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Elfinmox Aug 2013
I care too much. About people. All people. The world. I understand too much. I understand why people say the things they do and why they hurt other people so very badly and why they think the way they do. I feel compassion for others no matter what they do. I love too much and too easily and too deeply. I love the world and all of the people in it. I see it so broken and all the things wrong with our world and it HURTS. It hurts so very very badly. There is a hole in my chest that is never filled and all the hurt and hatred and senseless violence, all of the killing and dying and hurting that happens every single day, it hurts. It hurts me so much.

I feel that I have to do something, I have to show people that we are all just people. That yes your neighbor may have a different opinion, or race, or gender, or financial situation, or ****** orientation, or whatever, than you, but in the end, we are all just people.

People, with all our differences and faults and strengths and little nuances and opinions and thoughts and emotions and friends and family and lives, all the things that make us so different from everyone else and all the things that make us the same, in the end, we are all just people. We are all human. We all have thoughts of our own. Feelings of our own. Lives of our own that others may come in and out of but where we ourselves are the only constant. We are the only ones who have lived our whole lives. We are the only ones who could ever explain why we hate a certain song or food or place or group or person. We are the only ones with the memories that trigger emotions. Some that we'd rather forget. Some that we avoid like a raging bear. Others that we smile at. Others that we seek. Others that we find reasons and people to remember.

All of the complications. All of the factors. All of the thoughts and experiences and feelings and indoctrination from wherever is what makes us the way we are. All the input from different times in our lives, all the lessons we've learned, we put together into one big patchwork quilt of OUR life. And that's the way we live.

But don't you see? This is all fine and good. Except when the hate starts. Someone is outside of the box of someone's life, someone violates all the rules they've learned to live by, and then all of a sudden everything goes wrong.

People get hurt. People die. People **** themselves. One person hurts another and beats them down and drags them through the dirt and makes them believe the horrible things about themselves things they are told. Their dreams get crushed. They become broken. So broken they feel that they can never get fixed. Can never get better. All of a sudden each and every one of us is completely alone, with no one who cares enough to pull us out of the hole we've been thrown in. And there we are. Lying broken on the ground in the mud and **** and the blood, screaming our pain, but there is no one there to hear us but the empty wasteland.

Everyday it's the same. For some of us the pain never ends. For some of us it is too much to handle. Some of us give up, for we see no other way out. Why live when no one wants you there? Why stay when you are told every single day that the world would be better with you gone, and the very person of you is WRONG?


It can all so easily be stopped. If we could stop focusing on ourselves and start to focus on other people, on the world around us, on the way we treat others, on other's rights instead of our own, don't you think the world would be a better place? Don't you think people wouldn't die in the night, bleeding out onto their bed, alone in the darkness, and have it on the news the next morning, just another teen suicide? Does anyone who sees those news reports ever cry for the young life they never knew, and now never will know? Does anyone ever wonder what their life was like, that would drive them to suicide?

We like to be blind. We like to pretend that children aren't ***** and abused every day. We like to think that kids aren't dying by the hundreds because we are too fat and lazy to care. We like to think that girls are prostitutes because they're ***** and ****** and chose that lifestyle. We like to think that the safe little bubble around us is the only thing that exists. We like to ignore the fact that six year old kids are forced to **** their own people and families in war. We like to fool ourselves into thinking that war is justified and that thought the loss of life is terrible, the end validates the means.

The world is so broken and twisted, and we are the ones who made it this way. We are the only ones who can fix it. If we could learn to love instead of hate, if we could learn to accept instead of reject, if we could learn to understand instead of judge, if we could help instead of ignore, if we could all do our best to make the whole world, and not just our world, a better place, then perhaps we would have the right to call ourselves "civilized", and "progressive".

Could we all just understand, everyone is human. Everyone is a person too.
Elfinmox Jun 2013
I can't sleep
Haven't slept for weeks,
Not because of you,
Or maybe,
Not entirely.
Not this time.

See, the problem is,
I'm so stressed out
Over nothing much
Just school.
Which is really just dumb.
What's school anyway?
Why am I stressed over it?

Just because it's such a huge deal to you?
Just because it's how you measure my value to you?
Is that why?

Because I seriously can't sleep
I'm freaked the **** out
I have this giant twisted contorted ball of nervous energy inside me
I don't know how to get rid of it.

It's so rarely I care enough about anything to get this stressed over it.
What is different this year?
Is it just everything all at once?

Our relationship slowly dying while you seem to be oblivious
My depression getting worse instead of better because
I can't measure up!
To you.
All the pressure on me...
Getting better. (As if it's that easy)
Being "respectful". (As if I know what that includes)

I feel like you don't even like me anymore.
I feel like I've failed so horribly I can never make it right.
I feel like you expect me to be someone I don't know how to be.
I feel like I can never be respectful enough, smart enough, responsible enough for you to like me.
I feel like you aren't there for me.
I feel like you don't understand me and don't want to.
I feel like you expect me to try and understand you, and then everything will be fine.

