd never hear.
Maybe because someone you love
has been taken by it's curse,
no pill nor treatment out there could
this dreadful disease reverse.
Don't you think it's about time,
a cure should surely be found,
that those who lost their battle,
won the war for those fighting now.
Someone knows the answer
knowledge is the key,
candles lit the world until
Franklin discovered electricity.
For every problem there's a solution
every question there's an answer,
somewhere out there someone
has the power to cure Cancer.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright 2/12/2014
All Rights Reserved
Remember The Stars and Stripes

Remember the Stars and Stripes
those men and women who
gave their lives,
defending peace and liberty,
risking it all for the
land of the free.
Also let us not forget
tears their loved ones forever shed.
Wives who husbands never came home,
mothers and fathers who cry alone.
Children who mourn the parent they lost paying forever the ultimate cost.
Futures so bright taken away,
like the Stars and Stripes forever wave.
When you say your prayers tonight,
give thanks for their service and

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 05/22/2014
753 · Dec 2014

Don't worry
it will be okay,
fear not the future
it isn't yours anyway.
Right now is all that matters
take a look around you,
count your blessings
smell the roses
there's nothing you can't do.
As sure as the morning sunrise
will waltz along the shore,
someone has a plan for you
and life holds so much more.
Test the waters, take chances
what will be will be,
you never know until you try
dreams come true
to those who believe.
Don't worry breath deep
and remember tonight there
shines a star,
in Heaven's twilight sky
that represents your heart.
Angels peeking through
watch every step you make
take the plunge don't let fear
rob your joy today.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
740 · Nov 2014

When things don't go your way
and you've made a mistake or two,
how many times did you blame
someone to take the pressure off of you?
Maybe you trusted somebody
and took them at their word,
only to be betrayed when acts
of mistrust occurred.
It happens to everyone
you're no different from the rest,
life will never be perfect
choices are made some
with regrets.
You only have yourself to blame
but in the end you'll learn,
to choose your friendships wisely
look at the ones that worked hard to earn.
The gift of your heart you gave them
when you opened yours to theirs,
let go of the past and remember
a true friend always cares.
Blame is for the foolish a temporary
it cannot fix nor change
mistakes in life we make.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/07/2014
All Rights Reserved
739 · Nov 2014
Are There Angels
Are There Angels

Are there angels here beside us as we journey life's winding road,
Sent from heaven here to guide us along
future paths unknown?

I saw an angel in my dream with an
iridescent smile,
raven hair, delicate wings and a
warm angelic style.
She bore a sweet resemblance to
someone I used to know,
but the era had lapsed, long since passed, for the winds of time do blow.
She told me of a heavenly land, a
paradise she claimed,
that awaits the souls of everyone who
worship Jesus name.
She showed me living waters baring
life of endless flow,
unconditional love for our master above
a place where streets are paved in gold.
And when my dream came to an end she
kissed me tenderly,
whispered we'll soon meet again when
God feels it's meant to be.
In the morning I awakened to the
dawning of the day,
with my spirit a glow for I'd been
kissed by a rose,
in this dream I'll cherish till my
dying day.

Yes angels walk beside us however
unbelievable it seems,
sent from heaven here to guide us
even in our dreams.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
copyright © 1998
730 · Nov 2014
My Angel Peeking Through
My Angel Peeking Through

If I could visit heaven
only for a day,
and all the grief I've suffered
be vanished all away.
What a blessing it would be
to hear your voice once more,
say the words I love you
like you always did before.
It's hard down here on earth
without your strength and guidance,
the shoulder that I leaned upon
the friend I could confide in.
God chose you for a reason
a plan to us unknown,
and asked that we have faith in
him until he calls us home.
When I say my prayers tonight
I hope you're listening too
watching me from up above
my angel peeking through.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 2013
All rights reserved
727 · Dec 2014
From A Distance
From A Distance

