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D Lep Mar 2012
You had sung of grapes too
and transposed curious waves of hair.
But the icon grafted
next to namesake
had borne no resemblance.
A spectral fire (you).
I exorcise the evidence
and tear down your temples.
A different current caught you
another foreign wave.
D Lep Mar 2012
Reptilian excretions
Nervous rex
Knock knees.
D Lep Mar 2012
muscles twitching
and mind wandering.
Why have you come back to haunt me?
Bones popping and creaking,
a death rattle of hips and shins.
But I no longer wish to right
any sort of wrongs.
If only you considered me then,
the way you consider me now.
The title is to be read as the first line of the poem. Oftentimes, when a poem is found or submitted without a title, the first line is merely repeated to create one. Therefore, it is read or spoken twice. I don't care for the redundancy of it. I want to ensure a smooth transition, so the title always sets the path for the rest of the poem.
D Lep Feb 2012
Restless, restless
Exhaling a thousand sighs.
My wasted breath
this rotting fruit.
The seeds won't germinate
and I won't sleep.
Have the vines
choke 'til slumber.
D Lep Feb 2012
A ghost in this home,
I home to his ghost.
He trembles within my hands.
His scent is trapped in my oils,
diffused amongst the cells.

Foreign salivation
dilated transgressions
viral possessions.
I just edited some punctuation. It aids in directing the speaker where to pause or emphasize.
D Lep Feb 2012
a day late,
a dollar short.
I am lost.
I am loss.
D Lep Feb 2012
My psyche makes me sick
one way or another.
These words convey violence
as testimony to torn pieces
that will never quite
match up again.
All the time spent gazing inward
analyzing cryptic reflections-
still no response
no echo from the ego.
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