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I've seen the look of presidents who know they are wrong
but still believe in charisma over honesty.
We want to be charmed apparently.
That or somebody has a gun pointed to his wife’s head.
Would you **** for a loved one?
There is no romance in pushing the button that drops the bomb,
it’s all in the explosion, mangled flesh
and the outcry that is content to exist in social media.
Sit kids down with dominoes
so they may grow up to know how to fall
into some actual form of impactfulness.
Until then, the children will grow up impotent,
with all that they believe true in the world to be contained in gossip.
We are almost onto something.
We know it to exist only through reading between the lines
of countries and cages.
Who built this?
Who lives here?
Who put clutter into the wide open?
Freedom is the space of sense
but where I live if you looked up that word
you’d see a rabbit pulled from a hat
screaming that nothing is moved by tradition.
If thought is language
then I’m concerned for all the smoke and mirrors
in my dictionary.
I’ve never met a Webster
but I know people who could make you rethink your education.
Make you wonder if ideals
are places you exist at the moment
ideas come to pass in action.
Then a space must have the air to move.
I want to breath,
approach the world when I inhale
and it to know me upon release.
To be reminded of this exchange every time I speak.
A fire sale of all I love
I am burning all the price tags off everything.
I am the emotion behind the sinewy meat
in the arms singing hammer fall
at a Berlin wall
full of vandalism.
I'm not out to project my own down going.
I love him whose soul is fickle despite chance
As the world's retort.
When they told me how you got cut
I bought enough drugs to put monster under
and celebrated for the both of us.
They weren't my limbs that were lost
but I reached for and sprinted towards
a wholesome grief
and couldn't carry it all.
Took me a month to even talk
Poetry sounds so selfish
When you are needed to help another walk.
The first night,  a friend had called
Said, "Get it all out
For tomorrow you have to be strong."

Sorry ain't enough and my sorrow's only purpose
is as a reminder for what needs to be done
And to forget about any lesser want.
My darling, I can't know without losing my leg
In a hit and run
But I know now you wear the same smile as before
My god how could I have known something
With such a fragile frame
Could be so tough.

Most folks, myself, a poet included,
Speak of greater reasons
And ponder tragedy's meaning.
Like us,
She knows she doesn't deserve all she is made to
And I've found the greater ungodly glory
Most folks are looking for
In her unbroken joy.
I've read that people re-write their memory repeatedly,
until we've floated down so far from the moment
we can only think of our pruning hands.
Tiny hills of flesh soaked through from a river of touching
and going.
I am still here.
I kept you whole by building theme parks over
bad decisions.
A carousel of nights where we'd slip away
to try each other on.
Some sudden frisson
roller coaster rolling me closer to
knuckled blood, white bone, holding your hand
during the free fall we were too embarrassed to be afraid of,
but rode it three times just to be sure we had a grip.
I cannot hold it all so I thought to carry just the goodness.
Me a hungry thief with my arms full in an orchard of peaches,
that you gave
like someone who had never been kissed.
Your eyes were so bright and new I swear sailors must have seen you coming
over the horizon at dawn on the last day at sea.
Their skin wet with the voyage as they slide down
to find earth underfoot and look back over an ocean
only to whisper under a hushed northwesterly,
There are locations
that do exist,
in between,
points and places.
The space in which, thoughts persist,
connecting dots
in a sense matrix,
where words can become shapes
moving concepts
in many ways.
A different kind of map
for navigating the world.
To love life like it were a cube
colored in my favorite cool blue
Reminding me of water
and loosing form
the moment upon
it coming to mind.
Your noise pollution
something of unclear
but gets filed under;
is a
a baseball bat
riding the kinetic wave
the birth of a
rhythm sinewy
meat on the
arms of this animal

The force that was
once flying at you
has a change of heart
all in an instant
departing direction
but not before reverb
your body
left with the
The fluid ease of which one becomes
Always is
Never eternal
It will transform
The moment after
What you are
Becomes what you do
Temporal guests
Moving through
A house of falling leaves
Uniform in fate
Stillness in doing
Feelings there aren't words for
Directions there isn't space for
Syntax in the procession of time
and the world speaks of complexity
in countless ways
articulating every syllable
with the acute sharpness
of an atomic clock
right on the beat
for a song
There are small moments in my life
where the waking world
slows to a dialogue.
Asking to let the river come.
To wash away the sawdust
from woodchips
set to a fine puree
in the blending of my heart
sounding off midst thunderstorm
midst sun shower
midst silence
midst hunger pang
midst every hungry lover and everything in between.
A little mental friction
for a lot of features
content to become words.
Sounds that become symbols
becoming a box.
Express delivery
intending to deliver me.
Here, here, it’s here finally.
Talking to flowers
I feel guilty for having starved;

"Wake up little ones,
the bees thank you for breakfast
their queen sending her regards in all in an instant.