From a distance you've read the verses
I've written but did you read between the lines?
I wonder if you understand me,
I've offered my soul in every
I suppose that's what a writer does
and the legacy we leave,
giving its readers a glimpse of ourselves
with words of wisdom we hope you believe.
From a distance I pray you might
know who I am,
I hurt just like you and my heart understands.
I hope I write words you wanted
to say,
that God chose me to brighten
your day.
From far in a distance I pray
you might see
a peek inside of who I
try hard to be.
A person who cares, a soul
that is real,
that strives to portray life's
emotions we feel.
The greatest words are not
spoken but written,
and come from a place
that should never be hidden.
But shared with the world
rhyme after rhyme,
a piece of my soul
line after line.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
723 · Nov 2014
Middle Class Misery
Middle Class Misery

Hopes dashed dreams fade,
gotta go to work another day.
Paid my money bought my ticket
thought I could tell my boss to stick it.
But here I sit on Sunday night,
knowing by the morning light.
I'll be back at my desk slaving away,
hoping to make it through one more day.
And uncle Sam you must be smiling,
knowing come January I'll be filing.
You've stuck it to me one more year,
more taxes await as I live in fear.
Thanks so much dear President Obama,
for creating all this political drama.
Thought by now I'd be seeing the change,
you promised our country on election day.
But who am I, just the middle class,
to our federal government you can "Kiss My A$$"!

Copyright © Kathy J Parenteau
710 · Dec 2014
If I remember
If I Remember

Why is it that I forget the things
I'm told to do,
like picking up my toys before
I go to school?
I guess my mind is busy with thoughts
of other things,
like playing with my friends and
swinging on the swings.
And parents they don't understand just
how it can be so,
that we remember certain things
promised days ago.
Like a trip to the ice cream parlor
or a visit to the mall,
a picnic at the park or playing a
game of basketball.
I guess our minds are different than
grown ups seem to be,
I think I'll remind my mom of that
when she gets mad at me.
That is if I remember!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
I wrote cute little poems for my children as they were growing up. I wanted to encourage them to love reading. Not take this life to seriously and enjoy every precious moment. We can all relate to these words because once in our lives we've been there lol
What Ever Happened To Gifts From The Heart?

Christmas lists are made
shopping has begun,
as merchants reap their profits
counting dollars one by one.
Hoping that we choose
the perfect gift to impress
we've lost the meaning of this
holy day I sadly must confess.
What ever happened to gifts from
the heart, when way back in the day,
it wasn't so much about spending,
but family we'd celebrate.
Things were so simple then,
when hand made gifts were given,
spending time not dollars
made life so worth the liven.
When Christmas carols were heard
on porches, instead of shopping malls,
where memories made so long ago
were the fondest to recall.
May this magical holiday season
remind you it's not what you spend,
but praising God for the gift of his son
as you bow your heads and say AMEN!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © December 1, 2013
All Rights Reserved
A Butterfly ***** It's Wings

I said goodbye to a friend today
for a moment I thought we lost,
forgetting about life eternal
that was promised on the cross.
Who shall ever believe in him
will never pass away,
from ashes to dust we come and go
but the soul lives on in every way.
Someone who makes a difference
continues to survive,
if only through our memories
friendship never dies.
Someone watches over you
and every now and then,
a butterfly ***** it's wings
and we're visited again.
It's never goodbye  just see
you later in these days we all may mourn,
on the other side of life
a home in heaven
awaits us all from
the moment we are born.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/12/2014
All a Rights Reserved
676 · Nov 2014
It Only Took Lifetime
It Only Took A Lifetime

I sat on a blanket in the yard
and looked up at the sky,
watching fluffy cloud formations
waltzing their way by.
Remembering my childhood
and lazy summer days,
afternoon breezes, thunderstorms,
watching the willow sway.
A swallow gliding effortlessly
does a dance upon the wind,
the coloring book I saw before me
reminded me again.
Of the child I was so long ago
filled with hopes and dreams,
it only took a lifetime to
to realize what that means.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/29/2014
All Rights Reserved
670 · Nov 2014
Heavenly Report Card
Heavenly Report Card

The stars were hung, the sun was born,
the moon lit the midnight sky,
when life as we know it was created
no matter it's theories we analyze.
There's a star far off in the
that shines for your soul alone,
building the stairway to heaven,
awaiting your journey
back home.
The creator of your destiny
is watching all you do,
knows your situation
every trial you've been through.
Your heavenly report card is reviewed
when you step into the light,
by the one who loved you most
and placed you in this life.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 20, 2014
All Rights Reserved
664 · Nov 2014

