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Remember that night
When I angered you
You were so mad
I was so upset
I've never met anyone so stubborn
I told you I was sorry
I told you I didn't mean it
I told you I loved you
You said goodbye

It's 5am
I can't sleep
You text me
and simply say you love me
I ask why
Thinking your still mad at me
And you said
*i want you to know that I love you even when I'm mad at you
we are an ignorant generation, loosely saying words when we don't know what they mean. So we speak, while stuck in between truths and lies. And we will continue to sleep beneath polluted skies.
It is so hard being with you
When knowing you are a man of the army
I fear that one day you will leave
One day you will leave and never return

We've known each other for such a short time
So I cannot say I love you
But i can promise you one thing
I can promise that if you ever leave

I will always be here... *waiting for you
Once upon a time
There was a girl
Who made mistakes

She was imperfect
She was judged
She was weak

She's the type of girl with a lot of secrets
The kind she wished she could tell

Like the night so long ago
She was only 15
Just wanted to have fun

She's called a *****
For losing her virginity to a 24 year old
She just wanted to have fun

But what people don't know
What secret she buries deep inside
Is she didn't want to

But in her mind
Being remembered as a *****
Is better then being remembered as the girl who got rapped

Once upon a time
There was a girl
Who made mistakes

She was imperfect
She was judged
She was weak
No one should feel sorry for her. It was her own fault. This is what she got for being an alcoholic at the age of 15.
You make nothing into something
You argue about little things
You get angry over something so small
You make simple things difficult
You are very controlling
To be honest your just a ****
Everybody says I should leave you
That you don't treat me right
But what they don't understand is that
your my ****
And even though you do all these things
I can't help but smile when you argue with me
Your face when your mad
The way your voice gets higher when you yell
I can't help but laugh
Your just so adorable
I don't remember friday night
I remember drinking
I remember telling people not to let anyone hurt me
Then I remember waking up with jeans on but no *******

Now I remember voices
Familiar voices telling me what happened
How those to guy went to the room I was passed out in
And took advantage of me

I'm tired of drinking and making mistakes
*Allow me to wake up from this horror
Living in fear
You are not here
Arms bleeding
Take my life
I don't care

Living in fear
You are not here
Knees to ground
I hate everything
It feels so cold

Living in fear
You are not here
Not going to bother
I'm screaming
Not one can hear

Living in fear
You are not hear
Wished I would die
Becoming a zombie
Broken dream are forgotten

Living in fear
You are not hear
Not moving on
I don't need to be hear
Life is regretful
if looks could ****, I would have killed you by now.
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