Heralding her approach  with a question,
"If ever body of water is the same then how come we give them different names?"
My insides swell as the pitcher empties
a cascade of the liquid life force each of our bodies are known to contain.
Despite all the knowing,
despite the constituents of our anatomy being hardly a mystery
I still find myself capable of pondering a stranger's.

Even stranger to think of any beauty before me
as a complex wave function.
trinkling into my sight on waves of light
like water over hungry flora hoping to make something of those same waves.
She's here
the queen's words shining in every droplet
and they say,
"given enough time stars become people, becoming you,
becoming a cog in the clockwork that becomes the reason
we thrive."
Reminding me, though the light may play tricks with my sense,
anything anybody else ever has told me about beauty has been a lie.
This is THE soul reason to even be bothered to write this dialogue down.
So I may lie to you.
An open book so you may be certain.
Have you ever been so certain of something?

It seems all that could ever be true is the royal you.
Sliding perspective's scale over a notch
you become the queen's resolution,
laboring to unify a single mind
and the world becomes you
watering flowers out of guilt.

Transforming what you know to be most real,
washing over you  
like seredipity on a day
where everything has gone wrong,
into right
into a dialogue
into you
into everything
and back.
Full power
                                                           ­    straight ahead        
                           flicker wild

                                                           ­                                    like fire
                                                      churn mass
                                                            ­                                                                 ­ like water.
                                                          ­               An infinite upstroke
                         at the speed

    of joy                                           hush                 hush          no time

                      for talk.
Average aesthetics impressed upon
the dreamers asleep with the television on.
They are selling validation,
the slippery crutch of the only comfort craved.
Forget the details,
we are ****** clockwork,
counted on to come,
but never arrive,
where saying no to yes
likens to tallying time
until what you are chewing
wants to be swallowed.
Pearly white definition grinding moments into pulp
for the insatiable,
that never goes hungry.
This is all of it.
******, ***, and the rest.
The patriarch in his Sunday best.
The wild generation,
rejecting the paranoia of their parents.
The whole of the ******* world
who copes with a regurgitated existence by selling narcissism.
Ours is a secret we are trying to tell with our lives,
when it’s realized it dies,
causing mystics to spill their insides
over silence, the answer that can never be vocalized.
Lo emotion,
the romance of confusion!
The one thing that can have no institution,
in our modern illusion.
I was watching "The Talk" in the doctor's waiting room. My repulsion followed as such.
When Babel was erected,
           ­                               they wanted nothing to do with words.
                       A singular voice

so heavy with itself

                                                  it topples under it's own

                                                        Slouchin­g toward each other
              no limbs
                                   to cover the distance
                                                                ­                 between
                                         ­                                                             here­

and being heard.

                                                     I don't know about heaven,

                            imagined I,
                                                         ­                             standing on it's golden shore
                        ­                   at the edge of an ocean where
                                                               every sentence,
                              ­                                                            every­ syllable,

                                                                ­                                                 every utterance,

When there is nothing else to get behind
you can always shadow yourself
people tend to do the opposite
getting ahead
or was it letting go
the genuine wild bewilderment
of not being sure of which it is
to some tired existentialist
who says life is subjective
but wont tell you his reasons to live
that he lost in the pocket of a moment
that's got this hole in it
see, this is the way
he's lost so much change
scraping memories away
like quarters for ***** laundry
like toenail clippings after walking up and down Pirsig's mountain
who made right now
sustain the future like some ever-present purpose
amidst a world where going the against the grain
means your going in reverse
in this narrow street
that we've made of reality
by putting all your weight
behind one of two directions