Every amber colored sunset
or sky of royal blue
and the multi colored rainbow
from heaven peeking through
put them all together
for one unbelievable view
they'd never hold a candle to
the beauty I see in you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
All Rights Reserved
656 · Nov 2014
Old Man Potter
Old Man Potter

Old man Potter had a bench
at the park,
he'd sit every day
from dawn until dark.
Watching the children
moms and dads,
remembering the life
he once had.
With far away glances
his eyes did appear,
I asked him one day
"Why are you here"?
He chuckled a bit and
said with a grin,
"I just like watching
because way back when.
Once a long long
time ago,
I too had a family
and loved them so.
My wife was a treasure
beautiful to me,
she now lives in heaven
with angels you see.
My son was my world
but went off to war,
never returned
to knock on my door.
Once as a family we
played here too,
when life was
simple and troubles were few.
Now old man Potter
sits not alone,
though his bench may be empty
his heart is at home.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/22/2014
655 · Nov 2014
A Poet's Pen
A Poet's Pen

Words of inspiration
glide across each page,
held by the hand of a heart of gold,
offering it's soul through every phrase.
Recording memories to be
shared throughout time,
enlightening our senses
with every rhyme.
With many a verse we all
can relate,
revealing the things we
wish we could say.
The imagination and message
it sends,
are gifts from the heart of
a poet's pen.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 23, 2013
All rights reserved
654 · Nov 2014
I am Woman
I Am Woman

I've only got one shot, the best of
me I give,
I'll never be perfect but that's ok
as long as I may live.
I'm a woman, someone's wife,
a mom and daughter too,
I know what it's like to struggle
and give my heart it's true.
My worth cannot be measured
no scale on earth exist,
I'll leave my mark for those I love
to ever reminisce.
I am woman, standing tall
my light will always shine,
by his grace I've given my all
though tomorrow may never be mine.
I'm created by the master
for all the world to see
a diamond of priceless measure
I am woman remember me.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/30/2014
623 · Nov 2014
The Spanx
The Spanx

To whoever invented the Spanx
tonight I raise my glass,
for creating the patent,
that helped me flatten,
my big fat jiggly ***.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/29/2014
617 · Nov 2014
Old Man Skeeter Pop
Old Man Skeeter Pop

Old man Skeeter Pop pushed a
broom and carried a mop,
kids all loved him cause
he made them laugh,
when he'd pull out his teeth
and put them back.
He didn't have much hair
on his head,
never wore a belt but
suspenders instead.
While sweeping and mopping
he sang through the halls,
cleaning kid's messes from
the floors to the walls.
Then one sunny day
in June,
Skeeter put down his
mop and broom.
He joined the kids in their
baseball game,
instead of a bat he
used a cane.
His first time at the
pitcher's mound,
his suspenders let loose
and his pants fell down.
He yanked them up and
threw the ball,
strike one two and three
he shocked them all.
He stood up to bat with
his cane in hand,
and hit that ball right
out of the stands.
The kids all cheered and
screamed his name,
run Skeeter Pop run as their
team won the game.
Those who thought he was
to old to play,
learned a valuable lesson
that sunny day.
People are filled with
all kinds of surprises,
and those who try are
always the wisest.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
All rights reserved
I wrote poems for my children as they were growing up to help them love reading. I also added hidden messages to help mold who they would become.
If Today Should Be Your Last

Live this day like it could
be your last,
when opportunity comes
don't let it pass.
If someone you know
needs a listening ear,
give them yours
and be sincere.
Take a chance
don't be afraid,
you only live once,
make the most of today.
You're a beacon of light
created with love,
one of a kind
a gift from above.
There's good and bad
right and wrong,
know the difference,
as you journey along.
If today should be your last
each minute celebrate,
treasure every second
never hesitate.
Say what you have
to say love with all you are,
no regrets, you've
done your best and
tonight you'll earn your star.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/03/2014
604 · Nov 2014

