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Falling apart
F/India    Poet at soul, Philosopher at heart. Wanderer from mind. Diving, discovering, New people New writings And sharing with you all My simple scribblings :)
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
Broken Arpeggio
Poetry and Music: The emotionally charged passion that feeds the soul!
The stars    20 something year old, in love with the moon and the universe. xoxo Sandoval Find me on #Instagram @poetrysandoval
22/F/India    A person looking for answers without the perfect questions
Carson Alexander Defelice
18/M/GA    I'm not poetic I'm permanently apathic and this is my only way to make you see the way I do
Mister J
28/M/Philippines    When we struggle, we write. A blank parchment to be filled with words.
Lady RF - Rosalie Fayad
Sydney, Australia.    Australian Poet, Rosalie Fayad - Lady R.F. Author of "The Edge of My World" is debuting her poetry book internationally - available at and ...
57/F    Do not fear, anything!
I'm really just here to, express. My words are me. Hopefully they find you Ig: @voicesinthewild
Book Thief
F    Tensile restlessness, finally embracing the means to move out of bounds & challenge my depths. Passionate about the land. Final words by Liesel: I have ...
Jackie Mead
60/F/United Kingdom    I am a published Children's Author I have three children and five grandchildren, a sixth on the way. I love writing, reading, poetry, running Connect ...
Maria Etre
Beirut, Lebanon    I live in the Soho of the Middle East; Beirut has been my lover, I learned to love her and be proud of her through ...
in neverland.    oh god that feeling of rereading the poetry you made when you were 15?? awful // muse is dead
Yue Wang Yitkbel
31/Toronto "I am dreamer who reaps eternity" - Yitkbel My Vanity Press Poetry Collections: All poems are original. Previously known as and published under ...
Hazel Redwood
33/F/United States    In reality the mind is a complex deep envisioning of the soul. The soul takes a turn of its own, dark or light balanced tragedy ...
Mehak Shaikh
20/F/Pakistan    Love to write anything that comes in my mind.
22/F/Tucson    she/her/hers used to be Vera/V.H.
Mariam Shittu
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