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They told me I was gonna be
A big Star
They said that with a face like mine
I could get what I wanted
I wanted to go far
I wanted everyone to know my name

I started out as a model
But when people learned I could read
They put me in front of a different camera
It was all the same to me
Pose here
Say a line or two there
It came easily to me

Women wanted me
Men wanted to be me
Everyone idolized me
Perfect Teeth
Perfect Eyes
Perfect Hair
Perfect Tan
Perfect Body
I was the total package

But when you're the total package
They don't tell you how lonely it is
In the spotlight
At first it didn't bother me
I thought
Who needs friends when I could have

It was all fun and games
Until my fifteen minutes were up
You can't be the young new face forever
I've realized the hard way that
All fame does is
Chew you up
Bleed you dry
And Spit you out
You don't get any say in the matter

I still get recognized here and there
By people like you of course
Would you like a picture?
An autograph?
Ok, thats fine
How about I start you all off with some drinks?
 Aug 2013 eIectrifying
red car, blue car
every car is your car
green shirt, white shirt
every shirt is your shirt
*what's your name
what's your age
won't you take
a drive with me?
make no mistake, this is no love poem.

i never thought i'd need that lesson in stranger danger until today.
 Jul 2013 eIectrifying
 Jul 2013 eIectrifying
i believe that
scent is
thank the other senses

it conjures memories
far stronger
it weaves emotions
far more intricate
than sight

and thats why im throwing away this perfume

it brings back memories
         of things
               we did

                             do not want

He was the epitome of a loveless boy, and he knew it. In fact, that was what kept him restlessly awake most nights, especially on this particular evening. He glanced down at the dark mess of hair that was laid across his chest and listened to the soft emission of peaceful breathing slipping from the lips of the girl whose name he did not remember. For a second, he debated on searching the dark corners of his mind in an attempt to remember it, but he soon realized he never even bothered to ask. This disappointed him for one reason - it was another question mark that he had to add to the list of names that he kept pinned to the front of his brain. At the thought of this particular list, he felt sick, as though an ounce of regret had seeped into his stomach and spread like an infection and now threatened to rise like bile. He knew he needed to keep it down, so he leaned over his bed and wrapped his fingers around the neck of the glass bottle he kept hidden in the bed springs. He sat back up and slowly unscrewed the cap, his eyes mesmerized by the amber liquid that swirled around the bottom half like a whirlpool of gold. He brought the top to his lips and tipped it back, filling his mouth with the warmth of forgetfulness and feeling as it burned his throat like fire the entire way down. It instantly washed him clean of every bad memory he had done his best to forget for the past week. Every tear that every girl had shed on their knees in front of him, begging him to love them; every cigarette that he had chain-smoked on the rooftop of his apartment building in an effort to cloud these very memories (unsuccessfully); every streetlamp that he had found solace in as he walked the streets mindlessly at three am, searching for answers that never came to him. He closed his eyes and imagined the whiskey rising inside of him until it leaked into his lungs and filled them, drowning him. He held his breath, pondering how long it would take for him to go lifeless in this position. But the sudden stop in the rise and fall of his chest caused the female lying on it to stir in her sleep, draping her arm around him and pulling him even closer. He felt sick again so he took another sip. He knew that when he looked back on this evening, he wouldn't remember it, which was becoming a classic move on his part. In fact, his life had become nothing more than disconnected nights with nameless and faceless females and fire whiskey that filled all the empty space within him. And he wasn't sure how that had come to be, but he no longer cared enough to even attempt to figure it out.
you make everything so ******* complicated.
you make me want to stab myself
in good ways and bad ways;
if there's even a difference.
I don't know what you want from me.
I think you don't want anything,
but then I think you want things
that I can't give you.

I've done enough of thinking
that I mean something to people,
because that's never the case.
I was mad at you,
but then I was mad at myself
for even caring what you thought of me.
I've done enough of caring about
things that I don't understand
so I've been trying to understand you,
but you make everything so
******* complicated.

 Jul 2013 eIectrifying
 Jul 2013 eIectrifying
she looks at the girl
in front of her
her lips bruised
her eyes hollow

she hated what she saw
they were right
fat, ugly, unwanted
their words branded her skin

she could feel herself fading
her desire to be on this earth
is gone

she grabbed a piece of paper
and spilled her sorrows
for tomorrow
she's gone


— The End —