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Mar 2021 · 188
You Belong to Me
You Belong to Me
All the colors belong to my beloved
All the forms are of my love
There are flowers all around to bid
They are all from spring for my dove
Everyone says he is in me
All of these are definitely true
He is in my soul like a sea
She remains for ever but mine
Whenever you have to come, to go
In life you are definitely mine
And when I am no more to flow
All the roads are to my shrine
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright March 2021 Love is love
Mar 2021 · 107
Be Kind My Love
Be Kind My Love
My injuries do require a proper treatment
So love is needed as an appropriate suture
Please don't increse my pain with comment
Help me to heal my injury for better future
Please don't listen to my competitors in love
They will try to harm me through you to say
For my love sake extened your loyalty my dove
Please with sincerity of love do knid to pray
You are mine and I am yours as fortune decides
In the fitness of things between you and mine
Let be clear that time and tides are on our sides
To give solace and satisfactory you are my wine
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright March 2021 Love Remains
Mar 2021 · 207
String In Spring
String In Spring
Spring has set in flowers are blooming all around
Fragrance reinvigorates my spirits and reminds me
When you and me were hand to hand on groud
But our passions and sentiments were like vast sea  
The colours of flowers were increasing colour of beauty
Your eyes were sparkling ,cheeks were beautifuuly red
You were from the paradise flaming in allfounts of duty
Sweet whisers were there to communicate all unsaid
Oh sweet blooming Spring bring my heart solace along
I can't survive with her I am waiting in sheer curiosity
Let in this Spring I tell to my love that to her I do belong
Lov is anxiously waiting to beauty for her gegeirosity
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright March 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 89
Love Remains Always
Love Remains
My sweetheart please don't be angry with me
My anger also a shade of love which I have for you
There are very many problems in this vast sea
My honesty and sincerity never allows me to pursue
Life is full of pain and torture so donot ask for smiles
In sheer disturbance the real colous come to light
Different trials and troubles in life do have different styles
So at times there is sheer darkness at times its bright
My love do appreciate I love you and continue as such
I may not be able to come upto your sweet desires
Love remains intact at times with just soft body touch
We stll remain together with our hot burning fires
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 95
Fulfillment in Love
Fulfillment in Love
Fulfillment in love is mine for once and for all
A stunning love fell in my lap to appreciate
Drop of enlightenment needed to know to call
Undying love for one another to commemorate
Fulfilling romantic prospect is on the horizon
She is to open up in the real sparkling streams
Carrying in her ***** very many blazon sun
To burn me and my passion just in love beams
My beloved don't keep me in waiting any more
Let my love tell I can't withstand in this turmoil
Don't degrade to search you from door to door
I am a staunch lover of yours please do not spoil
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Feb 2021 · 104
Beauty of Paradise
Beauty of Paradise
My sweetheart you are like spring breeze
In your company I feel so light and bright
Heart windows are quite open amidst trees
I feel so light to fly to rainbow  as a kite
With light wind her tresses touch my face
I feel in love with her heart to heart to feel
In zeal and zest I feel like kiss to embrace
Oh what a love and what a wonderful deal
My love I love you and feel you all around
My sweetheart your fragrance makes me mad
With you I am in clouds and not on ground
She is ****** from paradise and I am a nomad
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 193
I wanna rock!
I wanna rock!
