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Dec 2013 · 1.1k
big joke site
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
Ugly negroid four eyed shaqila IS the original poem thief.
You think it's safe to post your poems on a site with no one in charge?
Think again you idiots. No site moderators and no administrators.
A Brit camping on twitter and ain't been on this site in months.
Check this link to see how many poems been removed. That would be ZERO!
All poems are still there and good luck with thinking site's deleting any poems.****+YOU+POETRY+COMPUTER
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
Hold these truths that men aren't created equal,
there was never a holocaust and slaves had choice.
Half wit typical negroid flips out like her race does.
All I said four eyed dumb fatty was you been on every
day since you made your main account back in O9'
Get over your ******* self and stop stirring up **** like
your kind do since your race been freed.
Have your people call my people ok cyber queen?
You type **** real good under all your many handles. ; )
As your twin four eyed and ugly spike lee would say,
byotch, do the right thing and delete what you stole!
I don't smoke like DM and he is unimportant and
so are you. You are movie star? You will be one when
my dogs **** becomes one. His pile of **** looks better
than your ugly ***. Good luck finding that rich whitey
you seeking. You be working minimum wage for a long
time honey! : )
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
You borrowed them from craigslist.
You didn't write them yourself soooooo
I borrowed them from you.
I borrowed without asking
don't you know poor blacks like me
steal, lie, cheat, con, have different baby daddies,
will scam you and uncle tom you and kiss your ***
so you think we all is good darkies.
Been that way since your people stole my people
from africa and put us on plantations.
It's pay back and I borrowed what you posted
from craigslist as payback and a error thought
you was somebody else. My  joke and mistake. lol
Dec 2013 · 979
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
another cl post by somebody

Funny **** (nm)
You gonna be a alt crazy woman, don't forget who your posting as. Before you removed your Glen Arbor post, I copy pasted what you said. If your a man you got mind of a female.

Read below and laugh at Glen Arbor words responding to something aimed at Fairview. They are one and same person.

"First of all, calling me a ***** is plainly incorrect. I'm not a woman.

Anyway, this is an anonymous forum. It's not as if any of you actually know me or my Grandparents anyway. That said, I don't feel any compunction against using my Grandmother's health problems as an example of how dangerous obesity can be when left unchecked. I should also point out that she doesn't mind either."
Dec 2013 · 1000
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
Faking religion in America
Confused now and need to sit and think about what I think about religion.
Reading something posted by a dude writing about being a good religious
person then turns around and says amen to trash talking somebody.
Can you say hypocrite or is that the way of religious in America?
I've got a few Christmas traditions and they cost me more than I can afford.
I'm paying off credit cards long after Jolly old St. Nick's season is over.
I accept that I over spend and admit to not being frugal with my money.
I accept others who do the same at Christmas when man expects you to
spend on credit to save face so you don't look like a no gifting **** to all.
What I can't accept are Americans faking being religious and lying.
How can you call yourself a Christian when you get angry over stupid ****?
How can you goto church on Sunday but hate your neighbor?
Kings James version of the bible lists the seven deadly sins of mankind.
I know religious people who commit sins of pride, covetousness, lust, anger,
gluttony, envy, sloth and know many more who have broken commandments.
I'm not religious and don't know how I can be with abundance of fake in religion.
We got fake religious people posting poetry about being Christians but
they turn around and say mean *** **** in poems about other poets.
Can you say hypocrite? Religious people writing poems hurting feelings?
What is fake and what is real when it comes to religion? Watching all the messed
up things religious people do in America has me confused and hating fake
religious claiming to believe in God.

— The End —