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 Mar 2014
Riley Ayres
The endorphins fill my broken mind,
the bleeding does not cease as the relief overwhelms,
my body convulses at the touch of the knife,
but the feeling is one of medication.

My mind is sick,
only to be healed by the small droplets falling from my wrists,
my pills a mixture of pain and happiness,
my heart beats loudly and my body feels weak

nothing will stop the feeling once it has started
no one will make me wish I had never pierced my flesh
my scars tell a tale of great frustration
years of being battered and left aside

My father non existent,
his replacement would make him choke,
without him I would not have spiralled
into this deep dark pit of depression,

he was abusive by nature but that's no excuse,
he ruined me for 16 years and im still ruined now,
left for dead on the side of the highway
a life saving operation I had rather left me dead,

Coming through the other side,
has yet to happen smoothly
and as I watch his evil eyes,
I collapse , never again to open my mouth
 Mar 2014
Theia Gwen
The one thing you'll never understand
Is that it's the negative words
That you remember above all else
You throw me into counseling to try to get things fixed
But no amount of "I love you's" will make me forget
The days the words "I hate you" escaped from your lips
 Jan 2014
I shouldn't have fooled myself,
Thinking you meant it.
When you said you couldn't stand her,
And when you confessed how comfortable you felt with me.
For I saw the sorrow of lost love flash through your eyes,
When you assured me you certainly were no longer in it.
Now your hand has returned to the clutch of hers
As something in me knew it would.

It still hurt, though
As I passed by the two of you today
And my eyes landed on first your face
(A welcome sight)
Then your fingers intertwined with hers

Maybe it hurt because, as my eyes followed you,
Your gaze did not once fall upon me,
It was locked on her.
And in that moment I knew
That as I sit here unable to go a single day without your image haunting me,
To you
it's like
we never
 Jan 2014
Its only 12:42 and I've woken myself up five times by asking where i am
Every place that should feel like home petrifies me
You say I'm spoiled and you don't think i give a ****,
But it's not that I'm ungrateful,
It's just that I'm dead
I try to say thank you, but my voice is too small
My throat becomes a vortex,
Stealing the words my lips long to spit out
Leaving my mouth an empty drought

Sitting still in hopes the cinder block will migrate to the rest of my body,
Wishing i would turn to stone
I feel so fragile every time you speak,
As if my bones and destined to one day turn to glass
And why am i awake if sleep is for the weak?

My heart is an earthquake, my whole body's shaking furiously
Ripping my insides apart laboriously
I try so hard to find my brain and put it back in place
 Jan 2014
Mitchell Anne New
The Was a Girl who was always thinking,
She wanted to escape her mind,
She always felt trapped, Alone, Afraid, Depressed,
Everyday She hoped that she would find someone to take that all away,
She begged to her goddess for an angel,
To Take her away,

She was a normal Girl,
Quiet, Shy, Smart, Pretty, but in her eyes that wasn't what she cared for,
What she cared for was a boy who would become Her Man,
Who would make her Enjoy being who she is,
Who Would make her Smile every day,
Who would give her butterflies,
Who would make her blush and giggle in a Rose Pink joy,
She Went to school, and had her eye on a boy,
Though he could not be hers, she still Longed for him,

over time,
She soon began not to care, he was not the boy that she wanted to become Her Man,
Every day, When she got home love was all she wanted to deal with,
It was the only thing on her mind, She cared not for Home work, nor the  missing assignments,
Every time she was home, she wanted to leave,
To find the one Boy to become Her Man, to help her learn how to enjoy Life again,

Some Days she would take a nap,
Those days She dreamed of someone who held her close,
He would not let her go,
And She the same, She Could feel what love was,
She was In Love,
She looked upon his face, Seeing everything she could ever dream of,
and his kiss was all that she needed to feel alive,
But sadly...
This Girl awoke from her Dream...
And she went on again in life... waiting for him to come to life...
Knowing he was out there, Doing the same,
Dreaming of her,
and Giving all his heart and life to her.
 Jan 2014
To say 'I love you" to someone is never truly easy.
The 'I love you' to the right someone, that is.

Three little words is

A promise on the edges of their heart.

It is the little laugh line right beneath their cheek.

It's the feeling of home enveloping and dipping
empty      spaces
their   b r e a t h s.

-*11:15pm, 23rd January
I think you would be surprised at what you can write just before midnight.


— The End —