My sweetheart says she wants to rock me
What a wonderful romanti desire to share
With lot of love I submit to just rocking sea
We are a fortunate sweet whispering pair
When to be together one on one to embrace
Entire world becomes a paradise to be just in
I took her hand and bring her just face to face
For appreciate in romance the beautiful sin
She rocked me and I am being rocked in love
Heartbeat remains along with whispering wind
Love limits are defined,combined and alighined
I celebrate my fortune from being just all above
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 109
Dance of Beauty
Dance of Beauty
Beauty dances amidst flowers
Carrying along all love showers
Petals look at her with surprise
Nature becomes for her a prize
Her face twinkles like galaxies
She is the beholder of all love keys
Dance and dance my love till end
Be a straight arrow never to bend
You are really a new love trend
Allow me be appraiser to pretend
You are part of the dancing world
My love song becomes a herald
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2019 Love is Love
Feb 2021 · 87
Celebration of Love
Celebraration of Love
My love it is not good to put your desire to play with dreams
So let us compromise  on this aspect to celebrate sincerity
I have seen very many charms coming to me like sweet beams
Let us understand what is love and how it brings clarity
Sweet red rose and your sweet glowing face are in love norms
Your closing of one eyes coneys special meanings in love
Beauty ,oh beauty you are wonderful in all your love charms
Let us celebrate all this occasion destined by all from above
Love dreams are most colourful in their style and taste good
So let us be hand to hand and heart to heart for solace
Let me praise your innocence,and beauty of your childhood
Let me embrace you and kiss you being just face to face
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 69
Rose and Butterfly
Rose and Butterfly
Flower has attraction for a butterfly
The friendship is but eternal my love
They go together to live and to die
Fate or fortune is all from the above
Kiss of a butterfly makes flower red
Beauty has taken over love to see
How to lead and how to be just led
Love remains always with valid plea
Let butterfly kiss and just embrace
Let flower take the burden of love
Love and beauty are face to face
Lest learn lesson of love my dove
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 love Remains
Feb 2021 · 61
My Deplorable Plight
My Deplorable Plight
I am disappointed and disgusted by the hypocrites
My ailing health makes me weak and sensitive
With every difficulty ,hardship and eventuality throw fit
I have to be more sensible it is very imperative
I have to shed away all these concerns to come upto
The occasion to prove that I am a man of consequence
My state of strength with love is definitely to prove
But still I understand accept dominance of providence
Lord is extra kind to be with me in this hour of trial
I am all alone and nothing else with me to celebrate
I am in love with my lover to be just for a while
Even every one else is an enemy He is my associate
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 59
Conquest Of Fear
Conquest of Fear
My love there are two dominant fears in life
One is the fear of starvation and other is death
We pass through this danger on edge of knife
We remain in a difficult state till the last breath
Fear remains fear unless we accept it and jump
The moment we jump in fear it totally disappears
Never ever to return to haunt or to just slump
It may terminate on the tears or just on cheers
So Fear is just nothing but a hurdle to abolish
Take positive steps and adopt the path of righteous
This is how we can and will polish get to polish
And this how we can more clean and more pious
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 133
Stance of Lover
Stance of Lover
You can take my eyes but not my dreams
My path is clear my my morale is high
From my inner sun I get all light beams
You will never ever make me but cry
Love needs sacrifice and I am ready to go
My blood is pounding in my veins to burst
My stream of conscious makes my to flow
With the art of love dear I am well versed
My love is my carotid you can cut to know
How I am enthralled by my love associate
You will be the loser and I will but just glow
With every drop of blood to just narrate
Never ever challenge an intoxicated lover
He will make you understand what love is
A lover will make you naked to just uncover  
He will carry pride in him he vehemently says
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 118
Your Sparkling Beauty
Your Sparkling Beauty
Your sweet eyes shower love from eyes to eyes
Your beauty shimmers in your passionate passion
How can I resist the pleasure of your lovely cries
Let me appreciate your beautiful style and fashion
Your beauty reinvigorates my spirits to appreciate
You are like a full garden of fragrant sweet flowers
