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 May 2018
Beatrice Prior
Flowers, flowers and more pretty flowers.
That's all one ever thinks about Spring.

What about Thorns, I ask?
But no one seems to hear me.
All they want to know about is the Rose.

As the Spring I feel compressed,
Obstructed by the Strain of the stretching length.
Crushed by the load of impounding Stress.

But, I am a Rose.

My fragrance spreads joy to a billion others,
But no one releases me from the Thorn that binds me.

They're scared they say,
And I don't blame them.
For I beat myself to become this Rose.

So I stand, as Spring does,
Watched by a million eyes.

I bounce when the Stress of Summer arrives,
To live carefree another day.

Only to realize I've trampled on the Thorn.
The Thorn that Strains to cut the Rose away.
 Feb 2018
Beatrice Prior
A thin lining
Of a cloud, of dreams, of hopes.

Some are woven like buttons
And dinners and diamonds,
Like quilts
Of bursting candies and flowers.

A patchwork tapestry of wonderful colours and patterns,
A mix of darks and brights,
Sown of various styles,
Not to mention of different size

If and when the button rips,
And when or if the quilt tears,
We pardon not the makers of dreams,
But forget the hopes that was promised then.

Isn’t it strange?

The threads are woven in different ways,
And yet.
We fail to realize how loosely the threads are hanging.
 Oct 2014
Beatrice Prior
In deepest regret I keep my debts,
Knowing one day I will die

If that day comes today,
I want you to know that I died full of lies

For a traitor is he,
Who follows unknown,
Into the darkest secrets of the mind

But let me tell you a tale,
Of great wit and wisdom,
The only thing I'm sure will survive

A tip of a tear,
A groan of a wolf,
The howling of the unsound moon,

That is where the treasure lies,
A sorrow is a true boon.

— The End —