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245 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
Get out of my dreams, get out, get out, get out.
I'm not going down this road again.
Please don't do this.
Although.. admittedly, it was the best dream I've had in a while. It wasn't a nightmare.. and I woke up happy.
240 · Mar 2016
embla Mar 2016
I can't remember the exact color of your eyes anymore.
I find that frightening.
I feel like I'm missing a vital memory.
237 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
You were the first to ask.
235 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
I'm trying to find my way but I don't know which way to go.
How many paths do I actually have to choose from?
234 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.
Unsure of what I mean?

It's a simple solution, really.
Fairly obvious, if you ask me.
Before you shove your false interpretations of what you believe my words to mean in everyone's faces, why don't you take the time to clarify?

Vincible ignorance. You have the means of acquiring the knowledge and truth behind my statements.
The fact that you don't use those resources is your responsibility.
I hold them in the palm of my hand, in the lobes of my brain, in the words behind my lips that are waiting for release.

You do it to make yourself look better?
You do it to start a fight?
You do it because you don't want to admit that I'm right?
Maybe diverting attention away from the fact will tarnish my name, eh? Bruise up my face?
That what you think?

You're **** right I'm an open book.
I will not hesitate to correct you in front of the world for your seeming inability to understand.
I won't be accountable for you wanting to start a fight from your willing ignorance.
While the general concept behind this is valid, that people take words at face value and will run with them even when they know they don't convey what you really mean, the rest of this was just me pulling random things out of my head. I'm not mad at anyone and nothing like this actually happened. I'm angry about something that didn't happen.
233 · Apr 2016
embla Apr 2016
It will never work out the way I've envisioned for so long.
Trying to be content.
224 · Mar 2016
one of two ways
embla Mar 2016
Couldn't it?
It could.
223 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
I've got this sinking feeling in my chest
and I'm scared nothing ever lasts.
219 · Apr 2016
embla Apr 2016
What is it about me that always leads you to push yourself away again?
215 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
I hurt, and there's nothing poetic about it.
210 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
"False face must hide what the false heart doth know."
210 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
It was worth it.
It was all worth it, I know.
Not a single doubt in my mind now.
210 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
What the hell did I actually expect?
Right back at square one.
209 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
"With all due respect," I continue to say when I know none is deserved.
For the sake of politeness, although it seems to be a rather useless concept by this point because these people deserve none.
205 · Jan 2016
C (II)
embla Jan 2016
I said that I wanted the time back, but that isn't close to the truth.
If this was what it took to bring us together, then it was all worth it.
Every single miserable second of it.
I wouldn't erase a single part of the past.
You, a close confidant, a listening ear, a defender, an inspiration, an understanding companion who takes the time to truly know me, and most importantly, a dear and loyal friend to whom I owe so much.
You're one of the three people who has ever even come close to my core, to my soul.
If I altered the past, if I wiped it from the course of time, there would have been no other circumstances under which we would have come to know each other. Your friendship was worth it all.
You're more like me than I ever would have thought, and you've helped me to balance looking out for myself with looking out for the needs of others, which is something I so desperately needed to learn to do because when you met me, I was beaten down and worn out from constantly defending everyone but myself.
You helped me come to terms with the harsh realities I had been avoiding. You aided me tearing free from the veil of uncertainty and internalized fear that I had been so hesitant to rip away.
You've helped me learn to be comfortable with my own company, to be comfortable with the thought of being alone, although you know there are always those loving souls standing behind you.
You've opened me up to new passions, to new experiences, to new ways of thinking that I never thought I would dare venture out into.
I've, without a doubt, never been truly happier than I am now, and even if you don't realize it, I owe so much of it to you.
Every minute of the hysterically loud laughter we share restores a little bit more of the light that once filled my eyes.
For that, I can never thank you enough.
179 · Jan 2016
lyrics (II)
embla Jan 2016
Watch your mouth
Because your speech is slurred enough
That you just might swallow your tongue
"Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks" // Panic! at the Disco
171 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
You used to be beautiful to me.
You aren't anymore.
Perhaps it has nothing to do with you.
Maybe it's because I've turned my eyes to seek new kinds of beauty.
170 · Jan 2016
lyrics (V)
embla Jan 2016
This is going to bring me clarity
This'll take the heart right out of me
If that's what it takes.
"She Is" // The Fray
167 · Jan 2016
listen up
embla Jan 2016
Leave me to flounder, and I'll leave you in the dust.
Make no mistake about it.
Arrogance costs you.
159 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
I was always warned that boys would break your heart, but no one ever told me that friends can break your heart too.
158 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
I am reverting back into the quiet, introverted soul I used to be.
This is good.
This is who I am.
146 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
and lately i've been missing the infectious energy
146 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
"Things change," but ignorance remains a constant.
142 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
No, but this outweighs anything you could ever bring to the table.
142 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
And ***** this, there are better things straight ahead.
141 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
I've missed this feeling for so long.
137 · Jan 2016
All I've Ever
embla Jan 2016
Yeah, it's all I've ever known, but *it's not all I'll ever have.
Far from it.
134 · Jan 2016
lyrics (III)
embla Jan 2016
Right now you got your pride
There's nothing left to learn
Pretty soon the night will fall
So be careful who you burn
"Years From Now" // Rob Thomas
131 · Feb 2016
embla Feb 2016
Oh, why did I limit myself to this for so long?
There was nothing keeping me here except my own fears.
114 · Jan 2016
embla Jan 2016
It's hard to believe in someone who's not there. That must explain why I lost faith in you long, long ago.

— The End —