Let me assoiciate in love and let me but narrate
What a wonderful stem and a wha a beautiful bowers
Let me have a close look at your sweet shining figure
Just let me bring back my love my **** sparkle
Let me touch in trance let my passion to glow to trigger
Let me kiss you embrace you to make immortal
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 69
Embrace Truth
Embrace Truth
My love it is time to embrace truth as a bless
Even if it's difficult but truth remains truth
Facing your fears will always lead to progress
Acceptance of reality will definitely sooth
Your heart and your soul and will take you
To place of solace with all heavenly things
To the eternal heights through and through
Hence you will sail through on love wings
Truth surpasses all fears in ones sweet life
One should not feel worried to but just fail
Only thrthful persons face life's sharp knife
It is just a matter to unveil the apparent veil
Colonel Muhammad khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2021 Love Remains
Feb 2021 · 112
Drops To Dance
Drops To Dance
Rain makes my passion to flow and glow
Every drop makes me to dance at a glance
Love remains through out a life a show
This is from heart to heart to take a chance
My love your beauty shines in drizzling rain
Your figure crops up with all sweet curves
It makes me really lunatic and totally insane
Let my sweetheart praise you the way deserves
Rain reinvigorates my spirits to kiss ,embrace
Let me hold you to be more near to my heart
Let me take you with all your nurturing grace
Please be mine for ever never ever to depart
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 75
Twinkling Little Tears
Twinkling Little Tears
I love my grandson to any extreme
He is my's lightening beam
We Love each other I never ever know
We have our heartbeats on one flow
My daughter left and took her along
Hence I thought dimmed love song
One day I was in sheer love to see him
So I requested my family to get him
I saw him on word sap he was morose
I could not swallow that angry dose
He was silent but showed his mood
He was in love and was not rude
I saw her two eyes with two little tears
He was looking at me like soothsayer
I thought and understood meaning of love
Which is bestowed on all from above
I bitterly wept wept wept and wept
But tears never ever were able to detect
Love is but an eternal gift from my God
I am also like my grandson His ward
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 14th February 2020
Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan Thursday, February 13, 2020
Jan 2021 · 68
After long years of love .service and servitude
I feel depressed for a harsh negative response
I have gone through many turmoils not to brood
But now when I need rest through proper chance
My near and dear ones started discarding me
On one pretext or another to make me a fool
They don't aspire for a drop I donated them sea
Their attitude has become just cruel and cool
This world is a deception and residents are fake
I think silence is best to bear an irrational response
The tarnished image one may not be able to make
They do not understand fully let them give a chance
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 228
Constant Struggle
Constant Struggle
Constant Struggle
My love constant struggle brings incredible progress
And then no one can pursue and stand your way
Rest assure no one comes your way less sweet bless
Then no one can dare to come in the way to play
To endure is to win in every moment and every time
Love gives it zeal and zest to be a soldier so best
Obstructions come to test the soldier for his prime
A soldier never ever remains at any sort of rest
Fortune favours the brave and brave has to win
Allah being kind helps each and every one
Sincerity to take us to the edge of etrnity within
When love takes heart then there remains none
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Piar Hi Piar
Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan Friday, January 29, 2021
Jan 2021 · 68
Conquer Invasion
Conquer Invasion
My sweetheart asked me that how I am
I told her that I am not well so on bed rest
She responded that I have state as same
I am broken in pieces no regrets being best
World is a stange place when we are in pain
Then we miserably cry and start complaining
What a process of being sane and insane
We must divert ourselves to something entertaining
At the same time we must be grateful to Lord
We must endure and stand to the occasion
Lord loves us and takes us ourseleves as ward
Our fight for right will conquer the invasion
Colonel Muhammad khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 181
Difficult Times
Hard Times
Difficult times come to refine and clean
All dirt and garbage go down to the drain
Absurdity to reality can easily be seen
It is but blessing and merciful drops of rain
God is great who takes care in surival
Whatever obstacles come are encountered
Pure intention takes shape of an angel
