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 Feb 2015
Cynthia May
Ambiguous thrusts
Undisciplined, unaware.
Blind, your castles fall.
Don't aim your shallow ambiguity at me. I will tolerate nothing less than your fullest depth.
***** you for calling our customer disservice hotline.
Calls will be ordered in any manner we please.
By proceeding you waive all rights to human kindness.
We apologize for any convenience,
and thank you for your impatience.
AME: Love. RICA: Riches.
United States (i.e. incorporated) of AME-RICA (lovers of wealth).
Plain as day; indeed, what IS in a name?
Mass appeal is mistaken for quality.
Communication makes a poor commodity.
TV shows you how to be and what to think.
This normalization is enforced vulgarity;
in the common, Value is lost in translation.

For a slave, meaning comes from authority;
guidelines from following superstition;
truth from the politicization of science;
acceptance from the surrender of identity;
morality the mortar that coheres the chains.

Beware accolades, whether peer or stranger.
A tempting gratification yields mediocrity alone,
self-indulgent narcissism too shallow to measure;
for in the end, it is always so that the unremarkable
is celebrated most vehemently by the unremarkable.
If everyone likes it, it's probably crap. Hipsters aren't wrong about that.
what we believe is what we become,
and what we Are is what we have Forgotten:

as Begat gives way to Self-begetting,
even Logic must be subjected to the Will:

thoughts are things and things are waves
beyond the Father-machine's comprehension:

faith in science and progress yield a sickly life
devoid of personal meaning, a suckling of experts:

prevailing views are reinforced by shame,
ridicule a guillotine to stitch the countering lips:

No Reason is Pure;
Truth escapes the clutches of thought.
Every head has a mouth - and words to lie with.
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