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 Jan 2014 Jay
Jordan Robertson
And you get to witness the destruction of mankind
The manifestation of violence
The rise of crime
The chemically induced joy that deteriorates the mind
The cancerous legions on the soul that no doctor can find
The shaman surgeon with the power to freeze time
The emotionally famished family that uncle sam left behind

The monotonous chime that causes the suits and ties to burst into reanimation
The unmovable path of the bullet that kills without hesitation
The murderous gang-banger dining in hells kitchen with no reservation
The chains that bound the vagabond with no visitations
The gruesome violence on the silver-screen that is met with joyous elation
The exchange of video entertainment for a basic education
The deterioration of the young minds that's given little concentration
The beautiful flesh but empty soul that makes a living through fornication
The ****** spoils of war that leads to mental devastation
The death of good-will with no justification

And you will not witness death but morale genocide
Not of a specific person, but of certain values that are impossible to hide
And with only one man to confide, they will continuously choose what is not right
They will put down their crucifixes so they will have more hands to fight
And only for the wicked reasons will they unite

And you will witness them as they witness you
As you teach of accountability, as you lecture of love
But you will often be met with a deaf ear
But do not give up on those ideals that you hold dear
Because if you look to the edges of the earth, and then gaze above
Ask yourself: Where do I want to be when it is time to be judged?
But despite our ideals our conscience decisions proves the prophecies true
*We will be the death of mankind
 Jan 2014 Jay
 Jan 2014 Jay
Can she see through creative eyes
Violet truths, purple lies

Can she feel me when I'm numb
Drink with me the pirate's ***

Can her touch bring me pleasure
Is her bounty hidden treasure

Where I'm going, when I come
Will she know if I'm done

When I bleed will she see red
Will my hungry heart be fed

Shall all be lost in lovers cove
Or shall love shine like stolen gold
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2014 Jay
In a few months
This won't hurt as much
And you will be happy with yourself

On one of those nights
You will be dancing
Or ordering a drink

And I ask you
To think twice
What's your name
About the trouble
Nice to meet you
You're getting yourself in
I've never seen you before
And all the pain
We should go out sometime
You had to feel to get there

What was your name again?
Too late
 Jan 2014 Jay
To and fro I travel
Yet I find no place to rest
The hardened heart
Grows colder
Bleeding less and less

Yet as I lay
Upon hard ground
There's a lack of comfort
To be found

Still my restless spirit
And my hungry heart
Beckons me to worlds afar...
Traveler Tim
 Dec 2013 Jay

Chorus of a song I wrote and sung in my old band.
 Dec 2013 Jay
It's not possible for someone to love a girl like me
Who is not able to see
Anything in her future
Or what is in store for her.
A girl who relies on a blade for a glimpse of happiness
And cries herself to sleep every night.
A girl who picks out every one of her flaws
Expecting to never get an applause.
So mentally unstable it is so hard for her to function
And to live life to the fullest
Without overthinking everything
Her mind full of nothing.
How could someone ever love me when I am so empty..
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