Serenity goes to fulfill mission word by word
Let the take all odds with a tinge of smile
Let us be more humble to win ever war in life
Absurdities of life we have to forget for a while
Even if we are cut by a double edged knife
Character is the virtue of but real hard times
Which bring solidarity between heart and mind
Soul touches with eternal Soul and sublimes
Hence combined effort blends to make but bind
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Jan 2021 · 80
Love Remains
Love Remains
Beauty is all free to celebrate and narrate
If love is ready to entertain the glance
Hand in hand can both be the associate
If both understand how to take chance
The hidden beauty has colours of rainbow
So let be a witness to wonderful arena
Burning passion needs just a touch to glow
Please embrace me my dear sweet Tina
Life is love and love is life if beauty comes
I aspired for you always in jubilant mood
Love remain a whisper in life till it just hums
Be gracious in love without being rude
Colonel Muhammad Khalid khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 71
Beauty To Prove
Beauty To Prove
My love please reinvigorate my spirits to pursue
All my dreams from abstraction to reality
For my burning desires be sweet drop of dew
And be gracious to strive to be totally free
Take my ardent love mission to its real direction
Let me take the shelter of your curly hairs to move
With your glowing cheeks I aspire for perfection
Let me improve in love and allow beauty to prove
Love has its own excellence and beauty its mark
Let be the travellers but to the edge of eternity
Let with love spark be in light just out of all dark
Let us move to our destination with all clarity
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 83
Temptation is dangerous than ******
Due to its unwarranted creation of conflict
It is the one which creates disorder
Hence life from its fitness becomes unfit
The attemter never ever gets solace
The vicious ones are destroyed derailed
They carry along disgrace ,no face
Temporarily may be winners but failed
Virtue has to flow with its strong wings
To all the nooks and corners with its grace
It flies and remains in all love strings
To bring balance from just place to place
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Piar Hi Piar
Jan 2021 · 101
Business of Fear
Business of Fear
They don't have any faith or religion
Who sell fear to create imbalance in life
They for few pennys have this mission
To butcher andnd cut humans with knife
All magical tricks pertain to create fear
And through fear to inflict heart and head
All my beloveds there is no fear near
Unless you allow to creeo it in your thread
Fear remains fear unless you jump it
It vanishes the moment you accept vision
Lord has created you just pure and fit
What you need is in faith proper precision
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 102
Light to Light
Light to Light
Winter has just set in
Like a beautiful tasty sin
Snow has started falling down
To cover the land with whitish crown
She is out to play in snow
Love is ready to flow and grow
Flakes of snow when touch her cheek
Beauty plays hide and seek
Pink flowers pay tribute
Then lover comes in pursuit
At a glance eyes salute
She is innocently cute
Love is pure beauty is white
Light just embraces light
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 72
Unveil Veiled
Unveil Veiled
Since we can not live together lets separate
Its how we can gracefully submit to fate
This state of pain we are unble to tolerate
I know we have passed through love and hate
We are no more one soul and soulmate
Your relations have created fuss no more bate
Doubt and suspicion have eaten up trait
So why to create a more nonsesical debate
I loved you and served you but I totally failed
Magical tricks of you relations make me derailed'
I know that both of us have been but betrayed
That state can not prevail which but prevailed
Life has become a crime for which we but jailed
Graceful separation is the solution to be unveiled
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 66
She Speaks
She Speaks
Moon from light comes and enters in me
I feel solace with cold beams from moon
My passion remains like a vast sea to see
My inner symony becomes harmony in tune
I know my inner beauty needs love beams
So I have opened myself to every pleasure
My prime grows my youth is full of dreams
Drops of dew are like a wonderful treasure
I am a queen of my own domain to cherish
Step by step to edge of eternity my sweetheart
Let embrace like love beams before I perish
Beauty aspires love in a corner to take lovely start
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2o21 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 312
Intoxicating Glance
Intoxicating Glance
The universe wants me to fully enjoy myeslf
In a manner that is rewarding and fulfilling
Sobeauty beams all around me and on shelf
Everything around becomes wonderfully thrilling
Love appears in front with all colours beaming
