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Christine Oct 2015
I have always wanted to write;
For words, they consume me, taking me to varying heights.

However, I am much uncertain-
Will my words belong to me?
For my thoughts and the thoughts I have read long before,
They swirl,  jumble, blur lines on my brain.

Because in the end,
I just want my words to be me.
Christine Oct 2015
Oh my soul, please do rest
Please learn to calm down amidst the chaos
Do not rage, do not weep,
In your heart, peace please keep.

Dawn will soon be over,
The morning you cannot escape.
Christine Jan 2020
I am all but a shell
In my gut, a searing pain

Do you see me?
Christine Oct 2015
Help, please help me.
The reason is lost, I am feeling choked.
But I cannot tell them, they will not understand.
That every time, I have to drag myself up.

See, life plays its irony on me.
See, despite all of this, I do carry the greatest responsibilities.
That though I may feel dragged, still the anxiety has its greatest weights on me.

Help, a little purpose,
That is all I need.
A little purpose that tells me it is okay,
I can breathe.
Christine Jan 2020
This is the day i stop breathing;
When my lungs burst, my heart needing
All around me without understanding
Christine Oct 2015
I say I am not afraid,
I stand by every word I gave
Yet all the time I tremble,
Scared of the enemies I might make.

I say I  am courageous
That I care not of what they say
As long as my values are kept
Yet the slightest offense, Oh how it make me shake

How strong I try to be,
Yet every time I fail
The sleepless nights have become addicting
Filled with hidden tears and wails so strong.

What choice do I have?
Do I flee or stay, try or move on?
Christine Feb 2016
I feel not the joy in the day's end
Or the fright of the night's silence
Christine Oct 2015
I breathe heavily, almost an impossible task.
Many thoughts cloud me, much obstructions limit my path.

Since when has this become of me,
Until when will this last?


I long to be once again young,
To be rid of the weight that drags me behind,
To float, fly free, and worry not
And once again treat life as a highway ride.
Christine Oct 2015
Grounds shaking

Waves surging

Fire burning

Thunders roaring

Bones breaking

Lives wasting

Is this the end?
Unfortunately, NOT.

— The End —