What a gift we have
to share,
offering hope to
someone out there.
That's walked in your shoes
yet lost their way,
it's your inspiration
they need today.
Let your light shine
don't hide what you know,
you might make a difference
that's needed so.
Victories you've earned
are inspirations to share,
the extra mile traveled
carries you there.
The peace you seek
your ultimate goal,
is to love unconditionally
from the depths of your soul
It's inspiration once offered
to you,
that makes the difference
in all that you do.
Don't turn away
when someone cries out,
inspiring others
is what life's all about.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/07/2014
All Rights Reserved
600 · Nov 2014
I'll Always Love You
I'll Always Love You

I'm sorry I didn't tell you as
often as you deserved,
how much you mean to me
so I'll say it now in the written word.
If sometimes you don't see it
I certainly understand
life can get so complicated
but it's not worth the journey
without you holding my hand.
Every tear I've ever shed,
you've always cried with me
forgiveness you freely gave,
when at times I couldn't believe.
Every day I wake with you
resting by my side,
I promise love to tell you
I'm so happy you're in my life.
If the sun shall never rise again,
and the stars run away with the moon,
your love will always light my world
till the end of time I'll always love you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/16/2014
All Rights Reserved
I wrote this for my husband of 31 years. Don't know where I would be without him.
598 · Nov 2014
Definition Of The Soul
Definition Of The Soul

The soul gives life to the body
of every living creation,
it's beauty ever present
with no earthly expiration.
Dancing through eternity
lead by the master above,
guided by his almighty hands
and unconditional love.
Each one unique and
indescribable someday
will meet again,
our ultimate destination
is not of this earth but
our home in heaven.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
597 · Nov 2014
Faith Will Alway Prevail
Faith Will Always Prevail

"What a friend we have in Jesus"
is the greatest hymn of all time,
every verse a reminder
through the power of prayer
his mercy Devine.
We don't have to walk alone
someone paid the price,
to believe, let go and let God
is not a sacrifice.
It's shelter from the storm
peace of unlimited measure,
God's greatest gift to his children
blessed assurance he's there forever.
What a friend we have in Jesus
strength when all else fails,
is only a prayer away
faith will always prevail.

Don't ever under estimate the power
of prayer.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
592 · Nov 2014
Someone Is Always Listening
Someone Is Always Listening

How do we define a miracle
in words the world will believe,
describing the unexpected
sharing the joy our faith
has achieved.
Maybe what we have to say
are not our words at all,
messages from a higher power
blessings memories often recall.
Words can only say so much
miracles speak loud and clear,
open your eyes to the impossible
believe and never walk in fear.
Worry changes nothing
faith opens every door,
there's nothing wrong
in hoping this life holds something more.
How do we define a miracle
in words every heart will understand,
it may take a lifetime to express
put the pen to the paper and try again.

Someone is always listening

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 05/10/2014
590 · Nov 2014
It's Ok To Dream
It's Ok To Dream

If stars are the windows to heaven
and rainbows were ours to climb,
I'd ascend to the peak of its
golden arch leaving my troubles behind.
Taking one great giant leap
beyond the Milky Way,
dancing on comets and moonbeams
waltzing life's sorrows away.
We're all a part of this universe,
for every trial God has his plan,
trust in The Lord with all your heart
when facing the things you don't understand.
Remember it's ok to dream
as a momentary escape,
and run away from reality
when things aren't going so great.
There's mountains we must climb
but victories ahead,
that make us who we are
and give us strength God said.
When you're gazing at the sky tonight
remember he's looking too,
and every star that twinkles bright
are angels he's sent to watch
over you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Oct 2013
589 · Nov 2014

Hopelessness and despair
in a drop of pain does fall,
from my eyes along my face
treasured memories I recall.
Alone I suffer in silence,
my hearts breaks no one knows,
I have to keep pressing onward
my future God only holds.
So many obstacles in my way
will I ever overcome,
is the light at the end of the tunnel
a sign of victory for the battles I've won?
The salty stain remains reminding
me of the fight,
I'm a tiny mustard seed, a grain
of sand in this journey called life.
Tears sometimes unnoticed
by those who cry like me,
will never fall in vain
someone always sees.
The one who placed me here
and knows what lies ahead
tears are diamonds of a different facet
rainbows of love that will always be shed.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
576 · Nov 2014
Help Me Understand
Help Me Understand