At root,
isn't the aesthetic of symmetry
reason enough to come clean with beauty
who's righteousness is in her allure
The one thing hedons like me
can agree
Of that I am guilty
beyond doubt
beyond reason, where there is seldom just one
beyond justice, where I can do beauty none
at the center
without any edges
where you may hear it calling
right now
A weapon sharp &
your armor hopeful for
not needing to be necessary
in spite of it’s donning.
Who hurt those who hurt you?
A library of open wounds encompassing all of history
only to go on and be known as the world.
This place that becomes an acceptable excuse for knowing better
but doing worse.  
Wonder explained and mystery unraveled only to discover
under the oceans of it all there still is a thirst we cannot swallow.
To the T, like a letter I must of looked, accented only
by an estranged alphabet who longed for the The
surrounded by what in a room with no roof made of why.
Night hung overhead with billions of demarcations for the end of a thought
So with them I just stopped and learned that one may never be still.  
Even now we are some cosmic cursive spelling out a
fluid motion so concerned with dotting an i and thus it is forgotten what follows the pronunciation of the self.
A shadow come late of a lightness that we ought to translate but
cannot be contained with these inadequate vessels,
these symbols so riddled with leaks that when they finally reach terminus
become such tired tenants of exposure.
Like these letters I must have looked,
on a page made of mirrors who’s reflection all but apologized
for the failure to realize an ethereal hand tugging at my pen,
an incomplete cursive within without place, without name, simply without.
Not even.                                                            ­                                        
Like those letters I must have looked.
Chaos is an empty room
with everything having a sneaking semblance of shape
you could reduce it all to a notion
that begs everything to form
I wish we had gotten god right
people want to agree on goodness
so much they become less than ideal
I am less
and less
every time I speak
because it's impossible for you to know what inspired
my meaning
in goodness that can be agreed upon
only when made whole
in form
and substance
like dreams
where the doing is also the goal
Heaven and Hell have only
made appearances in our neck of the cosmic wood
still, we invent axes to keep ourselves warm
and hold to both paradise and perdition
existing elsewhere
Tempting wishes piling under
a steaming white bath towel
hot wet pure
smothering a body
that's stretched into
an Escher tessellation
melting the ground you walk upon
to wax
and you sink
into deep breaths
demons dissolved
in the exhalation
Electric flowers
grown for all the homes, people
have made from midnight
Ushering alms for themselves
In the form of addiction and fist fights
thinking back to the first time
You ever felt alive inside your own life
Saggy skin that sheds
reluctantly in the daylight
A body that's an anvil
Under a temperamental sun
that we no longer need for our gardens.
Your clothes can’t cover my memory
doe eyed girl full of intrigue
despite her,
she became a woman
breast that lay with you
such a fluid form
for a body so firm
like god couldn’t decide with you
I however have made up my mind
I am not your creator
but I can destroy you
even the wrecking ball eventually erects new structures
The French call it “Little Death”
I’ve named it after a pair of monuments to a moment,
glimpsed through thighs up to you
tongue lashing out
words cropped from two bodies
in solidarity
Because poetry
is like a state of mind.
and then just letting that do the writing
even if the reality ends up bad.
I guess I really am an optimist.
I just don't see any point
in believing in anything
that doesn't serve you in a way that makes you enjoy life more.
Truths only value isn't simply that it has a metric of it being a shared reality.
There is value truth has in the fact that your beliefs are what go on to filter your lens of perception,
defines the language you use,
which become your thoughts,
which become your actions,
which stimulates your environment
and in turn moves you
to dance within a world of cause and effect.
If only people understood this
maybe they wouldn't fill themselves with the things they do
we'd be closer with karma
we'd be in control
not subject to the whims of somebody else's logic that you picked up and clung to
from a pool of information that was all that was available
but not all that there is.
          Still alive
                           Wet with hot water
     I.                                                               Cried
A dream
Can't remember.
                                       But.                     I
Only forgotten when       I        Live      L O N G
Wide.                                                         Open
                    Containing  nothing
 ­                       Full
Of yawns
Or me becoming a recording of myself
                                   The   Tugboat
      A.           D.          T.              E.         O.    E.    N
              N.                          H.       ­              C.    A

Of drugs
And wrinkled clothes

That never killed me so much
I stretched myself slowly upwards
That slender back
How did it happen
Covering everything
Sprawled out over the lawn
There is a body of moments
Confused buttercups
Embarrassed breeze buffeting our nature.
Mow us down you mother
Before I grow too long
A room.
Need to displace to move.
Arrangement of places you’ve been
******* you in like some Kansas twister that swept you off your porch
just after you open the door for the first time today.
I awake from a dream.
I don’t remember what was said.
Clumsily laying letters over felt footsteps.
A semblance of something too big to tell you.
I cannot move it but I’ll say whatever to mean it.
A body subject to the wind
ringing against the world, accenting the edges in sharp cries
like a dinner bell that never rests.
How’s the sky taste Major?
You think Bowie really cared for karate?
Only superficially because in some perverse way it was a form of art.
A Darwinian heyday exhibition for the human condition.
I’m alive *******, let’s keep it that way.
In every way.
Don’t want to be too narrow.
Need some space to move.
The past that comes to us now,
first came from our future.
Even the ones that wilted under the shadow of satisfaction.
Even the objects flowing through this wicked light show of so much contained in three tiny axis’
Please chart your love according to x y and z without dimensionally reducing the picture.
Don’t worry darling I’ll wait, remember it’s there we first met.

— The End —