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But he is imprinted,
upon my heart stings,
and they sound,
the most beautiful melody.
                                             A sad song,
I would never wish to forget.
 Feb 2014 Vitis Lio
Jade Musso
She is so . . . boring
She sits and stares and reads and eats
She likes simple things
She calls herself a hermit --
To bury the truth of friendless, perhaps?
Empty in her eyes, small lips, pale face
A harmless thing never bothered me so much

She is so . . . empty
She lives through another, who has no life either
Two empty lives do not equal one full
She has no friends, though she counts me as such
Her fairytale is almost through
She wasted the years of finding something
And ended with nothing

She is so . . . loud
And bright, unlike me
Her words make you cringe but she cares
She takes me away from comfort
To a place I've always wanted to be
She's easy to charm, so easy to annoy
It depends on the day

I am so . . . lost
I am waiting for life
This is not where it ends, I know
The beginning is soon --
Almost there, I think
At least I learned to love
I am going to the other side, stay here and watch
Being a college senior
 Dec 2013 Vitis Lio
Eric Vasquez
Stir yourself awake,
be sensible of the intake of breaths.
Those breaths propel you up from rest when tangles try to pull you back under.
Feel the weakness in your knees while you wobble in the shower?
Do you feel the drowse cracking from your bones,
rippling feeling through your nerves?
It means you're alive.
Eternally watching,
Always writing, noting,
Never speaking,
Never gloating.

I see you there,
All many of you,
I see you continuing,
Through and through.

Mine eyes are tools,
Tools of trade,
They help me work, love, and breath,
Find my way.

And match it to yours.
Autumn, beautiful, creative, dancer
Everything I have ever dreamed of

Fresh, gentle, harmonious, incredible
Joyful morning pecks

Kisses, lips meeting now
Over the heads of everyone near

Place quiet rapturous sweet
Terrific morning kisses on mine

Understand, vigorous woman, exceptional
Yummy kisses like yours could make me


— The End —