Help me understand Lord why
things happen the way they do,
there are those who lie, steal and cheat
and those who tell the truth.
I've tried to live my life making
you proud of me,
seeking your acceptance
guidance and possibilities.
You've chosen me for a reason
I trust you'll light the way,
encouraging me to forgive
those who have hurt me today.
I cannot change a thing in life I know
you're in control,
the ruler of this universe the
one who owns my soul.
Tonight I ask you give me strength
to change the things I can,
and what I cannot fix
help me understand.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/25/2013
All Rights Reserved
569 · Nov 2014
A Mother's Misery
A Mother's Misery

I'm sitting here quietly thinking
about the way I've spent this day,
wondering if it was different
than what I did yesterday.
I've made the beds, bathed the kids
changed their ***** butts,
washed the clothes, scrubbed the floors
and fed the lousy mutt.
Only to find an hour later an
odor in the air,
one of them kids done **** their drawers
and another is pulling his brother's hair.
I find myself screaming my lungs out
like it does me any good,
it only makes my throat sore
I swear my kids knew it would.
I was watching the news today
they were talking about child abuse,
they said people who beat their kids
ain't got no **** excuse.
I'd like to get that ******* to
come stay here for a day,
let him go back on the show tomorrow
and see what he has to say.
Kids they're such a blessing
now who in the world said that,
they sure as heck don't have no kids
I know that for a fact!
They wait until you're busy
planning their strategy,
all the sudden all hell breaks loose
they're like their own little army
out to irritate me.
I try my best to bare it
grinding my teeth down
to the gums,
all the while under my breath
I'm calling my husband a
lousy ****.
That ******has it easy
goes to work from 9 to 5
leaves me with these little
beasts and tells me "You'll survive".
Now what the heck does he know
he hardly ever babysits,
on rare occasions when he does
he throws a fricken fit.
He's never changed a ***** diaper
I don't think he ever would,
He always says "That's your job honey"
I doubt he even could.
When he comes through the door at night
plops his *** right on the couch,
says "What's for supper babe
and why you such a grouch"!
Wake up and smell the coffee
you don't know what I've been through,
now tonight I'm supposed to play
***** queen like I got nothing else better to do.
I might just have to cut this short
cause I just heard a crash,
one of them kids is at it again and
it's time to bust their ***!
Have you ever been on the phone
or answering the door,
only to turn around to a box
of Fruit Loops all over the floor?
Then there's my personal favorite
I have to quickly mention,
the food fights round the table
that get my **** attention.
That's when I pull out the handcuffs
from the local five and dime,
chain their ***** to the bed
finally the last laugh is mine!
For those of you who have no kids
heed my warning if you will,
get yourself some birth control
and don't forget to take your pill!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 1989
All Rights Reserved
Lol must have been a real bad day when I wrote this.
Don't Tell Me That You Love Me

Don't tell me that you love me if your
words aren't felt within,
don't say what I need to hear
if isn't genuine.
I've been down that road before,
I can't stand another lie,
don't break my heart with
born to live and die.
Don't tell me that you love me
if you cannot follow through,
what you say I lean upon
forever trusting you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/14/2014
555 · Nov 2014
God's Ultimate Plan
God's Ultimate Plan

I've gone the extra mile
my heart is an open book,
when at times you didn't see
I stood in your corner
for a closer look.
My journey is not about me
the secret of God's ultimate plan,
is to love with all I have
even in times I don't understand.
The most precious gift of all
comes from deep inside,
defining who you are
the reason you're alive.
Love and only love
reaches far beyond our control,
every presence here on earth
can help heal a wounded soul.
Never stand in judgment for
those footsteps in the sand
one day might be your own,
a part of God's ultimate plan.

Wake up, praise God! You're
here for a reason. Trust in him,
his love and forgiveness never fails.
One day you'll earn your wings.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/23/2014
552 · Nov 2014
Because Heaven Is Listening
Because Heaven Is Listening

I often visit yesterday,
it's therapy to me,
my guiding light
giving me strength
as I close my eyes to sleep.

Burning bridges, taking
I dance through life's
twists and turns,

Isn't that what living is about,
today's mistakes
are lessons learned.

Opening doors, teaching us
it's memories of yesterday,
that gives us strength to fight life's battles
no matter come what may.

Loved ones gone still make a difference
remember, rejoice and behold,
words of wisdom spoken to you
in your heart will never grow old.

