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195 · Feb 2019
Urgent Request
FM Feb 2019
By Farrah Murphy

Please say a prayer for the children who are hurt each day. They didn't ask to grow up this way.
They don't deserve the bruises and pain. What is happening to them is insane.
They want to have fun, laugh and play. But their innocence and childhood has been taken away.
Children need to be protected...they are a gift from above. So many of them have never known love.
This is an urgent request....please pray!! Abuse is happening everyday!!
123 · Jan 2019
The American Flag
FM Jan 2019
Our flag waves boldy from day to day. A sign of freedom that hasn't been taken away.
It flies high to remind us of sacrifice, unity and pride. Its a symbol we have to remember those who still fight as well as those who died.
Our country is not perfect and it never will be. But the American flag will always be a sight I'm proud to see.
104 · Jan 2019
Never too Late
FM Jan 2019
It's never too late:
To reconcile relationships that need to be mended,
To apologize if I have offended.

To forgive if i feel someone did me wrong,
To move on and not let the battle prolong.

To start over again and take a different route,
To do it with confidence without any doubt.

To try real hard to do what's right,
To work on a resolution, even when it seems out of sight.

To lay down my burdens and try to let go,
To nurture and replenish, and try to grow.
103 · Nov 2019
Happy Halloween
FM Nov 2019
Monsters, clowns and ghosts made of sheets. Spooky music, haunted houses and a whole lot of treats.

Families and friends together late on a school night. All for a good time of thrills and fright.
77 · Feb 2019
Message to a Caregiver
FM Feb 2019
Message to a Caregiver

Times are hard right now. It's okay to be tired and feel blue. You are dealing with things the best you know how. You are doing what you can do.

It's okay not to feel strong. Don't apologize for crying. Your days and nights are long. These times you are in are very trying.

Don't be afraid to call and share.  It's
okay to let it all out. Your true friends really do care. Please pick up the phone without any doubt.

I'm praying for you as you walk down this road. I'm asking God to help you make it through. I know you are overwhelmed carrying such a heavy load. Please always remember I'm here and I love you.
71 · Sep 2021
He Knows Me
FM Sep 2021
The One who knows me best whispers his truths when I'm longing to hear. He knows my struggles and He calms my fears.
He knows my flaws but he never turns away. He shows me His goodness day after day.

The One who knows me best doesn't leave me alone with no where to turn. He gave me His words to read and learn.  His promises are real and  His wisdom prevails. He knows my every need and his love never fails.

The One who knows me best knows my whole story. He has provided me with His peace, grace and glory. He cares about me and all that I do. He wants to make sure that I know Him too.
70 · Jul 2020
I'd Rather
FM Jul 2020
I would rather spend my energy lifting others up rather than tearing them down.
I would rather make someone smile rather than seeing them frown.

I would rather stay quiet or use kind words rather than judge critically and start a debate. I would rather be known for peace and love rather than harshness and hate.

I would rather talk with close friends rather than people who don't know me. I would rather keep my opinions to myself rather than posting them for the whole world to see.
66 · Dec 2021
My God
FM Dec 2021
He is the anchor that holds me stable. He gives me strength when I don't feel able. When everything seems dark he is my light. When I feel like I'm falling He holds me tight.

He is my compass when I feel like I've lost my way. He never leaves me, He continues to stay. He is my shelter when the storms come and take their toll. When I feel broken and defeated he restores my soul.
58 · Jun 2020
Hiding Sorrow
FM Jun 2020
Sadness held inside, hiding it so no one can see. Putting on a smile, but when I'm alone I let it flee.

Things get complicated and my world falls apart. Trying to hold things together, especially pieces of my heart.
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