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Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
You kissed away the scratches,
turned them into rose petals.
Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
You are the vibrations;
deep blues
orange saturations
feathered red
drips of copper
yellow strands
charcoal shadow of the sea
river in my veins.
Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
You taught me the sky

The sea

And how hot a fire can burn.
Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
I still feel
Feel you
In my head
Like a pounding that won't quit
I want you more than time

and there is no shortness

of that.

Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
Addiction is tricky.

A man who quit smoking for 11 years may only spend 15 seconds in an elevator with a man who had just finished a cigarette outside.

But yet, he gave in.

What I’m trying to say is,
I think I love you again.
Did I ever really stop?
Emily Kauffman Nov 2017
Have you ever felt a love so true
it was almost painful?
A feeling a bliss so strong you almost can't breathe.
I want it all back.
Every moment, every kiss, every touch.

We were safe together,
I felt warmth and butterflies throughout my body.
We melded together perfectly,
comfortably, entangled in lust.

And in one instant,
moments of perfect harmony disappeared.
I watched as you slipped from my fingers.
The world darkened,
and I crumbled.

I laid the same way we did.
But this time I felt no warmth,
I felt cold sharp air against me.
And so I let the poison run through my blood,
and my own lethal lie left me to die.
Emily Kauffman Feb 2015
"I'm scared to leave..
but I can't return

I would have tried to stop you.
but would you have let me stop you?

This is all straight *******.

It was not a selfish act
kissing that semi,
and I accept that.

What I do not accept,
is that I feel I could have done

You turned very quickly from a boy to a man.
Caring for your sisters, being a father figure.
Jenny wasn't there, wasn't the mother she needed to be.
And she still isn't.

Whose fault is it?


Taking your own life can't just be passed off.

I am so happy you are at peace,
but what I fear is what you left behind.

The littles are helpless,
trapped by her, this.

How do I help them escape?

Is there a way?

I can only imagine what pushed you to your limit.
I wish I could have told you I struggle with the same feelings.
I wonder, could it have stopped you?

Is it better you being dead?
…is that an inappropriate question to ask?

I miss you, brother.
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