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 Feb 2015
Neko Majin
I told you once, that you were a light as bright as any star, and that you could shine even brighter, however I doubt you remember. When we were nothing more than children, I could already see the light in your eyes, and I did all I could do to protect it as we grew.
As time moved on I watched you become what I knew you were meant to be, a jewel forged in the fires of life's trials, a golden treasure refined in adversity. You became a light in the darkness, and the desire of many.
I warned you not to let them change you, not to let them extinguish your light, but it never mattered.
As time moved on, I watched the light leave your eyes, as the world spun, I watched as you were used, as months turned to years I watched you become something hollow, someone I never knew.
I'm telling you, I miss who you were.
Just a poem I wrote for a friend, this is my first stab at it to tell the truth.
 Feb 2015
Neko Majin
Born into a world of hardship, and stress, we toil in vain for the sake of vanity, we struggle to make names that will be remembered for the ages, while our bones rot in the earth. Short lives wasted on preparing for a tomorrow that never comes, missing out on the joys of today.

— The End —