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 Sep 2010 KAT
Maritza Zamanis
I really did believe back then that fairy's took my teeth
I'd carefully lift my pillow and slip them underneath.

I really did believe back then that sleighs and deers could fly
And once a year on Christmas eve old Santa crossed the sky.

And then my favourite fairytale began one August night
A true life Prince or so you seemed came after his Snow White.

My life was in a state of shock
But with your kiss I woke
I soon believed your words of love and every word you spoke.

But cheating minds can lurk beneath a pair of loving eyes.
If only I had learnt back then
That fairytales were lies.
 Jul 2010 KAT
Heather Butler
Outside of this room
is a house
with four other human inhabitants,
two dogs, two fish,
and countless microscopic things.
They are all alive,
they are all living.
And if I listen over the vent I
can hear them speaking
(the humans, I mean).
I think they are cooking, and
maybe they're smiling.
Just a small house around
this small room around

Outside of this house
is a city
and if I knew the population
I'd quote it.
They are all alive,
they are all dying.
Even the unborn
already has started its
undetermined journey to
And perhaps they are crying
(the born ones, I mean).
Perhaps they are
staring up at clouds or
ignoring the clouds or
taking the clouds for granted.
Wherever they are, whoever they are,
they are all a part of this.
Just a small city around
a small house around
this small room around

Outside of this city
is a country
and the numbers of the population
I don't care to know.
I guess they're alive;
I know we're all trying.
Whether it's trying to live
trying to die I'll
never know.
I have to wonder if
one of them is thinking of me
in the same abstract way
I'm thinking of them.
Somewhere, someone is saying goodbye.
Someone is saying hello to the
cold cement below.
Someone is polishing a ******
and someone is giving life.
Someone is replacing and
someone is replaced.
Just a small country around
a small city around
a small house around
this small room around

Outside of this country
is a world
and most of it I will never see.
Beneath the waters are
secret creatures
swimming and breathing --
different from us.
But we believe we're all
connected in some way,
twisted and spinning
and tangled strings
invisibly tie us together.
And I admit I sound repetitive
and cliché when I say
that this is
Just a small world around
a small country around
a small city around
a small house around
this small room around

Inside of this room
is me
and perhaps a million or more
of my closest friends.
To the left is a tub which
hasn't been cleaned in ages
and to the right is
a toilet with the lid down.
I turn on the vent to wrap
silence and warmth around me
like a familiar, worn out blanket
(and on occasion to rid this room
of the smell).
I think clearest on
the bathroom floor.

Somewhere, out there,
you're thinking of me.
You, and him, and he is, too.
(And I suppose I can't forget
you, dear reader.)
But me, I'm thinking of
dark red carpets and blue tile
and off-white walls.
The ***** laundry is all mine.
I'm sure most of the hair in the carpets
is mine, too.
I'm leaving my mark
and living and breathing and feeling
right here,

all alone in a little room
around my little frame
around my little thoughts.

Somewhere a snail
consumes a salad
in the middle of a field.
Heather Butler; 2010
 Jul 2010 KAT
Carmelita Caruana
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   Her scarf a la Bardot,
In suede flats for the walk,
She came with me one evening
For air and friendly talk.
We crossed the quiet river,
Took the embankment walk.

Traffic holding its breath,
Sky a tense diaphragm:
Dusk hung like a backcloth
That shook where a swan swam,
Tremulous as a hawk
Hanging deadly, calm.

A vacuum of need
Collapsed each hunting heart
But tremulously we held
As hawk and prey apart,
Preserved classic decorum,
Deployed our talk with art.

Our Juvenilia
Had taught us both to wait,
Not to publish feeling
And regret it all too late -
Mushroom loves already
Had puffed and burst in hate.

So, chary and excited,
As a thrush linked on a hawk,
We thrilled to the March twilight
With nervous childish talk:
Still waters running deep
Along the embankment walk.
 Jul 2010 KAT
Wil Wynn
the Beginning
is the End
and versa-vice
and the End of the Beginning
is no other
than the Beginning of the End
blank night
engenders full day
dream is reality
can't you see
how everything
is nothing but its reverse
inside out?

within, we exist

tightly bound
by our intellect

somewhere in there
the drive to be
(and its reverse,
to not-to-be)
await our consciousness.

Outside my door
my dog whimpers
in its dreams
chasing whatever
archetypal ball
exists for him

and doesn't,
of course

As for me,
I will now wake up
and go to sleep
 Jun 2010 KAT
Alexander Doss
No Rest
 Jun 2010 KAT
Alexander Doss
Nerves grind sharply
as freshly drilled teeth
A rotted ghost of old
Haunts in my sleep  
Warm acrid bile fills
The back of my throat
As Love soft peals  
Erases all my hopes
Peeling back the moist corneum
Of my eager flesh
She exposes the throbbing source of
My distress
Her soothing glare
Renders my bones of fat
And lays them bare
My Mistress, My Mistress!  
I have lost the will to
Who surrenders me
No rest.

Feedback builds a better poet...or makes a bitter pundit. ~AD
 May 2010 KAT
5 4 nothing
 May 2010 KAT
thoughts are transmitted
via translucent dragonfly mosquitos
from the angeled mountains of an ancient africa
to the plagued fountains of a new chimerica
miracles of disease and possibility in this
naked play they bear
juicing gifts of malleable meaning clothes for being or
chains, chainings
and so you are
water and messaging
carried all from timelands so distant & vague you are forever a
vague and distant stranger to your self.

when a man or woman is cut
wide, and deep enough
they bleed
and with the desperate drops flows all the
thought force of all the riversrunnininthabellyod'earth.
in these despedrops
the flickerin' reflexions of starbirds turn banal to beauty
dangerously alive
in them the wombman is mirrored countless
countless times each a
split second in their life a
minute detail in their endless skies.

today i made
upon leaving home
a wish
that an image would come to stand frozen
across my peepholepupil
of what it will not matter;
and that some one, whomever,
a dancer, a ***,
would come to stand staring
just intentsly enough
to have this moist unmatter
touch to fill their own eye.

this has all happened, just now, a blink before our ending -
all of it, together, when you told me
ah feigned casualty:
it's the sweetness that kills you
or was it
yr perfect just the way you are.

at the last i followed your passing with my gaze as your wake
the most intensfool one i could ever make
as your backs became horizons i
turned tilting to the old borderline
it stood as ever sealing the sea -
sealing a sea that heeeaved against the
plentyfullpollutionoftheshorelinepowerplantplantation inc smoke sky
beyond a wind oh
my window, ours
the wind wowed with that old border time
i saw the blue behemeoth
spotted four white dots in crescent form
and you see, looking through thus windowed i simply could not say
were they sailboats, fallenserapheathers
or reflexions of those electricpearlights upon waxfloressence
from the waning walls of the halls you just walked
out of
all around me
wail the waking walls of a maze my hazedazedgaze
your never.
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