Light enlightens me to be like light in a flow  
I feel enthralled and as if I am but just dreaming
With closed eyes I am intoxicated to glow
My love come over to celebrate these moments
Let us dance and romance let us take every chance
Let us be on edge of etrnity to seek atonments
Be gracious to spare a wonderful intoxicating glance
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 77
Innocent Desire
Innocent Desire
I want to play with a butterfly to take all her colours
Alongwith her sweet fragrance and sheer innocence
She being afraid keeps hidden all from the lovers
I am fully intoxicated by my real and wild essence
Run run and run to capture but they are very many
How to select one for my innocent aim I don't know
I will only capture the selected one and not just any
I am in the stream of love with zeal and zest to flow
Then in love pursuit I saw the selected one to capture
She was in my hand to colour it with all her colours
What a state of sheer joy and wonderful love rupture
Is this the state of beloveds in the hands of the lovers
Colonel Muhammad khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 191
Heart To Agree
Heart To Agree
My love love sparks are fkying between you and me
Your face hidden in tresses is a marvellous scene
You have influenced me to see you my heart to agree
My love you seem to be like a wonderful queen
Your style with all your graces and charms attract
Your face is gleaming like a full moonlit night
Inthis entire world your beauty demands to select
I have neve seen face so shining and bright
My love I love you so please don't debar me
Help me to see you through and through in trance
I can not explain what I just see and foresee
But my heart aspires to take chance after chance
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Piar Hi Piar
Jan 2021 · 82
Love Sparks
Love Sparks
Love that sparks a creative fire within me to burn
It can also have deep spiritual meaning to discern
Apparently my sweetheart in remembrance I yearn
This also shows my all love for my real concern
In know that you my sweetheart remain but too stern
Now I have no point of turn as well as to return
My love now whatsoever happens i can't adjourn
Love surpasses over every behaviour without spurn
Let me make you clear without you I will subside
So it is purely up to whatever my love you decide
Our love dreams my be divergent or may coincide
But you and me remain one never ever to divide
I am always on your side with pride and with stride
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 86
Endless Waiting
Endless Waiting
My eyes are constantly in search of you for some time
But they have become like stone and are effortless
Sweet spring season warrants some innocent crime
Come my sweetheart and sooth my eyes as a sweet bliss
Constant and consistent waiting made me insane
Please have mercy on me and come over to be on side
Your fragrance will convert every pleasure from pain
Let be together in this difficult worldly just strange ride
No doubt wait has its own taste ,charm and grace
But love at least will come over to retain beauty
I will embrace and kiss you by keeping you face to face
We will have wonderful time being frank and free
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Jan 2021 · 125
Eternal Love
Eternal Love
She curled her tresses and her face appeared like moon
Glowing and shining with all her sweet charms and graces
And suddenly I felt myself hidden in beautiful sand dune
Love and beauty have their different shades and basis
My love when I see you I get solace and satisfaction
I am all alone with out you and remain in gifficulty
Your beaty when comes to bee love makes perfection
Your awesome beauty makes me totally frank and free
Let my embrace my sweetheart for heart's satisfaction
Let me love you now and foever to make you glow
What a wonderful lady you are and what an attraction
Let my stream of beauty allow love together flow
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 40
My Spring Breeze
My Spring Breeze
My love, life is a bit strange with its idiosyncracies
So you have to embrace your uniqueness to relish
My love you are like a wonderful spring breeze
Give life to this life my love to celebrate to emblesh
Let us identify all aspects of love and romance to see
How we can be more near and dear to be one on one
If you ask my sweetheart your beauty is my love plea
I have understood that love is a gift not for every one
My love, love is our identity to share and celebrate
Warmth of your beauty increases it more and more
My every sonnet ,ode and ballad is you to narrate
In every phrase I explore your beauty and to  adore
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 59
You Are Awesome
You Are Awesome
My love make your charms , graces known
And celebrate your romantic world blossom
My sweetheart please do not leave me alone
You my love remain beautiful and awesome
My sweetheart I have lost my heart and soul
