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Mar 2013 · 353
Your Face Is Better
Kai P. Mar 2013
I confess.

I think I loved him because I used to listen to his voice

Imaging your face moving with it.

I put on one of his tracks,


And that’s when it hit me.

I blinked

But only to comfort the lie

That I hadn’t started to cry.

Your face is better.
Mar 2013 · 353
Low August
Kai P. Mar 2013

It’s that very thought that I’ve neglected to mention.

The one you see in my head,

The one that’s bandaged because of ugly bruises,

And open sores:

No escape for the kind.


I entered my dreams with haste and you sat there,

Strapped in for the ride,

For the rise,

In my high,

Every time:

I hoped.
Mar 2013 · 746
Kai P. Mar 2013
He creeps upon me,

Like a wisp of hair.

He sticks to me like velcro,

That I cannot peel off.

Thinks that I’m a fulcrum,

Leans on me like a midday sun.

Tells me I am nothing.

Beats me down and kicks me there.

Says I’ll never win.

Says the days will never end…

And they don’t,

No they won’t,

Never did,

Never will…
Mar 2013 · 486
Kai P. Mar 2013
I wish I could wear your brain out
The way I wear mine out all the time.
This burden is too heavy and my mouth is a bottle neck.
You’re not going anywhere,
But you’re leaving me
I want to wait because
I am hope embodied
I am love everyday
I am darkness enveloped,
Unleashed at a memory past that’s remembered
But that’s good no?
Being human?
I am human
Too human in fact-


I resent that.

I wish I could wear your brain out
The way I wear mine out all the time.
Wear you brain
Wear and tear
Not fair
I’m just so tired
Always tired.
Always tired,
Always tired,
Always tired,
Yet ready to share.
But you don’t want none.

I wish I could wear your brain out
The way I wear mine out all the time.
So then you could understand it when I think
Not when I say it
Because I say it funny
And it comes out abnormally
My mouth is a bottle neck remember?
And then you think I’m crazy
But you know I’m not really
I’m not so sure.
I have no idea what to call this. Suggestions?
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
A Wet Way To Articulate
Kai P. Mar 2013
Rain fell,
And I went back there.
The far fire lit my sky,
Lit my face,
And I went back there.

Louder rain,
It got louder.
Wanting to hear myself think.
Best not, I think like a ****.
…I am a ****.
Fall harder.

Sky tapestry,
And raindrop paint blots.
I want that art on my skin,
Where can I get that ink?

Look at how I answer myself?
I know the answers, hoss,
But I prefer asking.  
So teach me how to articulate,
Jan 2012 · 486
It Is
Kai P. Jan 2012
I tried to conjugate it but it kept a solemn laughter.
The faux sweetness of it,
The hidden disease it ought to have been.
It laughed until its throat became raw,
And my ego, exiguous,
I cried to provide it and I that balance,
And with my eyes, yellow and jaundice-like from all of the salt and smoke,
It began to weep with me as well,
As if to say, “I am sorry for your loss.”
I’d lost it.
Jan 2012 · 583
It Is
Kai P. Jan 2012
I tried to conjugate it but it kept a solemn laughter.
The faux sweetness of it,
The hidden disease it ought to have been.
It laughed until its throat became raw,
And my ego, exiguous,
I cried to provide it and I that balance,
And with my eyes, yellow and jaundice-like from all of the salt and smoke,
It began to weep with me as well,
As if to say, “I am sorry for your loss.”
I’d lost it.
Jan 2012 · 522
Insane Insane
Kai P. Jan 2012
A tragedy it is,
To desire the fate that is not available,
The need to love;
The yearn to fight a battle filled with empty,
Invisible, yet incessant;
The need to waste away in a liberty that he or she alone possesses,
That he or she alone beholds.
A **** shame it is,
To allow insanity to take over,
When it is indeed sane to feel the way you do.
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Daisies & Cigarettes
Kai P. Sep 2010
I often wonder if hope still exists,
That if I prayed enough,
Good things would suffice,
And great things would abound.

I often wonder if faith was ever real,
That if I crossed my fingers 'til they cramped,
Lucky stars would count themselves,
And love would get prescription lenses.

I always think about you,
And wonder what's inside your brain:
Whether music notes have taken over,
Or rather the nicotine that you inhale.

Where you've got music notes,
I've got daisies.
Where you've got nicotine,
I've got hot air.

So let the music notes blow wind over my daisies,
And let the hot air and nicotine commingle to create smoke.

We both enjoy a good cigarette in the daisy field.
Don't we.
Feb 2010 · 2.5k
For Lack Of A Better Me
Kai P. Feb 2010
I think I've procured myself again
The word 'filth' comes to mind
(For lack of a better word)

Yeah, I'm a *****
Unmetalled in the interface
It took yet another 'kind' word
Or should that be 'false' word
To realize what they think of me

To think
With their mangled good looks
Ubiquitous in psyche
Like they ever gave a chocolate-flavoured ****

Soon they'll all have had a go with me
And i'll become
How do you say? Sui generis?
Numb betwixt the thighs

I 'detest' myself
(For lack of a better word)
And I stare at the periwinkle
To find relief

And that's still no relief
Because I'm jealous of periwinkle
The capita thinks it's 'beautiful'
And of course 'I am no periwinkle'
(For lack of a better understatement)

For lack of a better me.

— The End —