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 Apr 2015
Beatrice Prior
I'm that skinny girl at the front,
The one with the glasses and braces,
I'm the one with the pimpled skin,
The one who's colour is like a wooden chair,

I live in the shadows,
I get lost in the stories,
I'm never noticed,
Till my calling comes...

The one who has never seen,
The one who sits beside,
The one with the perfect body,
And the perfect skin,
The one who has no flaw,

Well I may be dark and weird,
I may have some flaws,
But see the other in battle,
She'll fall down like a paw,

For I shall stay and win,
The one who was never noticed,
One day will come where everyone shall know my name,
Not by fear, but on purpose,

I shall live like a lotus on water,
Floating gently along the waves,
But when my calling comes,
I shall be the bravest of the brave.
 Nov 2014
Beatrice Prior
I know it's meant to be CRAZY,
But you know what?
I don't care.

So I'm gonna be CARZY.
And I know that ain't a real word.
But who cares? Here goes. The CARZINESS is here.

Bjiuhghdugdsgbusghusghusgh, said my friend,
To which I replied,
But that's CARZY poetry,
It's all about expressing oneself,

WITHOUT CARING if anyone notices.
 Nov 2014
Beatrice Prior
Enough is enough!
A person will quote,
I can't take the pain anymore!
Nobody understands!
But isn't that the beauty?
I say,

A simple life,
Is all that I wanted,
Without having complications like love and sadness,
No fear, no madness,
But that's impossible isn't it?
I would reply,

Because that is life and you can't run away from it,
The sooner you learn that lesson, the better,
But let me tell you something,
Something which I know very well,

Friends can't choose you,
Because you choose yourself,
Other can do nothing but obey,

You can choose be a crazy person, can't you?
Or a kind one or even bad?
But being different doesn't make you look silly,
It makes you stand out and special, ever thought about that?

So enough with this constant blabbering,
And be who you really are,
Because I know and you know,
That with this life you can only get so far,

So keep quiet they would in the end,
At the end of this exhausting speech,
Because they can't choose me and I know that,
So I would sit alone under my tree.

— The End —