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Jason Trinh Mar 9
Elysium as I'd see,
Mantle in the fictitious sanity,
Oh--the "could've been's",--
The "shouldn't we's"...

As if sake and cigarettes,
Were butterflies and flowerbeds,--
Consuming it not by what it was.
Lavishly lost before...because...
"I too can paint perfect pictures with poison..."
Jason Trinh Mar 7
Rhapsodies written in hues--marmalade, violet, the blues,--
Everything everywhere...
No less of an impression that's
Adorned with the innocence you so choose.

Mimicked by your favorite wine, a deep red, magically,--
You masterfully rose from the canvases, beautifully composed...

Loose cotton like rules forgotten,--
Openly confessing as if conclusions were foregone, yet--
Vocalized through your turquoise, lies an
Eighth of life at large, unmistaken.
"Not a place but rather a feeling we've poeticized..."
Jason Trinh Feb 5
I felt it in me to give her
the moon
and stars

Yet all she truly wanted
"Inadequate was the love I thought was more than enough."
Jason Trinh Feb 5
Be it not,
What I thought it was,
For who I felt,
In that instance,--
Notional of a fantasy,
Musical with their alchemy,
Painted pictures turned fictive--
In a frame,
Not fitted for the frame of my insanity...

Be it not,
What I hoped it became,
For who I felt,
In that instance,--
Conditional against my reality,
Principle with the duality,
Asked me to look afar--
In a space,
Not shaped to the space of my serenity...
"'Now is not the time', she said. 'But when will I see you again?', he asked."
Jason Trinh Feb 4
I'd like to think,
We'll choose to forget one another,
For reasons left unspoken,--
As if we were too afraid,
To make our souls familiar...

Equal is the distance,
Between perfection and flaw,
Between imagination and wherewithal,--
Yet we were too afraid,
To think at all...
"And so we chose to leave things as they were. Like catacombs, the bones we knew existed, discovered by a curious two, laid untouched...forgotten."
Jason Trinh Feb 4
I had written what I felt,
Noticed to each end,--
There was no error...
No misinterpretation...
No ploy in intention...

Just a slant rhythm.

In which, words, spare,
Devoting to its extremest clause,--
Explored the abstract...
The metaphysical...
The classical...
"How do I feel? Who knows..."
Jason Trinh Nov 2023
Moonlight mumbles; luna...
A lover's loom -- in lieu of,
(His) empyrean ballet, --
(Her) seraphic sashay,
Such nebulous concessions, --
Blinded by their reflections,
Through wax and wane -- just hold me...
"In this planetary pirouette, from start to finish, just hold me...'most holy'."
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