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  Jun 2014 Helen
Richard Riddle
By Emily Riddle(age-9)

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013
My granddaughter Emily, wrote this essay as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle.
  Jun 2014 Helen
rained-on parade
You fell in love with me.

I just hope you jumped.
Not slipped.
Helen Jun 2014
each breath was held
as each card was laid

each look was downward
as each hand is played

each look is sideward
as each sigh is inward

each inhalation
is held on exhalation

each card that was placed
so strategically
built a house, not a home
but just as easily

your sigh rocked foundations
and a groan broke the ground
all of a sudden, our house
Helen Jun 2014
"If you had a gun, I'd ask you to shoot me right now"

If I had a gun, I'd put it to my own head
Just so I could never hear those words again

I'll never forget laying at the foot of your bed
As you spoke about dying or the things that you said
Halfway through your contemplation of your life
You fell asleep and I was left laying like you stabbed me with a knife

But I laid there, at the foot of your bed
waiting for you to repeat everything
you said, I laid there in dread

Then you woke and continued
like you had never spoke
and asked once again
"Do you have a gun?"*

No, I don't have a gun
I can't pull the trigger
on all of your nightmares
but somewhere, out there
you've hallucinated
all of reality, it seems
you were unable to leave
until I aimed the barrel
between the eyes
of all your dreams
Above, a true story (and true words spoken) of the last days leading up to June 28 2008. I lost the one Man in my life that made other men work hard to be worthy.... I miss my Daddy :( you should not have been taken away so cruelly :(
Helen Jun 2014
lips form words
the heart denies
pages dance
before my eyes
little people cry
little people sing
people sit by
so silently
as their thoughts
take wing
little birds sit
on broken branches
never trying to
take chances
as the boughs break
and they fall
little birds try to fly
only to lie still
beneath trees so tall
trees so tall
they seek the light
covering all
in the darkness of night
little people
little birds
and trees so tall
words could be weapons
dare we use them at all?
Helen Jun 2014
I stood completely still
No muscle twitched
No breath sighed

I stood completely still
Utterly bewitched
No desire denied

I stood completely still
Like a deer in headlights
Just caught in your gaze

I stood completely still
Reminiscing heady nights
When a soft glow became
a blaze

You stood completely still
Trapping my eyes with yours
Asking with no sound

You stood completely still
Until your knees hit the boards
Begging me silently

please stay around
I stood completely still
as you stalked toward me
You stood completely still
at the entrance to my heart
I stood completely silent
as you completely conquered me
with a kiss on my lips
You stood completely triumphant
as you sewed back the pieces
that kept us apart
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