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 Jan 2019
Mary Gay Kearns
The way opened out
And to get through
A bend was needed
Leaning against twig.

So thoughts gathered
Head strong
Across the empty ditch
The company leaped.

The other side was a purple haze
Drifting about above woods
The tops of the trees twittered
And twinkled and fluttered.

The company entered the woods
Lifting lightly their dress
Surrounded were they by
Bird song and flowers
At their feet.

Love Mary ***
 Jan 2019
Mary Gay Kearns
Ballooons bouncing between the stars
Little ladybirds lighting the Lily path
Whirligigs whizzing near an open door
Aconites in ascension this Winter hour.

Love Mary ***
 Jan 2019
Mary Gay Kearns
The tree widened in front of my eyes
Covered itself in green ivy leaves
Fingers grew out from the stump top
Up it went to the sky as in Fangorn
The fantasy wood in Tolkien.

I stood at the foot looking upwards
And thinking, if I climbed it in my
Clark’s sandels, what would I find?
So off I went, slowly, holding tightly
To the spiral stems of green...

Love Mary ***
 Dec 2018
Mary Gay Kearns
I dangle like the Willow tree
Few of leaf and spiralling
The dance of the finalists
Caught in Winter sneeze.

So much beauty holds on
Asters like gold buttons
Scarlet hollyhock flower
So swished by rain drops.

Of Purple leaf cherry plum
Bringing Spring’s first blossom
Branches brushed in white
Against a colbalt cold sky.

Love Mary ***
Purple leaf cherry plum tree.
Ornamental; has a few inedible fruits in Summer, Autumn.
Grows prolifically even when over fifty years old.
Prune hard every year or two.
 Dec 2018
Mary Gay Kearns
And so today lay sleepier amongst
The coverings grey
Hearing windy breezes on
The chimney *** blow
Knowing the shining of the
Night sky
And the trespassing moon
Told of the eleventh hour
My fading fairy lisping.

My childish heart
Beat on the hour
With music and with songs
Gathered everything I had
Placed them in a bag
So if the daisies call
And snowdrops lift a head
All the wonders for me
At the bottom of my bed.

Love Mary **

— The End —