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Aug 2015 · 283
Worlds left untouched,
Now discovered
A sailor once lost at sea,
Forever left to sink
May 2015 · 233
"Are you blocking all the things that have to do with me?
Is it easier now? Do you feel any release?
Tell me how you fit in
and where do you begin?
Do you toast when they toast?
Do you sin when they sin?"
May 2015 · 187
And I'm already gone.
I'm already something
to someone that I don't know;
when will I know?
Feb 2015 · 596
The snap of a rubber band.
Expanding itself to and fro,
Returning to its original shape.

Drawn; quartered,
The four corners of the earth.
Polar in direction,
North and South alike.

Ripped in two,
Never to be made whole again.

Feb 2015 · 465
Glass-cased and gleaming,
the surface ruptures.
Sleeping, waiting, dormant,
once a safe haven; no longer.

Exposed to the world,
an open wound that festers.
Like a sailor lost at sea,
without a dock to call home.

Arrows pointed upward,
dense with forestation.
Enclosed for eternity,
boundlessness encapture.


— The End —