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faith elizabeth Oct 2016
why is it every time
something goes right
life has to go and make it bad
...he was my entire world
no matter how bad the relationship was
i loved him and i was forced to end it
if only she knew how i really felt..if only she cared
now hes just gone ..cant talk to him, cant see him
my world is gone life might as well be over
cause its useless without him
just makes me want to cry..
faith elizabeth Oct 2016
lost my dog
lost my guinea pig
lost my boyfriend
then lost my cat ...
why cant anything go right
in my life ... my pets died
and my ex probably hates me ..
even tho he was my entire world ..
im so lost without them in my life
idk what to do .. i need help ...
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
Here we go again
its like i'm going in circles
don't know which way to turn
cant anyone hear my screams
cant anyone hear me begging for help
The next thing I know it was all just a dream
someone tell me it'll be okay
lost and so confused,
don't know who to trust
don't know who is real anymore
someone please just help me
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
what would i do without you
yeah you drive me crazy, yeah
you hurt me sometimes, but thats part
of what makes us so special. I love you
to death theres nothing that i would change about you
you make me happy. i love that u make me feel wanted
i love u so much
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
we are only human
we are loud and obnoxious,
weird and crazy,
but that's just who we are
we are only human
humans that aren't perfect
who make mistakes
do stupid things
break things, get into fights
fall in love. we cant fight it
we are all different and that's
just how it is there is nothing we
can truly do about it , but change
the things we do in our day
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
So beautiful, so smart
She smiles so bright
The way she talks
the way she looks at you
she is the best thing in our lives
everyday we wake up to her smiling
like crazy but thats the best part of our day
shes our baby girl, nothing is better than that
we are so lucky to have her in our lives
  Sep 2015 faith elizabeth
Feeling Real
I just felt myself die

And every second afterwards was a reminder

Flesh is not as tempting as you made it seem

It just is a mark that escapes notice

And today I watched a suicide

Written cleanly between the lines of poetry

There were enough reason to leave me gasping

Sharing the panicked desperation of their loved ones mourning

It was pretty to watch them degrade

Their sawdust imprinted on skin

I was told to take it standing up

Far away from the floor I was tempted to decay upon

At attention I couldn’t help but to stop, drop, and roll

I learned to keep myself safe before I learned my name

Lost in translation through the years

My priorities shifted from existing to pretending I wasn’t inside my skin
part 1/3
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