On your sweet cheeks, tresses and glowing eyes
Your sweet red lips ask for a kiss as total contrl
Let us taste wine of love for real sweet love cries
Life my love is a path full of thorns with bare feet
So solace of togetherness needs thrruand thru
Beauty takes along love with just every heart beat
I am you all in all and you are mine this is true
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 47
A Dream In Dreams
A Dream In Dreams
She Carries inn her a universe full of attraction
All rainbows bow their colours on her sweet charm
This is how she gives me satisfaction with perfection
She remains with me side by side just arm by arm
A butterfly in him takes her from rose to rose
She intoxicates every part of her inner universe
In a glance she takes me to trance to buldoze
She tinkles in my heartbeats like sweet love verse
By now I have been taken over by her sweet grace
Beauty has dawned on me love with all its shades
I wish and desire to keep her near and face to face
I do keep her in my heart till the horizon fades
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 49
My Sweet Love Dream
Sweet Love Dream
Poem by Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan
My Sweet Love Dream
A deep romantic desire motivates me to ask for graces
Allow me for some spontaneity and freedom of movement
I am fed up of looking at hypocrite ***** masked faces
My love you have glowing face, heart so clean and prudent
I yet to see an emblem of love my love and beauty like you
Please do not debar me from your charms and norms
I always aspired for you my love just through and through
You reinvigorated my spirits my love in all love forms
Let my love open up and flow like a musical stream
Let throw away all control to be renewed in style
You are my sweet dream and see you inevery light beam
Your sweet smile makes me to move from mile to mile
Colonel Muhammad khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 44
Blessed Are The Hearts
Blessed Are The Hearts
Passionate pleasure is a supreme natural gift
Bestowed upon those who have loving heart
A truely spell bound soul intends to get out of rift
To pave its way through difficulties from start
Blessed are those wo get a golden soul for solace
None dares to come in their way to encounter
Its miracle to be passionate with graceful sweet face  
If a mountain comes in his way proves mounter
Let us prove ourselves the best creation of Master
Let seek all help and strength from Him to be the winner
Lets pray for His kindness and mercy in any disaster
Lets seek forgiveness for being the worst possible sinner
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 30
The Love Bond
The Love Bond
Intensifying the deep and intimate love bond
Will attract me and my beloved to our destination
If we appropriately respond it will take us beyond
Love is our passion for this wonderful celebration
Me and you are born to be the real sweet lovers
So let us forget about our foes and the relations
So let us eplore every aspect hidden under covers
Let us openly declare our rhythmical love narrations
Winners are those who are enthralled by this stance
Who kick every obstacle and conquer every difficulty
If you ask me your first glace reinvigorated me in trance
My love love has no ******* no chains but just free
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 30
My Sweet Fortune
My Sweet Fortune
My sweetheart you are my sweet fortune
Which steers  my life in a better direction
You are like a cold wave in burning hot june
Under untowards circumstances a perfection
My sweetheart you are part of my  intuition
I feel honoured to select you amongst many
Its your beauty and love which keep direction
Brcause of your graces I am victim of envy
My heart is full of heart warming vibrations
My love you travel in me from pore to pore
Precious moments be taken as celebrations
Let me kiss you embrace you to but adore
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 38
My Passion is Love
My Love My Passion
My passion takes me to the top of the world
My awareness of love brings joy and excitement
Your rhythm and music of love is like herald
What a wonderful blooming beauty for enticement
My sweetheart be mine in this winter to share
All warmth of your passion beauty and sentiments
My innocent fragrant love let me but take care
Let me to remove all obstackles and resentments
The snow clad mountains are chaste and pure
My love I love you and love is a joy to enjoy
Life of love needs constant ,consistent endeavour
Let us my love in this state of ourjoy to cry
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Dec 2020 Love Remains
Dec 2020 · 39
Second Choice
Second Choice
She has opted for another choice to play hell
With my love and to celebrate her charms
So how can I be able to remain and to dwell
In that heart which compromised all norms
Oh love my love has left me in pain and agony
Now how I can swallow the poison of my life
How can my heart be able to listen to symphony
