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 Nov 2012 Ellie
Last dance
 Nov 2012 Ellie
A voice called me in from the garden
Coffee served for two
A voice called me in from the garden
I wished that voice could be you

A hand reached out in the darkness
To comfort and reassure
A hand reached out in the darkness
I wished that hand could be yours

In my dream you came to me
Your beautiful face I saw
You bade me rise to join you
And held me close as we danced round the floor

I felt your breath so warm on my cheek
As you whispered soft and sure
Live now for the living
Long for me no more
 Oct 2012 Ellie
Vinod Padarat
When you said "Hey"
A smile came my way
But I don't know what to say
For the price I have to pay

I'm so eager to talk to you
I want to see how things are going through
But I can't
I'm scared like a little ant

When you said "Hey"
It was one of my brightest day
Oh please, talk to me more
I don't want to be ignored

Your words mean a lot
Just give me one more shot
That's all I ask for
Just to end this heart sore
 Oct 2012 Ellie
Carol Sixx
She lives in the dark
For her to hide her painful mark
You won't see her cry
Cause her eyes show no fear.

For her soul can't dissolve in light
The emptiness in her mind
A heart made of concrete ice
In show against the hallowed dark of her.

She questioned of her very existence
How this demon got a hold of her?
A haunting conscience blinded her eyes
She neglected the world in His hands.

She was already fallen
She locked the door of her heart
To keep her safe inside
To restore her innocence and be whole again.
My first poem. :)
 Oct 2012 Ellie
Andie Lately
You try so hard to please everyone
So someone will love you once again
Meaningless, tedious, tiresome tasks
Just to hear someone's praise

And you think to yourself
"I've done it again"
When all you hear is you could do better
And the happiness fades back to black

Always losing to other perfection
And feeling second best
All while thinking
"You did it again"
 Oct 2012 Ellie
R A Sanders
You don't see,
Everyone loves you,
They love you,
He loves you,
She loves you,
But most importantly I love you,
And you never see that,
You're to busy looking for someone who doesn't exist,
It's all an act,
You're so scared of being hurt,
But I can make promises, that they won't.
All those other women,
They didn't wait for you like I have,
They didn't try anything just to make you smile,
and try to comfort you in your darkest moments.
I wish you'd just open your eyes and see me,
Not the friend your so close to,
But open your eyes to a woman,
A woman who's been standing here loving you
ever since I met you,
Don't be afraid,
My love doesn't fade,
I'll be here forever,
I can't help it,
I couldn't leave if I tried,
Without you my pieces are broken,
I'm lost in this world,
Maybe you'll never realize,
and I'll be watching from the outside,
I'm just waiting for you to love me,
Like I've always loved you.
 Oct 2012 Ellie
Rachel Fix
There once was a girl
who loved a boy
but didn't know it yet.
On the very first day
of seventh grade,
by chance, was when they met.
Wide-eyed the girl
stared at the boy
a full foot taller than her.
She asked his height
and from then on
shy friends was what they were.
She watched the boy
become a man
both on the field and off
and when was told
they'd never be
ignored each cruel scoff.
She tried to date
some other boys
(alone is hard to live)
but found that she'd
a heart that was
no longer hers to give.
At last they are together
though now they're far apart.
They'll live a life together
and he'll always have her heart.
Happy Valentine's day 2011.
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