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816 · Oct 2011
skinny love
Hadley Hemingway Oct 2011
trying to love you without seeing you
is like catching the wind in my hands

holding out hope that you'll love me one day
is like pinning a wave to the sand
686 · Oct 2011
Hadley Hemingway Oct 2011
our paths have never crossed before
and our eyes have yet to meet
i know none of the words you speak
(though the ones you type are sweet)
530 · Oct 2011
come here
Hadley Hemingway Oct 2011
over the sea i flew i flew
to pluck you from your bed
i took you from your city and
put you in mine instead

it's not as brightly lit as yours
and it doesn't have the name
but when we find each other, well
the lights all look the same
Hadley Hemingway Oct 2011
i love him because
he doesn't know me. i love
him because he sleeps.

— The End —