When it has to be on sharp double edged knife
My passion has nothing to share in all fake
Sentiments of my love when she is no more
What I have to do and to take and partake
But I can not debar your innocence to adore
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright nov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 39
Soul Kiss
Soul Kiss
Romance will be passionately profound
To sweep you away into enchanted bliss
My love I found you to be but crowned
Lets be together for real sweet soul kiss
It brings warmth in heart to be in bond
As an eternal relation in its sweet way
One ramains in trance and then beyond
The hearts start to glow as a light  ray
Let love bloom to be in its real shape
Let us be on never ending path to glow
My sweetheart you are sweet like grape
Let the entire Universe witness the show
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Nov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 38
Live And Let Live
Live and Let Live
My sweetheart you are my sweet passion
So your one glance makes me to dance
But you may have your on style and fashion
So let us decide not to take any chance
Our foes may play with our innocence
They may want to separate from each other
Hence my love we do require patience
We should remain but more careful rather
We do pray to enemies and frieds in a go
To live and let live in this transitory phase
Love has its own charms and graces to show
Love chase its own grace daze with praise
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan  
Copyright N ov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 43
To Create Poetry
To Create Poetry
My friend asks me, how I create poetry
I must say that it is poetry which recreates
Poetry is my heart beat if it stops I may die
Poetry comes from heaven on blank sheets
Poetry is what interprets love to dedicate
Dancing soul with beauty in association
To the real soulmate on the very first date
Consequently love needs but no meditation
Love with lord is inborn, inherent quality
Eternal beauty is full of love beams , streaks
In which soul takes a shower to be just free
Moves from heart to heart,cheeks to cheeks
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Note.In response to my poet friend Mack's comment that how I write so much poetry.
Nov 2020 · 33
Sneaking Beauty
Sneaking Beauty
Sneaking beauty blooms in its own style
Love beams never remain not to visit
My eyes remain anxious to see for a while
My passion remains warm to elicit
Lips are red to communicate all love
Cheeks are cheeks with a mole as guide
What a wonderful remains sweet dove
Her popularity remains far and wide
Her frizzy remains playing with her beauty
I love them for their enchanting charms
What a wonder scene is really to just see
How beauty dances on sweet love norms
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Nov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 40
Oh Sensitivity
Oh Sensitivity
My emotional sensitivity is high,it makes me to jump
In to the open and naked reality to see and get
In this amazing situation my mind in lost in crump
But you must appreciate I will bet just not to fret
It seems that world around me is but totally atrange
I have no one to sheer my these strang feelings
Either I want change to get out of range to arrange
I failed to come up to the ***** world's dealings
I want someone to straighten my dangling path
To enlighten me to be more frank and right
I do not care about any pleasure or any wrath
But I do want to see my future in sheer light
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Nov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 30
Eternity Ring
Eternity Ring
An eternity ring symolizes never ending love
It is cumbersome to wear but when worn is infinity
From start of unique love it always keeps above
In stream of continuous love it becomes but affinity
Love with all its shades culminate at definite point
Where heartbeats rhyme together in a love song
Where pleasure dances to its ultimate viewpoint
My love to tell that to me you do relate and belong
My sweetheart this infinity ring will take us to infinity
Where eternal heights will kiss our foreheads
Where we will enter in a paradise of complete serenity
So my sweetheart take together all love threads
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Nov 2020 Love Remains
Nov 2020 · 58
Our Love Accord
Love Accord
Dew drops are lovers of rose to kiss
Rose is in  its own sheer love trance
Love you have your own strong bliss
Beauty is in waiting to give a chance
I am deeply impressed by love mood
Beauty has its all colours to but portray  
Let me be friend to friends not rude
You my sweetheart my love beam a ray
Let me hug you kiss you and embrace
Love my beauty is its sheer sweet award
Let me take my love you face to face
Let us uphold my sweetheart love accord
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Nov 2020 Love Remains
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