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 Jul 2013 Hannah Elizabeth
bottles of pills shoved
down my throat could
never erase the memories
i have of you

the scars on my wrists
are just another reminder
of the times i tried to get
rid of the sound of your

i wish i could say there
was no more
but everything reminds
me of you

i burned every last letter
you wrote me
thinking it would be the
end of us

but your smell still lingers
on my white sheets no matter
how hard i try to wash it out

turns out i can never
get rid of you
 Jul 2013 Hannah Elizabeth
You left me waiting
And waiting
And waiting for a time

That would push me away enough
So I did not have to love you

Instead I waited
On my beer
At the bar

And I waited
On my tears
That never came...
Or fell too hard

I was waiting.

— The End —