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i had a thought.
i ran out of my room,
down the hallway,
and into the bathroom.

i wriggled out of my worn down, tie dye shirt.
hopping up and down as i pull off my
high-waisted jeans, pulling my pant leg with my foot as i
trample the dark denim to the ground.

i stand there naked, in front of the
harsh, full length mirror.
combing my fingers through my natural, wavy hair.
i contort my face in disgust, cocking
my head slightly to the side.

i close my eyes, and take one deep breath in.
when i open my eyes,
the reflection staring back at me is a thin, natural

Her smooth ivory skin glows in the
silvery reflective glass.
Her stomach is flat and toned.
Her ******* lay on Her chest in perfect
proportion to the rest of her petite frame.

i run my fingers down the sides of my body.
my palms trailing along, dipping and
rising with the mounds beneath my skin.

i close my eyes and open them again,
this time taking my reflection for
what it really is.

i am fat.
my skin is pink and spotted with freckles the
colour of blood.

my stomach hangs low, covering the part
a man should see when i'm naked.

my ******* are big.
but not in the way you'd like them to be.
they lay there, sort of lop-sided.
hanging just above my ribs. Another place for
fat to take over.

the cuts on my thighs are hardly noticable
next to




i can see tears in the eyes of the reflection staring back at me,
but i am numb.

i thought correctly. i am
fat. i am ugly.
Nobody in their right mind would want to
love me.
 Oct 2012 Graydon Archer
Beyond the mountain's whisper
Is a land where dreams are grown
Where the seeds of hope are planted
And the wishes in life are sown

It's guarded by children's laughter
Where nightmares are cast aside
A place where darkness fades away
And the sun refuses to hide

Where way up high beyond the clouds
The garden of smiles is found
Where all of our happy endings
Are lying on top of the ground

A place that's neither here nor there
For it's simply in between
A land that only a few will find
A place that's seldom seen

Beyond the mountain's whisper
Is a place where tears are banished
A land where hopes and dreams are grown
When all your cares have vanished
Leaves have
my heart
beneath their
of beauty
You make me feel like early winter mornings

When I refuse to get out of bed

Because it keeps me warmer than you ever will.

You remind me of hot summer nights

When I wake up from nightmares;

Cold sweat dripping down my face.

You look like springtime

They way you bloom and glow when nobody is looking.

You remind me of fall

Beautiful and fragile

— The End —