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 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
shall I tell you about the bathroom sink
well of course you'd like to be in the know
leaving the tap on caused a big flow
the floor was akin to a sodden mink
it took ages to mop up the huge spill
one wasn't too well pleased with this event
gushing water banked at the door vent
saturation flush with the window sill
my concentration was rather too lax
one's mind absorbed in another thing
not a trickling sound did one's ears detect
whence filling one's basin one mustn't relax
attention must be paid to all filling
thence one shall not have that flooding affect
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
Last night the bard came to me in a dream
Why he chose to appear I'll never know
He spoke these very words to me in a team
As my head rested on a soft pillow
Take a pen and write a sonnet my dear
Which can be perused in reading land
After getting his message loud and clear
One started this project verily grand
With my write William would be delighted
His visit unto me did motivate
Though of his eyes my piece won't be sighted
But composing it did so captivate
I have just awoken from deep sleeping
To discover a poem in my keeping
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
She wrote a sonnet but she got it wrong
Proper syllable count her lines ne'er had
Twas a shocking sight really rather bad
Her shoddy work should have been given the gong
She put it out there for all to peruse
The skilled sonnet writers had a look
Her display they rated as verily crook
The format of it did of her confuse
She had not a deft quill like the bard Bill
Her specimen would have disgusted him
Particular twas he about his form
She produced a sonnet which didn't thrill
Its appearance twas definitely grim
Her syllable structure twas not uniform
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
Hundreds try to cross the hostile border
They seek a better life in Northern lands
Acquiring this dream is of high order
No promise for the future in homelands
They run the gauntlet of patrolling guards
Which disallow entry into America
They want escape from their domestic yards
These people yearn for the soils of Arizona
The journey they'll take is perilous
Some manage a successful traversing
Though the road they've traced is dangerous
Yet they're willing to risk everything
Mexican people are seeking a route out
From land which has no prospective sprout
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
thy spelling hath been rather bad of late
from the pages letters were omitted
this day thy shall not goof up on thy slate
thy grave mistakes won't be permitted
a friend did tell thee to smarten thy act
she said she'd observed so many errors
in my compositions this be a fact
she stated that thy must stop these terrors
thy now employs greater concentration
when applying thy quill to all lines
thy works towards spelling validation
this way thy shall never receive fines
to-day all letters were not forgotten
henceforth thy pages won't be so rotten
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
Her pink bud did enrapture his gaze
The everything about her did amaze
Within him she did wake robust ardency
Nothing quelled the resolve of his desire
The sight of her instigated a fire
To be in steamy rapport twas his wish
How he hungered to taste of her dish
Captivating twas the rose's potency
Her comeliness did verily pleasure
His every thought taken by her treasure
Night came that time to imagine and dream
Whereupon his being could meld with her
Neath the lunar spell his mind did meander
Twining in her petiole's sultry stream
A picture of a Pink Rose prompted this write...
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
She wove a picture of glory with her hand
Each thread showing the colors of nature
To behold its attributes twas grand
All the features making for allure
Her beauty ever so astounding to sight
Blue of sky stretching over the vast terrain
Pristine snows covering mountains of height
Red soils spanning across the open plain
So splendidly embroidered our globe
With hues of green in the vegetation
Floral shades sewn through this gorgeous robe
Truly stupendous of decoration
Our planet possesses so may fine tints
She is a wonder of such divine glints
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
His arrow of ecstasy strikes thine heart
Bathed in this state of euphoric love
Apportioned to they every core part
He immerses me my dashing darling dove
We shall not fly from this nest so sure
But gather even more tightly together
These days will remain with most splendid score
No clouds grey can blight out fruitful weather
He has the fullness of wonder to yield
This he shall impart to me every night
So thine be bursting with flourishing field
There be adoration to carry delight
Supreme the delivery of his sweet dart
This he fires to the pith of thine heart
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
Our new boss is a fabulous woman
She takes the time to talk with the staff
The boss before her was a nasty man
Our work environs were as rough as chaff
Everyone is far happier with the lady boss
She listens to all our work place issues
We have lucked it for a caring boss
The department no longer needs tissues
Since they sacked that most unbearable ***
There is a good feel at our work station
Stress leave has been reduced quite a bit
All staff members are full of elation
Our new lady boss is a work place delight
We're so pleased to have her, too right!
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
soon the brilliant ides of spring
shall bring such a resplendent ring  
to the meadows and rolling hills
making for grand eye catching thrills

floral displays e'er so divine  
their faces showing on a vine
of scented aromas in frills
a perfume sweet to breathing gills

strolling amid the colors bright
splendor in their superb highlight
exquisite be these rainbows mills  
bursting with shining tonal spills

the news of the season of spring
brings to a winter heart many trills
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
He languished in a dark prison cell
Justice had not been correctly served
The years he'd spent in jail undeserved
His freedom taken for a lengthy spell
The evidence found him to be guilty
Which ensured he'd be locked away
His mistake being in the area on that day
Witness statements caught the wrong identity
The appeals to higher courts moved slow
His lawyer fought for his client to be freed
But the justice system kept him jailed
A man who'd seen the offense made a show
He well recalled the day of the deed
Months later the prisoner was bailed
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
The evil men in Washington do scheme
Be not shocked by this declaration
Their wickedness put upon the nation
Control and compliance is their very theme
Cameras gleaning all manner of datum
The greater population not aware
Files stored on computer hardware
Intrusive these measures hear the drum
Citizens of America spotted
Someone somewhere is tapping the phone
Gathering loads of pertinent tales
All those locales on maps are well plotted
No one is left out of the spying zone
Operatives filling their bales
After reading an article about (spy drones) been used to gather information on American citizens I wrote this poem.
 Feb 2016
Elizabeth Squires
On canvas God's image is obscured
A casual eye may not be secured
In the middle ground and to right side
A hooded figure the artist did paint
Within his composition it is faint
In center foreground a telephone sits
E'er taking the viewer's sighting wits
At back of picture greyish blocks preside
A dab hand with oils and of brush daubing
His canvas is a work most absorbing
In lake scene God's presence is reflected
Of the divine a common Dali theme
To grasp the meaning of his color scheme
The artist's intrigue must be inspected
#artist  #canvas  #theme
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