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We fell in love on the first night
that we met
Togther we've been happy
I have few very few regrets
The ordinary problems
Have not been hard to face
But lately little changes
Have been slowly taking place
You're always finding  something
Is wrong in what I do
But you can't rearrange my life
Because it pleases you

You got to love me for
for what I am
For simply  being me
Don't  love me
for what you  intend
or hope that I will be
And if you're only using me
to feed your fantasy
You're really not in love
So let me go
I must be free
I am me let me be I like my solitude, music, and I am in incurable romantic living back in the turn of 20th century. I love ruffles,  lace, Chopin, Liszt, and pearls and jasmine perfume. I like ballroom dancing and beautiful jewelry. This century is not for me. I love roses, soft music,and candle light dinners. I do not want to hear *** and love is all the same thing when I know it is not. I know there is  my Romero out in there in 21st century somewhere. Tender,gentle, loving, compassionate, but I have not yet found him. He must be a poet, writer, and kind gentle soul. Old fashion as I am ans share my Catholic faith and accept me as I am and love me like I am.
My dream man
You left me alone to follow your impossible dream to live in Nashville to become a musician and thatwill never be. You are stay at the Nashville Men's Rescue Mission and sing two days at Clancy;s Cafe and you still have no real work or healthcare I don't understand this impossible dream. Do you like being a vagabond and homeless person. Living off charity of your church of Christ. Panhadling, living off Big John, and associating with white trash what shame!!!!  You had a great chance to better yourself at Breakthrough Ministries in Chicago when we first arrived. Oh I like this city better Nashville Tennessee and you blocked me on your facebook because I refused to marry you. All you cared about was your *** life with me but in truth I gave you everything and lost my indentity and sanity. Look into your mirror and who do you see a toothless, pityful, homeless, 58 year old man who blew a good thing.
Robert Littlejohn
The secrets of the heart oh only do I know, for deep down from in my soul oh do I heartly cry. The pain of a broken heart I can not bare and lonely days as I grow older because of your own selfish ways. The secrets of  the heart my words flow like milk and honey. The life of a poet and writer is a lonely one but it is also a calling and avocation.
The Poetess heart is easily broken. It does not live in this world of confusion. I live in world of the incurable romantic I do not like the 21st century where love is replaced with lust and *** and gone is feminity and everything lady like. You wanted distance to pursue your impossible dream of becoming a homeless musician in the streets of Nashville rather than share a life with me. ******* with the women online dating sites to support your dream and give you ***. What is more important love, and romance, or high school ***? You call yourself a Christian but you can not be a Christian if all you want is ***!!!!
I wish I had never met ***** ******* mama's boys like Michael Czech and Peter Pans and cheaters like Robert Littlejohn. They prey on innocent women via and put on pretend face and hurt innocent women who fall them like Elizabeth Stewart Gandy, Emily Warner, and Laura Blackburn. Michael Czech is awould be poet and  Robert Littlejohn a would be musician with an impossible dream in Nashville.  Check out Littlejohn and see for yourself.
Terry is my best friend but sometimes we have to let people go and remember them within your hearts. I love you Terry!!!! Karissa
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