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Will you wait with me?
Watch the time as it slips away
Watch life transform
Watch the sun rise and set each day
Watch our bodies as they wrinkle
Would you sit and laugh as life wreaked it's silly havoc.
Shed a tear as lives expire
Enjoy every moment as it passes
See the beauty in life's lessons
See beyond the days hardship
Remind me that nothing is forever
Never let me forget to hope
Sit quietly and wait for what's next

I want to play along
Can you pretend that these struggles are real with me?
But still wake the day after with a smile
Will you never forget that nothing is forever
Let me remind you that each morning is suffuce for a new lesson, being you let yesterday's go?

Will you forgive and forget all and see what we could become?
All of those feelings you've been holding so tightly too..  let them go now.
All that stress.  Let it melt away now.
All of your grudges, leave those at the door.  

How I look forward to these times with you.

— The End —