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 Mar 2017
Journey of Days
don’t leave my side
finding this really hard...the being social thing
I know, I know, I was fun..before
talking is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
smell the fear...****, I can smell it
I know, I know, these people are friends
being someone is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
spinning, the room is spinning
I know, I know, ...keep it light, chat, smile
happy faces is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
just h-hold my hand

my new reality - socialising is so very hard.
haven't perfected the fake it 'til you make it
not sure I can.

— The End —