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Grace Ndirangu Jan 2015
The sky and its tears
Knock on my window
Whispers of the wind
Silent, like the black widow
Just enough to shoo my dreams
Oh, the roof is singing again
Pata pata, a call to my pen
Pita pata, my feet answer the call
And my hands follow, groping the wall
I'm awake.

I will write about you
Bury my thoughts in an avalanche of ink
Spewing words of love, words of hate
Beautiful lie
You bat man and i, your robin
Praying, hoping
Promise me this is forever
Like a hobbit and the ring
Like this isn’t just a fling
And when it is all over
I will forget about you
So I can finally go back to sleep
Grace Ndirangu Nov 2014
the earth has a heartbeat
i have heard it
beating fast counting minutes
saving dates
important dates
like the beginnig  

the earth has a heartbeat
a  ticking clock
a minute sooner to the end

the earth has a heartbeat
a fading love song
a cry for attention
a hope for redemption

the earth has a heartbeat
the earth has a heart
the earth is life
the earth is me
the earth is you
  Oct 2014 Grace Ndirangu
Bloomie Scott
Dahlia once stood.
Ruby gems grinned my inner being at ease
Dare my heart to enshroud the beliefs you hold.
Blush once more and I will
Flood your soul inhaling all my desires of forever.
Smirks will not suffice; my affix dominates every disposition you may declare, so
Act out now.
Free will is charity accompanied by reservations to accept.
Welcome the kismet in which ------I am surely you in turn you surely me.
I am holding back all that I can give.
My regret was my reservations buried in my soul in spite of your openness,
Willingness to build.
My stare left you insecure, confused and distant while yours sent me into complete bliss.
Reach out for me, save me
Grace Ndirangu Oct 2014
Alcoholic anonymous
Biased baseless blame
Chances chased, change caged
Decisions decisions, dooms day’s drawing
Every echo
Fifty miles further.

For the goose a gander
For the helpless a hand
I’m only human
Inferno burning through me, yes
But human all the same

Jeers cheers deaf to the cries
Join us,
Kind sir, as we take over the world,
As grace goes grand.
Grace Ndirangu Oct 2014
I’ve always thought I had,
Multiple personalities,
Different identities,
With different densities.

A lover today
A warrior tomorrow
And maybe, a princess the next.

My dreams are big
A little insane
Most times extreme
But mine all the same
Grace Ndirangu Oct 2014
Her hair kinks under the Sahara
Her skin, a tan of permanent summer
The sheer thought of pluck
An untold story
Robbed from her distraught history
Tough luck?
Or maybe manipulated silence

Rattle a sleeping dog
Remind her what it’s like
To speak and be heard
To see and understand

She will bring a pen to a sword fight
Her voice to a gun fight
Her voice will attract a dozen senses
Maybe more than a dozen great minds
Her heart beats for this land
Her eyes vision a great future
She is Africa’s future
She is Africa!
  Oct 2014 Grace Ndirangu
We were dust before dust
Eons in starlight
light years behind me.

We made the beginning
together. Forged in the beautiful stars.

Mystical. me.
Mystical. you.

We were there!
You were the major ingredient.
It just took a few billion years
for us to get here.
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