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nevaeh Apr 2023
That night
I traced our hands in chalk
On the sidewalk where anyone could see
I proclaimed, in pink dust,
"S+N 4 ever"
How stupid
How could I forget?
Forever isn't real
It's delusional
And pathetic
And any person who promises you forever
Is lying, to you and to themselves
Because forever can't happen
Love is not meant to be forever
Not for me
Love rips through me like a storm
And leaves me damp and disheveled when it's done
Back in the dirt
Like the nasty little worm I am
nevaeh Apr 2023
Here I come
Crawling back
To the ***** pit
Where I leave it all
The place I go to
To empty out
To feel nothing
For a while
The place I use
Like a dish rag
To wipe up my mess
And keep it all together
nevaeh Apr 2023
Tonight I walked around the house
The one that used to be ours
I looked around for things that are missing
Things you thought were important enough to take
You took your toothbrush
But left your house key
You took your laundry
But not your ring
You took my pride
But you didn't take me
When you left you brought the necessities with you, I guess Its my fault for assuming I was one of them.
nevaeh Mar 2023

A long winding driveway, gravel, leads into a large cemetery. The sun hangs low on the horizon.
A car idles in front of the gates, a woman stands, leaning against the hood, smoke pluming from the exhaust, a chill breeze in the air.

SOFT.    I'm nervous. It's just been so
                              long, y'know?

CUT TO -- A man, sitting in the driver's seat. He steps out of the car, shutting it off. He pockets the keys.

                ­   It'll be okay. We don't have
                                    to go in.

                            No. No, it's okay.
                                I'll be okay.

She takes his hand. They enter the cemetery together.


CUT to the woman, sitting cross legged on a bench. There are rows of graves surrounding her on all sides. The headstones are all blank, devoid of flowers or signs of human life, overgrown with weeds and grass. A willow tree looms in the distance.

The man stands, a few feet away, watching, hands in pockets. He looks thoughtful.

CUT TO -- The woman, Close shot

               We were going to be buried
       here, all of us. At least that's what we
            thought. That we'd be here, one
             day, all together, forever. Like
                   anything lasts forever.

                          MAN (off screen)
          Would you go back? If you could?

                              A PAUSE

                   ­                  No.
                I don't want to remember.
                     Not if I don't have to.
            Things happened the way they
           were supposed to, I believe that.

CUT TO -- The man, he looks apprehensive.

             But if you loved them, wouldn't
                   you want to remember?

             I guess. I don't know, part of me
         feels dumb even coming back here,
                    showing you this place.

              I'm glad you did. This is your
           childhood. Cold and quiet as it is,
                it's part of who you are, you
                            cant change it.

The woman looks down, seemingly
deep in thought while examining the grass beneath her feet.

The wind picks up

       I just wish it wasn't so empty, so dead.
            Like there was never life here at
             all. I just wish people could see
                what I saw, back when this
                            was all I knew.

                 There is still life here, there's
         life in the memories you all still have,
                   No matter how long ago it
                                 all seems.

                  What if they forget? I don't
          want to be the only one, still sitting
             here. Watching grass grow over
                   my most cherished days.

CUT TO -- A blank headstone, a rough gray marble slab slanting out of the earth.

                     WOMAN (off screen)
        I have to forget. So I can be me again.
                  I have to say goodbye.

CUT TO -- The woman, now standing in front of the man. She holds out her hand, a rusted padlock key in her palm.

He grabs her other hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The woman closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and tosses the key, it flies several yards away, landing somewhere in the grass.

CUT TO -- WIDE SHOT -  the man and woman walking back towards the gate of the cemetery, closing it behind them

CUT TO -- The padlock on the gate, being clicked together, locking the gate, likely, forever.

nevaeh Jan 2023
late nights
when I know he's leaving me
and I sit in the cold
broken hearted

fog clouds
and I hear them, the echoes
of her in their voices
I can't stand it

it seeps
deep into my pores, filling my veins
with doubt, anger, confusion
bringing it all back
I'm incoherent, freezing to death.
nevaeh Dec 2022
so sick of being alive
but i cant figure out
how to ******* die
nevaeh Oct 2022
i just want someone to talk to
someone to hear more than my words
someone who knows how to listen to my soul
my whole life i've been alone
and it's ******* exhausting
having no hand to hold
no shoulder to cry on
no comfort or peace
my whole life is a fight
one battle after another
im so tired
please, just let me go
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