It's true they light the way
whether skies are black or blue,
light a candle in honor of someone
who made a difference to you.

Because Heaven is listening

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/27/2014
547 · Nov 2014

Why would someone end their life
what could have gone so wrong?
Where were the ones they needed
that once they leaned upon?
Did you not see the signs
were you busy getting by,
life's challenges of your own
you never heard their cry?
Maybe we need to listen
it only takes one soul,
to hear the cry of the weary
and offer words of hope.
Never dismiss someone's dismay
you could have been God's choice,
to make the difference now
there's power in your voice.
Don't be silenced by fear,
because what you have to say,
might make the difference between life or death for someone you love today.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/17/2014
546 · Nov 2014
Home At Last
Home At Last

Alone by the window
in silence she stares,
passing the time away,

People walk by
yet nobody cares,
on this earth 'twas
to be her last day.

Once she frolicked through
the meadows of youth
dancing with hopes of tomorrow,

Time came and went
revealing it's truth
along with joy came sorrow.

Somebody's wife, daughter
and friend,
a mother who gave her all,

Now sits in silence
until the end,
in a nursing home's
empty hall.

Visitors come and go
but sadly none for her,
another day comes to close
God saw her pain yet
knew her worth,

Today she lives in his
home on high,
watching while
angels pass her by.

Loneliness gone
a thing of the past,
where she belongs,
home at last!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/2/2014
540 · Nov 2014
Midnight Song
Midnight Song

Somber is the moonlit sky
along the river's shore,
peaceful as a new born's sigh
creatures scurry the forest floor,
A fallen leaf drifts downward
caressing the water's surface,
all tethered in perfect symmetry
each with their own special purpose.
As crickets sang their midnight
song I sat silently in awe,
tranquilized by nature's calm
mesmerized by what I saw.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2002
I wrote this poem after taking my son fishing one night on the Little St Mary's River. It was a night I will forever remember.
539 · Nov 2014
Dream The Impossible
Dream The Impossible

Expect the unexpected, dream
the impossible dream,
even when life gets you down
when your burdens are heavy
and you've run out of steam.
Miracles come out of nowhere
it's darkest before the dawn,
just when you think there's no
hope, you'll find strength to carry on.
Power that dwells within you
and it all begins with faith,
worry will try to consume you
robbing your joy and blessings today.
As the bird that rests upon a cliff
while a violent storm is raging,
no concern nor care patiently awaiting.
Knowing the sun will shine
soon he'll fly again,
Expect the unexpected
dream the impossible my friend.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 24, 2014
All Rights Reserved
Dare to dream, have faith, nothing is ever impossible to those who believe.
526 · Nov 2014
Dance On Angel's Wings
Dance On Angel's Wings

Dance on the wings of an angel
in your heavenly kingdom above,
rejoice with those gone before thee
and bask in his infinite love.
In all your awesome splendor
remember not far away,
your memory is alive and well
in the hearts of us who wait.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 1995

In memory of
Caleb Fowler Jr
525 · Nov 2014
A Photograph
A Photograph

A photograph is a memory
that time will never erase,
a treasured frozen moment
of a loved one's smiling face.
It's worth cannot be measured
as generations pass,
it's a constant reminder of yesteryear
when the clock ticks away too fast.
It's the somber look on a
newborn's face or a bride
on her wedding day,
a recollection of milestones
as we journey on our way.
It makes a house a home as
it hangs upon the wall,
and joyful conversations
for loved ones to recall.
Reminding us of our past
and the future yet to come,
it's an image of who we are
from the moment our lives begun.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © September 2013
All rights reserved
524 · Nov 2014
Meant To Be
Meant To Be

What makes things happen
we can't explain,
is it divine intervention
that fans the flame?
Meant to be holds
so many secrets,
unlocking our future
have no regrets.
Trust in your maker
believe in his plan,
have faith that tomorrow
he holds in his hands.
Every mountain you climb
or valley below,
if you walk in his footsteps
you'll walk not alone.
Meant to be means
looking beyond,
what hurts today
and moving on.
Even when storm clouds
alter our way,
meant to be means
making mistakes.
When God calls us home
may you realize,
every moment you stumbled
he was right by your side.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/16/2014
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