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 Mar 2017
The Fire Burns
It approaches quickly
Ghouls and goblins day
Are you ready?
To lead pumpkins astray

Transform your orange gourd
With your knife and paint
Into something scary
That makes us want to faint

Hollow eyes carved
And a wicked crooked smile
Glowing with light from within
That can be seen for a mile

Scare us or make us laugh
With your pumpkin carved display
Show us your crafty skills
Turn them in Friday morning before 8
 Mar 2017
It all started in the town of Orangeville
There is an upcoming commotion relaying still
The pumpkin patch being on the move
A mission having everything to prove
The pumpkins were tired in being carved and having to show their scars
It’s time for a change
Let the world feel our range
The pumpkins move through the streets and pulsate their weapon juice
Revenge is certainly taking place
This is something the world will never erase
The world becomes stuck in their running tracks
They were together being a pack
Their faces became pumpkin faces
Scars design beyond any human form
The world now knows
It took a pumpkin to actually show
Pumpkin vow victory has become theirs
The pumpkins now can preserver
Now the pumpkins troops march on
It was a battle that seemed long
The pumpkin patch multitudes that showed they were strong.
 Mar 2017
Jennifer Louise
Their hallow heads hold fire after being carved by kids. I wonder how they do that, gouge a gourd for human fests. I bring them water every day, until they grow with might, these now seedless pumpkins that glow all through the night. They say they scare the ghosts away but none yet have I seen except the ones of the rotted skeletons that were once these.

— The End —