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Emily Paxton Jan 2018
Finding you was easy
I walked in the building and there you were
Standing there
And instantly I knew you were important
I didn’t know how, but I couldn’t shake it
It’s like I was drawn to you
Something about you
I finally got close enough to touch you and you lit me up like the city sky
Every part of me felt like it was glowing
As you ran your fingers down my spine

Finding you was easy
But keeping you was hard
The same glow settled inside me
Like a swarm of fireflies inside my chest
And even when this was hard I still couldn’t shake the feeling that you were so important
And every day I woke up wanting to kiss you
And every day I felt that same glow
Bc even when it was hard
I was still drawn to the kindness in your fingertips as they tiptoed down my spine
I fell in love with your laugh
Oh, your laugh, baby, it’s my favorite sound

So I’m full of cliches
But at the end of the day
All that I’m really trying to say is
You’re worth it
I forget sometimes that the swarm of fireflies buzzing inside me isn’t anxiety, just my feelings for you
I’ve never felt this way so forgive me for being a little unsure
You’re a whirlwind, my darling
Completely your own person, full of this energy that makes you irrevocably interesting
So thank you
Thank you for giving me fireflies
My heart had been dim for too long
Emily Paxton Jul 2015
And suddenly she became someone new
The pain stopped
The anxiety went away
Everything began to make sense
That feeling she wasn't quite sure existed took over every part of her life
Her body took on that slightly tipsy feeling
Where everything is softer and a little fuzzy with a slightly golden sheen
Life became easier
She became more sure of herself yet completely open to the vastness her future held
She dove head first into the unknown
Because now it wasn't scary
Now she had him
And while she'd always been whole on her own
Now she felt complete
Now she didn't have to be alone just because she was capable of it
She finally understood what people meant about when you know you know
Because she knew
And suddenly commitment was liberating instead of suffocating and life made sense and everything was beautiful
Emily Paxton Mar 2015
I sit here and I think of you and my mind runs on a constant loop of he loves me, he loves me not
I love him, but that's not the issue
I know how I feel, I don't have to question that
But all the scenarios play out of what will happen when you come home and I get scared
Will you run into my arms, and kiss me like I supply the air you desperately need
Or will you brush me off with a flick of your hand
Saying the past is in the past
Am I waiting for nothing, hoping for nothing
Or will the daydream I'm living in become reality
I need a million responses to my unanswered questions
But day after day I'm given no reprieve
Regardless, be gentle
Because when I'm with you I feel like I'm on fire, and for the last couple months I've just been embers
And when you return, you'll bring the flames
And while you have potential to make me feel so warm and alive, too much of you can burn me
And after all this time away from you I'm scared I won't be able to take the heat
So carefully spark my spirit
Create a soft glow within my heart, and I promise I'll return the love because together we are perfect.
Emily Paxton Dec 2014
It's hard to be a poet because we romanticize it all
I lay my head on his chest, and I silently write a poem about his heartbeat
I blow out a candle, and suddenly I've come up with a thousand pretty ways to say the word smoke
He smiles at me, and I get lost in the way his cheek dimples
I'm terrified of real love, so I turn simple every day things into the magic I believe love to be
A kiss on the cheek becomes a grand gesture, and I get lost in the beauty of it all
It's hard to be a poet because I always want to write
Every look, every touch craves becoming a poem
"Give meaning to me" beg the forehead kisses given right before he walks out the door
A small action becomes huge and I get lost in my thoughts
Nothing and everything begins to make sense
So I write
I write what I know in hopes of understanding what I don't
And when that doesn't work I write some more
And that's why it's hard to be a poet
Emily Paxton Nov 2014
You came back
Like you always do
I'm not surprised
Emily Paxton Nov 2014
We love stories of new romances, but we forget about the girl with a broken heart, watching her love fall for someone new.
We don't think about the tears sliding down her face as he dances with the starry eyed princess.
We overlook how she has trouble breathing as pictures of them catch her by surprie.
As the fairytale unfolds before us, her nightmare takes over her thinking.
She's stuck inside her head, thoughts of him swirling around, making her crazy.
As he takes her hand and kisses her cheek, she's silently screaming her pain.
The broken girl is overlooked because she puts on a smile, hiding her pain only because she loves fairytales as much as we do.
So remember the girl;
Shes's beautiful, but she's hurting.
A modern day Cinderella.
Emily Paxton Nov 2014
Those quiet moments find us still,
My head on your chest,
I'm hyper-aware of your hands resting on my left shoulder and forearm.
I smell the sweetness of your alcohol soaked breath.
Then you move slightly to kiss me
Two seconds of your lips on mine
The sweet kiss that follows the throes of passion we just came down from.
You pull away and we are still again.
Poetry racing through my mind,
But I don't want to move for fear of losing this moment.
We are fragile,
One wrong move and this rosy bubble we share will pop.
So I'm silent,
Breathing softly,
Staring into the darkness.
I feel your breath as it ruffles my hair.
I feel you drift into sleep, hear your breathing become even.
Our perfect moment sliding into a dream.
Because that's really all we are.
You and I don't exist in the daylight.
The moon brings about our love,
And the dawn whisks you away.
Leaving sleepy me to wonder if you were really there at all.
But dream me knows,
Because those dreams of you are more real than my reality.
So I let go, too,
Let the dreams take me away.
Fall into your embrace, and into my favorite world.
The world of you and me.
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