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 Nov 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
as i watched you drown i remember the sound
of your muffled cries, but you had to taste the lies
you had spun thousands of webs,
i could no longer hold creditability
for the words that flew around my head
you had hit me with an uppercut to the jaw
for the flaws you had made a point to highlight
didn't exist to anyone else other than yourself

so put your insecurities to rest
and inhale this water into your lungs
let them over flow & burst
yes darling, death does hurt
but when were all living to die
its understandable why you'd want to give up trying

let my lullaby swoon satan,
i would even dance with him, for you

as i watched you drown i remember the sound*
of your mom pounding on the door
such a shame you refused to explore life longer

pray god wont be upset with me,
for every second your head was held underneath the water,
by my hand

i felt stronger
 Mar 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
revolting youth with elevated minds
on a quest to find their true purpose
calm composures and steady hands
unaware that their palms were full of clay
that they had the power to shape who they'd become
with the ignorant assumption that time was on their side
they rode into the sunset careless and misguided
broken hearts, pieces scattered amongst the tears left behind
a generation consumed by their appearance
at war with themselves for
cigarettes burn between the ******* needed to make peace
the adoption of patience will help shape the clay
that weighs heavy in the hands
of a revolting youth
 Mar 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
a girl with no heart
built one from fallen leaves
and broken branches
so she could love the boy
who loved her
more than anything
 Mar 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
can we sit atop unexplored mountain peaks and look out onto the landscape beneath us, holding each other and laughing as we exhale our problems into the atmosphere, letting them drift away with the wind.
 Mar 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
sitting on this soggy pile of leaves, that fell from my favorite tree
my mind was stuck on repeat, playing your voice over and over
I memorized every inch of your face and stored it in my head as a keepsake
and now it was the only image I could see when I closed my eyes
you need to come back to my bed
because ever since you left, I can't get you out of my head
lying next to me, hushed tones and legs tangled
our lips lightly pressed together
a moment i wish could have lasted forever
I long for you to be by my side
right next to me on every stride
honestly I never thought this would happen
but now i've gone and fallen for you
and i can only hope that you have fallen too
 Feb 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
like a coffee stain on a white t-shirt
your existence left a smudge on my heart
The desolate cavity in my chest overflowed with joyous melodies when you were in close proximity
All my thoughts were consumed by images of you
and I was never happier
But then you left
so I locked myself in a dark room and forced all images of you out of my head
But like bare feet on wet sand you left an imprint on my soul
 Feb 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
countless stars had been wished upon for a love such as this one
and i remember feeling so lucky to have found someone like you
we were young, but that didn't falter our admiration
you had a firm grip on my hand and an even firmer grip on my heart

i had been blinded by the satisfaction felt
when our bare skin met under covers, eyes locked, heart rhythms colliding
your hot breath against the crook in my neck, palms clinging to bed sheets
I had gotten lost in it all, addicted to the spark
felt only when my naked body rubbed against your linen sheets
we were young, and were convinced we knew what we were doing
but when the waters got rough, you jumped ship and left me for dead
and ever since you left everything seems to have fallen apart
though I have finally become content with your absence
it seems i will never be able to escape the memories we created
 Feb 2014 erall
caffeine mermaid
razor blades between teeth, words cut deep into your ego
image the surprise when the skin broke and your hateful words bled out
a puddle of uneducated assumptions and misread actions on the floor
an adult she had seemed to be, but on the inside the little girl had never died, only her teddy bear and crayons had been traded in for knives and a bottle of pills
now she recites the bed time stories she heard as a child onto her wrists
and the sound of her blood hitting the floor, had become her lullaby

— The End —