(As if I don't have needs too. As if I don't matter. As if you are all that matters. As if you really don't care about me, but only yourself and your wants and needs.)

I feel like you have no emotions except for anger and that's why you can't understand me. (Not that you try)
I feel like I can't trust you.
But most of all I feel like I can't tell you any of this.

Because you won't understand.
Because you wont' care.
Because you won't try.
Because you will only see it through your lense and your eyes and not mine.
Because you will say "that's not true" and "you're living a lie" and "you get something stuck in your mind and you hold on to it and don't listen to what I'm saying..."

But you don't listen to me! You don't see me! You don't understand me!

And I know it's selfish of me to want you to understand...
I know it's self-centered of me to not try harder to understand you...
I know I should spend more time trying to fix how I relate to you than I do trying to get you to understand me...
I know the way I only take care of myself drives you crazy...
I know I should be more selfless, more caring, more understanding, more open minded, more respectful...
I know I'm too selfish.
I know I'm a trouble maker.
I know all I do is cause problems.
I know you wish I was someone else.

The thing is,
I wish I was someone else too.

Even though
Everyone else
Except you (of course)
Even my brothers

Tell me all the time
Good friend
Good listener
Good person
Wonderful person
Great writer

I am.

Even my therapists.
Even my teachers.
Even Mom. (though she only means it sometimes)

And the thing I just don't understand.
Is how.
You could think I'm such a terrible person,
Everyone else around me
Thinks the opposite.

I don't know who to believe.
Am I good?
Am I who you say I am?
Am I really a wonderful person?
Because the stuff they say is true.
I do
Care about people.
Help people.
Listen to people.
Love people.
Write well.
Speak to people.
Encourage people.
Support people.

People love me.
Why don't you?
Elfinmox Jun 2013
I thought You of all people would
Be there.
I guess
I was
I thought you were different.
I was
Elfinmox Jun 2013
is there any reason for this life
is there any point to this strife
what the hell are you waiting around for
can you tell me what to stand for

is anything ever gonna be alright
can i ever make anything right
what am i going to do
is there anything i can do for you

there is nothing to do today
the fear tears parts of me away
bringing to me the teeth of decay
when will i fall down and pray

there's nothing i can do for me
there's nothing that can change me
forget the idea of me
I’ll fade until there's nothing left of me

so tear everything away from this place
and build up something new to face
I’d **** for a way to win this race
but i can only chase, chase, chase

wait until there's nothing left
take until I’m all bereft
should i take the right or the left
does it matter when i have nothing left
how can it matter when i have nothing left
Elfinmox Jun 2013
a touch
a word
maybe.... a reward
For trying.
you aren't trying
To get better.
It's not enough
To be better.
To do better.
To fix some of the
I've caused.
I just
Keep going...
I've got
I've got to
Elfinmox May 2013
“You are Beautiful”
“You are Gorgeous”
“You are so sweet”
“Why do you do so many nice things for me?”
“I will never leave you”
“I’m here”
“I’ll do anything for you”
“I’ve got you”
“I’ll protect you”
“I do want to talk to you”
“You are interesting to me”
“You are amazing”
“I can’t stop thinking about you”
“I think about you constantly”
“I am so horribly, invariably, unmistably in love with you that it hurts.”
“You are my angel”
“I want to belong to you”
“You always find ways to remind me why I love you”
“You are my soul”
“I wouldn’t be who I am without you”
“I would be dead without you”
“I like doing things for you”
“I hate  it that you’re never okay. I want to fix it.”
“I want to do more”
“You say things to me that no one has ever said before”
“No one has ever cared about me as much as you do”
“I’m proud of you”
“You’re so beautiful”
“Why are you so small?”
“How are you so beautiful?”
“I don’t believe angels exist. But you are my angel.”
“I want to belong to you until I am nothing but ashes.”
“I love you. So much...”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”

                                                                                                                                               I love you too.
Elfinmox May 2013
There is this thing
that comes
in the night.
It grabs a hold
of me
holds tight
won't let me go...
It's cold
It hates me.
It tells me why.
It tells me how.
I am so afraid.
How can I not be?
When there is nothing but this
in the darkness
in the night
I'm alone
all alone
and cold,
cold from the inside out
from the thing that has a hold of me
What is it?
What is it called?
What is it's name?
It doesn't tell me..
It fills me with fear,
It holds me captive,
I cannot escape.

I am always alone when it comes.
Always helpless against it.
It comes when I least expect it.
When I have almost forgotten,
pushed the memories away
I though I was protected.
I thought it was gone.
I was,

And then it came.
Alone this time,
after so long, it had lost the power to bring others
It brought the fear,
it brought the ice
the loneliness.
I lay,
curled alone on the bed,
Unable to speak,
unable to move,
barely able to breath.

'Why? Why now? Please, please not here. Not now.'
I pleaded, knowing my cries fell on sadistic ears,
that reveled in my pain.
It didn't matter.
I didn't matter.
Nothing mattered.
Just like
the times
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